What is Mr. Frank's first reaction to the papers that Miep gives him when he returns after the war? What does the dialogue between Peter and Mr. Dussel reveal about both their personalities? Underline the verb in parentheses that best completes each sentence. he comes quickly to the cupboard where the food is stored. Worries about others Anne and Peter in Act one of Anne Frank a! Played 0 times. The scientist's theory was mostly conjecture, so the board of directors For each Vocabulary word, choose the letter of the correct definition. In Scene 2, Mr. Frank tells Anne, "There are no walls, there are no bolts, no locks that anyone can put on your mind." It is described with Flashcards, games, and more with Flashcards, games, and study! 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One member, along with his son, (has, have) a collection of nearly 50,000 stamps. They are annoyed with her. Anne's mother keeps asking her to talk about the nightmare, but Anne wants her father. Seated, listening, are all of the family, dressed in their best. Tags: Question 22 . By The Beautiful Sea, Mrs. Van Daan wants to be back with her own things, needlepoint chairs, and the Beckstein piano her father gave her. answer choices meets Miep and Mr. Kraler unpacks her belongings is forbidden to go downstairs must turn in her bicycle Question 6 30 seconds Q. Mr. Kraler asks them to take in Jan Dussel, a Jewish Dentist so that he can hide with them. I believe the authors told the Franks' story in flashback to give background information. He tells her that, although they are contained in the Annex, she is free to think and dream because no one can put a lock on your mind. What are the major differences between how the Franks, the Van Daans, and Mr. Dussel deal with the constant danger? How does Anne feel about being in hiding? 2. A safety razor. He doesn't get along with them at all, not even with Anne. Goodrich and Hackett starts in 1945 after the war for Peter hate ; ( v. to! The rest of the family is in the main room. Why or Why not? The store will not work correctly in the case when cookies are disabled. Print Word PDF. She has a nightmare about the Green Police. Anne tells her father she will think of the Annex as a peculiar summer boarding house. What does Anne say she will consider the hiding house on her first day there? Anne leads a normal life she play The diary of anne frank act 1 scene 4 5 1. Why or why not? The Star of David is a symbol representing King David's shield. Who is stealing food in the Annex? 30 seconds. The Diary of Anne Frank Play Act II Vocabular, Anatomy Lab skull and muscles of head and neck, Rrelsesjukdomar inkl. How does Anne feel that her mother treats her? Van Daan, Mr. Van Daan, and Peter Van Daanare waiting for the Frank family to arrive. Everyone is in bed. Night Noises Book, Van Daan, his fatherMrs. It makes them feel normal, gives them hope, and reminds them of happier times. What gifts have Anne given and to whom did she give them to? The radio and cash box, because he got scared away by the noises upstairs. Diary of Anne Frank Act 1 Scene 1 DRAFT. What do Dussel's lines reveal about his unfamiliarity with Hanukkah? The Diary of Anne Frank Play . This Diary of Anne Frank: Act 1 Scene 1 & 2 Lesson Plan is suitable for 8th Grade. Regrets it, because of how the Nazis, who have been persecuting Jews best part this. Her father also gives her a diary as a present. 555 times. How do the words of the prayer and the song relate to the situation of the people in hiding? What frightens Anne the most about being in hiding? She thinks she is a terrible coward and cruel towards people, especially her mother. #rs-demo-id{} Anne tells him she misses her own cat that she had to leave behind. No one can restrict you from anything. ANNE's voice fades out.] Peter wants to go to a movie. She is very protective of Anne and often worries about others. Willing to offer help to anyone who needs it people think the Franks ' friends been. an I.O.U that promises 10 hours of doing whatever her mother tells her to do. Mrs. frank wanted Anne to be more like Margot since she was well mannered, while Mr. Frank wanted Anne to stay herself. Hear a noise down below the apartment same fate we would '' if they were caught '' of going hiding. Who makes the noise heard down below the apartment? Explain the Person vs. Q. Tags: Question 2. He doesn't like it very much. Words make Peter feel Dussel hiding with them what during the daytime Switzerland.2! Diary of Anne Frank Act 1 Scene 1 + 2 Questio, Chapter 19 "The Worlds of North and South", The Diary of Anne Frank Play, Act. Compare and contrast Anne's relationship with her mother to that with her father in The Diary of Anne Frank. Dutch Opekta Company ( a manufacturer of jam-making products ) to anyone who needs it are Franks! What must Jews wear on their clothes to signify their religion? The Diary of Anne Frank Play, Act. The song speaks of joy and triumph, it is a song that means a renewed hope, they will stay together no matter what tomorrow may bring no matter the odds they face. She's thrilled with the present, and begins writing in it straight away, addressing many of her entries to an imaginary friend named Kitty. The store will not work correctly in the case when cookies are disabled. The Franks were more collective, the Van Daans argued, and Mr. Dussel was worried. Why has Mr. Frank allowed the Van Daans to stay with them? Who triggers the argument over the cat and how? HomeBrowse. answer choices Mr. Frank's brother was arrested Anne's best friend was taken away from school A neighboring family was sent to a death camp Margot received a letter to report to a labor camp Question 11 He reads prayers from the prayer book while lighting the candle. The workmen come from eight-thirty to five-thirty so they might be able to hear any sounds. Holds the group together by being calm, wise, and light-hearted. The Peasant Poem, Diary of Anne Frank Act 1 Scene 1 DRAFT. answer choices Dussel Mr. Frank Peter Mr. Van Daan Question 7 30 seconds Q. Diary of Anne Frank: Act 1 Scenes 4 & 5 Flashcards | Quizlet Diary of Anne Frank: Act 1 Scenes 4 & 5 5.0 (1 review) Term 1 / 46 What does Anne explain to Dussel? What rituals are part of the celebration of Hanukkah? She talks too much. They must burn their trash in the stove at night. Click the card to flip Definition 1 / 15 The reader knows the truth about Anne's fate and about her bravery Mrs. Van Daan worries that something has happened to them, while Mr. Van Daan reassures her that they have had to walk two miles, lugging suitcases. All rights reserved. Anne finds Mrs. Van Daan to be annoying because she constantly flirts with her Dad, Mr. Frank. They are all optimistic that the war will end soon. Mrs. frank wanted Anne to be more like Margot since she was well mannered, while Mr. Frank wanted Anne to stay herself. For her 13th birthday she wakes the entire house one night Star of David helping! The Van Pels family were next. Anne Frank - Act 1 Questions (2).pdf - Diego Pajuelo Student Name: _ Collections Grade 8 Guiding Questions Collection 5 The Diary of Anne Frank by Anne Frank - Act 1 Questions (2).pdf - Diego Pajuelo. Act Two a theme of a literary work is the director of the book 's mother asking! 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