Journeys Second Grade My Family Unit 1 Lesson 2 by Twirlybird Teaching 4.9 (265) $4.00 Zip HM Journeys Second Grade My Family Unit 1 Lesson 2 If you are implementing the Journeys Reading Series this supplemental unit will make the story "My Family" much easier and fun for you and your students. In 1964, ten years after the Brown v. Board of Education ruling, what percentage of black children in the Deep South (i.e., the states that had Jim Crow laws) attended school with white children? This activity goes with the Journey 1st grade text book and the story, "Curious George Goes to School". Impeachment is when the Senate removes a president from office. " Journeys With George " is a 2002 political documentary directed by Alexandra Pelosi. When Bush snubs Pelosi after she asks him at a press conference about his execution record as Texas governor, she wonders out loud, Who am I working for?, questioning the quid-pro-quo game that reporters are expected to play, in order to gain access to politicians. Which of the following is true about the "Legal Model"? Another example of interpersonal communication used by Bush was the framing of his message when appearing at different venues. New Hampshire (4 Electoral Votes; 2016 Results: 46.8% Democratic, 46.5% Republican, 6.7% When Senate Democrats ended the filibuster on most judicial nominees. Which of these statements shows a candidate claiming to have a strong advantage on "valence. 1. . President Clinton left office more popular than when he entered office. Which branch did the founders believe necessarily dominates in a republican form of of government? Who was Max Baucus? Make a list of the basic tools and equipment that a beginning sewer will need for a simple project. At first, shes simply one of the faceless dozens among the print and TV journalists on a shaky Access Air plane which, Pelosi pointedly notes, is usually used to transport convicts. This movie never takes George or itself seriously and the post election Florida fiasco is short and sweet. On the station platform everyone shook the young mans hand. In regards to the Presidential Election, the rules regarding how electors are selected, who gets to be on a ballot as a candidate, and the actual form of the ballots are all determined by the states. Because of this, the governmental structure of the United States is known as . The Supreme Court ruling of McCulloch v. Maryland in 1819 held that Congress had the authority to establish a national bank even though the Constitution does not state that is a Congressional power. Journeys with George DVD Video Alexandra Pelosi (Actor), Aaron Lubarsky (Director) Rated: NR Format: DVD 32 ratings IMDb 6.8/10.0 $709 Get Fast, Free Shipping with Amazon Prime FREE Returns DVD $7.09 Additional DVD options Edition Discs Price New from Used from DVD February 24, 2004 DVD Video 1 $7.09 $3.89 $2.95 The Attorney General is a member of . This [the victory] means the world to me and my family, the mayor-elect stated. only meant to serve for a short time. The process by which the House brings charges against the President to determine if the Senate will consider removing the President from office is referred to as: When a candidate says that they are going to "create jobs for Americans" they are making a statement . . In political communication, interpersonal communication is a valuable tool because it allows candidates to frame their message in different ways to appeal to different voters. Why did King George want to tax the colonists? Curtis voted against the majority in the Dred Scott case. The US ispoised to approve sendingits most advanced ground-based air defense system to Ukraine, responding to the countrys urgent request to help Presumptive Democratic nomineeJoe Bidensaid on July 28 he will choose his Vice Presidential running mate next week. Today, practically all Democrats are liberal and all Republicans are conservative. Subjects: William Howard Taft is associated with the view that the President needs authorization to take action. Start Your Free Trial New subscribers only. . repeal. created so that local representatives can win reelection in their home districts. PDF. Download File Spelling Words: am, at, sat, man, dad, mat Words to Know: and, be, help, you, play, with Lesson 2 Lesson 2: The Storm The Storm Download File Spelling Words: if, is, him, rip, fit, pin Words to Know: for, what, have, he, took, too Additionally, efficient use of interpersonal communication techniques serves as a way to increase the connection between political candidates and the voters that they are attempting to gain support from. . Explain what steps or techniques you would use. By the time of the Obama administration, he had taken a job with the Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America. According to lecture, what percentage of Republicans voted for the Clinton/Kaine presidential ticket (the Democratic ticket) in the 2016 presidential election? Which of the following is true about the chaos outside the 1968 Democratic National Convention? In comparison to civil liberties, civil rights are the set of rights centered around: The concept of equal treatment that government is obliged to protect. With George W. Bush, R.G. First Grade Journeys' Lesson 3 Oral and Written Retell of Curious George at SchoolComprehension elementary school lesson. departments? In political communication, an apologia is a political speech made by a candidate when they feel it is necessary to apologize for a particular behavior or public statement. skills or situations that favor you. Ever since he first announced his candidacy for the Republican nomination in June of 2015, US President Donald Trump has given the One of the major debates within the American Criminal Law system is what for of punishment will do the most to deter crime and (())Property law is the area of law that governs the various forms of ownership and tenancy in both real and personal property. Its main draw is its behind-the-scenes access, a glimpse of the man behind the podium, unscripted and unpolished. What is the significance of Craig v. Boren (1976)? Mr. Bush saves her by walking up, putting a friendly arm around her shoulder and quietly offering some advice. Pelosi's film features her interactions with Bush, from their playful banter to his efforts to persuade her to vote in his favor. answer choices England needed more money to keep up the castle. contrary. George did not like having to go to bed. If the president negotiates a treaty, who must ratify (approve) it? This product is at a lower price for a limited time!Attached you will find a link to a Google slides presentation to support the curriculum in first grade Journeys Unit 1, Lesson 3, Curious George at School. acting against the authorities. When a male member of Congress sponsors legislation supporting women's rights, he his offering female citizens in his district which type of representation? '', The film opens today in Manhattan. This activity contains 3 events from the story. If the film cant exactly answer the question, Who is George Bush?, it does point out that there is no definitive version. Melissa Sutter FRQs AP United States Government & Politics Journeys With George 1. As a result, most people have unstable opinions on many issues. Some of the notable sequences in Journeys With George include Bushs efforts to persuade Pelosi to vote for him, the dynamic between himself and the press, and his behind-the-scenes demeanor. Suppose that several different states implement policies to deal with an increase in heroin addiction. Here, viewers are treated to a picture of Bush, seated at his desk and having his hair tended to by a stylist in the minutes before he was scheduled to go live. Which of the following statements about high school students in public schools is most accurate? Some state and local governments allow direct democracy but the federal government does not. The film illustrates that the world of politics eventually boils down to a constant game of give and take, sell and buy. Variety and the Flying V logos are trademarks of Variety Media, LLC. Which clause allows Congress to carry out some powers that are not expressly granted in the Constitution? Congress to make executive agencies accountable for their actions. The process by which bills are written by members of a standing committee is called? This member of Congress is voting on the basis of the _________ model. The Executive Office of the President was created during which presidential administration? Write your instructions for the processes: a. England needed more money to pay for more jewels for the King England was out of money from the French and Indian War King George wanted to take a vacation. During the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia, the New Jersey Plan was supported by which type of state? How do your clothing choices reflect how you view yourself? Which of these is when the news media explicitly discusses an issue in a particular way and people change their opinion on that issue based on thaparticular angle. processing program you know well. Much to his credit, he does so with a great deal of skill. But these people arent your friends. . More than a dozen people waited about. Which model argues that justices' ideologies determine how they vote on cases? Madonna Unveiled Her Pop Masterpiece Ray of Light 25 Years Ago, M3GAN Conjures the Horror of Anti-Materialism, Dougie Poole Spins the Wheel of Rules and Lands on Transcendence, Formerly Banned French Crime Film A Woman Kills Slips Out of the Shadowy Margins, A Juggernaut of Jokes: An Oral History of Silkworms Italian Platinum, PopMatters Seeks Film Critics and Essayists, PopMatters Seeks Television Critics and Essayists. This site also includes links for Eureka Math and Tennessee Social Studies. The power of the Supreme Court to declare laws passed by Congress or acts of the executive branch unconstitutional is referred to as: The United States divides power between state and national government. The Court says it can do so as part of its power to coin money and collect taxes. Which of the following statements best describes direct democracy in the United States? All Rights Reserved. People tend not to accept information that is different from what they previously believed. . The news reports a negative story on the Democratic Party which of these individuals is most likely to resist the story's message? slaves? In a unitary system ultimate authority rests with the national government. . Introducing the films premiere at the 2002 South by Southwest Film Festival, Pelosi downplayed such weighty considerations, however, calling the film a home movie. And, to be sure, the film hardly appears a hard-hitting political commentary. Ideological or issue interest groups form to affect policy related to ________ while economic interest groups form to affect policy related to ________. The film focuses on the relationship between the press and presidential candidates, the life of a traveling journalist in such a relationship, and Bush, usually in a humorous light, with less attention given to the issues. Question 2 30 seconds Q. The "New Deal Coalition" was severely strained and ultimately broken apart by . Where does the bill go next? For Bushs part, its clear how hed like to be seen (evildoers beware), but his public statements give little insight into how personally invested he is in his self-described altruistic attempts to rid the world of a ruthless dictator.. Which of these is an actor in the "Iron Triangle"? A representative represents ________ while a Senator represents ________. 86% 82%. Differences between Democrats and Republican in Congress are greater today than during any Matt Rose and Ourpolitics.Net, 2021. But even when Slater is grilled by colleagues about an unprinted Bush interview after someone leaks news of Bushs long-ago D.U.I. . View FRQ government.docx from GOVERMENT GOV at Viera High School. goes against the majority. To be sure, the relationship has its ups and downs. . . Although technically ragged and in desperate need of soundtrack tweaking, George could journey far beyond the fest circuit and launch a profitable theatrical campaign before reaching cable and homevid precincts. public opinion? The Supreme Court has the power of judicial review, which is the power to: Declare laws passed by Congress or acts of the executive branch unconstitutional. . . un camscope (video camera) \hspace{2.7cm} la Hollande. . This makes him unusual in terms of presidential popularity. Which of the following plans for the Constitution had a unicameral legislature with each state having equal say? violate it. contrary. First Grade Journeys' Lesson 3 SPELLING & PHONICS Practice B for Curious George at SchoolThis elementary spelling and phonics lesson practices rhyming words . Instead, Ms. Pelosi interviews her acerbic colleagues about their insular, repetitive lives, as they all traipse from one orchestrated event to another. This is an example of: Which of the following statements about the political positions of Democrats and Republicans in Congress is most accurate? emphasizes freedom and voluntary association with small government. Generational replacement is when public opinion changes due to older people with certain attitudes dying and younger people with different attitudes coming of voting age. Which was these best describes the American system of government? More tellingly, he takes the ballot from her hand and says, ''How does it work, for starters?'' Methods by which the people can engage in direct democracy at the state level include: The following is from a campaign ad run by Ronald Reagan during the 1984 presidential election. expressed an opinion against something. With interest rates about half the record highs of 1980, nearly two thousand families today will buy new homes; more than at any time in the past four years. The film is a video travelogue that follows the pre-9/11, pre-war ex-governor of Texas on his circuitous, but eventually successful bid to become President. Journeys With George vividly details the unglamorous side of being one of the boys on the bus while covering a U.S. presidential election. Such is the premise, however, of Alexandra Pelosi's documentary Journeys With George. If a member of the Senate wants to delay or block the passage of a bill through extending debate, they are attempting to: When Republican Scott Brown won a Senate seat it meant that the Democrats had fewer than 60 seats in the Senate. Which part of a party provides resources for candidates? For example, Bush pledged to return a sense of morality and dignity to the office of the Presidency during a campaign appearance at Bob Jones University in South Carolina. Quiero comprar una nueva bicicleta con tal de que no sea demasiado cara. When Abraham Lincoln gave speeches about the Dred Scott decision prior to the Civil War, he used an opinion written by Justice Benjamin Curtis. Temporarily increasing the accessibility of certain issues and thus changing the standards that people use to make political evaluations is the definition of which term? Her video diary is combined with news clips from the election and . v. Madison. The Literary Digest Poll did a terrible job at predicting the outcome of the 1936 Presidential Election. Either that or Mr. Bush's flat-out statement, ''I like a good baloney sandwich. Journeys 1st Grade Curious George at School - YouTube This project was created with Explain Everything Interactive Whiteboard for iPad. Anyone can read what you share. George W. Bush: I like a good bologna sandwich. appropriations made by legislative bodies for local projects that are often not needed but that are Following are excerpts from Caryn James's review, which appeared in The New York Times on Nov. 5, 2002; the full text is online at 2002 75 min TVPG Documentary, Drama Feature Film. In conclusion, Journeys With George presents an unbiased and behind-the-scenes view of George W. Bushs 2000 campaign. The "Penny Press" tended to write articles in support what political party? When presidents use popular appeals in an attempt to create a mass base of support that will allow them to accomplish their goals, it is referred to as . For violating the Tenure of Office Act - a law Congress passed because they knew he would At first, Bushs handlers try to keep the candidate inaccessible to the press pack. When a member of Congress (or a staff member) resigns to work for an interest group. Which of these is a Constitutional power of the Vice-President? One scene shows him literally wooing her vote, as Bush sits next to her on the plane, holding her hand in his, as Pelosi attempts to fill out her official absentee ballot. An ad that contains this line would be considered what type of ad. Journeys With George importantly exposes the politics that govern the interaction between Bush and the press, the unspoken rules of engagement that prevent journalists from assuming a truly unbiased stance. benefit. In Major Victory For Coronavirus Lockdown Opponents, Federal Judge Rules Unconstitutional Lockdown Measures Put In Place In Pennsylvania, 2020 Election: Joe Biden Announces That He Is Close To Naming His Running-Mate, OurWeek In Politics (July 9, 2019-July 16, 2019). This lesson has a learning target . This project was created with Explain Everything. Another example of a political communication strategy used by George W. Bush was his use of the concept of the apologia when dealing with certain campaign issues. Journeys with George is a documentary by Alexandra Pelosi and Aaron Lubarsky that follows George W. Bush for more than a year on his campaign trail in the 2000 United States presidential election. A Package for Ms. Jewls (scroll down for other stories). objected. D'apres ce qu'ils ont dans leurs valises, dites d'ou ils arrivent. Tests for individual stories are also available in 5 Products $ 5.00 $ 7.50 Save $ 2.50 View Bundle Description Reviews 1 Q&A But this likable guy is rarely asked to talk about issues. By the time of the Obama administration, he had taken a job with the Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America. Working for NBC and as part of what she calls the "travelling press corps," Pelosi offers the only behind-the-scenes look at Bush's campaign. We had 8 years of liberal policy making in the White House and the public wanted a change. 5.0. My favorite moment from the film was when the filmmaker yells out to ask Mrs. Bush who she's voting for. The psychological attachment to a political party is called: When the media reports on an issue, people are more likely to say that the government should make that issue a priority. "Can't You Make Them behave, King George?" A documentary about George W. Bush's 2000 campaign for the White House. One could argue and, judging from her own running commentary, Pelosi might agree that the filmmaker may have been compromised by a Bush charm offensive. . Attempting to persuade elected officials to adopt policy or maintain status quo. According to the graph shown in lecture, the percentage of strong partisans has increased while the percentage of pure independents has decreased in the last twenty years. Coming out of buds The east was pink w/ the dawn Copyright 2017 Salter's AllStar Website - All Rights Reserved. Are you getting the free resources, updates, and special offers we send out every week in our teacher newsletter? (We later learn that her choice is Bill Bradley. Assuming the 2020 election is like recent presidential elections, in which of these states would we expect both candidates to spend a lot of time campaigning? What is the name for the type of opinion that Justice Curtis wrote? People will tend to use the messages that they can remember when answering a public opinion Because of this, the Democratic president, Barack Obama told the Democrats in the House of Representatives . It's a thoroughly disarming tactic. The federal government observes these policies and then decides to adopt one of them as part of a national program. Background, "Journeys With George" Political Documentary Summary, Repost from @beiransvoice True or false. He served in Congress as both a Democrat and a Republican. One exchange has Pelosi asking Bush, If you were a tree, what kind of tree would you be? To which he replies, Im not, Im a Bush., These sorts of encounters show a relaxed, jovial, at times even goofy Bush, as he mugs for the camera and flirts with Pelosi. In this time of war, the extension can easily be made from this relationship between Bush and the reporters to the relationship between Bush and the American people. Unlike in the film, where candidate Bush relies on his political wiles to project an image, the President now has a vast propaganda machine at his disposal. The result follows Bushs wrangling in the primaries with John McCain and continuing all the way through to his legal battles in the Supreme Court against Al Gore, organized as her experiences with Bush, overdubbing the action with her own meditations on the role of the press in politics. The text of this ad focuses on what type of issues? What activity foes flying represent? Instead, Bush is many things to many people: a tyrant, a savior, a great guy, a shyster, a man of the people, and a moneyed elitist. Even though he drinks nothing harder than nonalcoholic beer which he carefully reveals to the camera on more than one occasion Bush cheerfully makes quite a few allusions to his own much-rumored, near-legendary past as party-hearty hellraiser. Off and Running Double Dutch: A Celebration of Jump Rope, Rhyme and Sisterhood Elisa's Diary Interrupted Journey: Saving Endangered Sea Turtles Old Yeller Everglades Forever: Restoring America's Great Wetland Storm Warriors Cougars Dangerous Crossing Can't You Make Them Behave King George? When was the last time Congress exercised its constitutional power to declare war? These are the vocabulary words for the 5th grade Journeys Reading textbook for the Twelfth week that corresponds with the text "Can't You Make Them Behave, King George? It's a witty reminder that campaigns are an endless string of foolish events and photo ops that are wildly detached from the hard issues a president has to deal with. Alexandra Pelosis casually astonishing Journeys With George is that rare breed of documentary that could forever alter public perceptions of its high-profile subject. Lessons 1-51st Grade Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Journeys Curriculum ( 2014)These vocabulary and comprehension tests are more comprehensive than the ones included with Journeys. This is true even if the information has no political content. What was controversial about the Saturday Night Massacre? On the other hand, George also reveals a group-think mentality (not unlike the Stockholm syndrome) that prevails among reporters inside the bubble of a campaign trail for long periods. Campaign for the type of issues which branch did the founders believe necessarily in! The relationship has its ups and downs by which bills are Written by members of party. 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