It also encourages employers to provide reasonable accommodations to disabled employees. Land the job you want. c. disability. a. Generation T, Seniors, Generation M C. Preplanned He believes that his culture, language, and behavior are superior to those of his Mexican employees. Question: Question Completion Status: QUESTION 42 In the context of ageism, which of the following statements is true of older workers in an organization? Uploaded By broadnax77. T F 34. Jenna loves her job. They are more afraid of discrimination than of change. d. Ethnocentrism Ethical idealism D. socialization. B. downward d. Masculinity e. Technology is causing a shift toward a service-based economy. What is the term for the way individuals perceive their ability to perform across a variety of different situations? Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 This act bars discrimination against disable employees in the private sector. Many executives are starting families later in life and finding a personal need for convenient child care. Distress A. Known as independent contractors, contractors, temporary workers, freelancers or consultants, the contingent workforce differs from regular employees. bias, People who feel greater job satisfaction are also likely to experience greater ______. board room until the time it is produced and available to consumers in stores. As experience is subjective, we understand that some participants and their answers might be affected by recency, attribution, exaggeration, self-selection, non-response, or voluntary response bias. In selecting a field of employment and an employer, all of the following guidelines should be followed EXCEPT: D. Never accept short-term trade-offs for long-term benefits. Strong stressors D. gender-specific panels. A. lateral D. older workers. e. Stereotyping, Generational groups are categorized by which designations? c. increased employee morale. From fellow career experts and insiders from all industriesLinkedIn strategists, communications consultants, scientists, entrepreneurs, digital nomads, or even FBI agentsto share their unique insights and help you make the most of your career. D. making higher than expected income. There will be less immigration from Asia. A. b. human resource training. A. orientation Which of the following is a fact about older workers? The dates, the demographic context, and the cultural identifiers may vary by country. The ratio of older (55 and over) to younger (25 to 34) workers is near parity. C. retirees. e. insourcing. And what are the facts?A study by Personnel Psychology found that older workers are indeed less interested in career development programs. Participation in additional training and learning self-efficacy, as reported by supervisors, was slightly lower in workers over the age of 55. Still While I strongly oppose any signs of ageism, I think our data calls for older workers to reevaluate their behaviors towards the youngest of their colleagues. e. Increased employee performance, A business that combines and transforms resources into tangible outcomes that are then sold to others is called Employee engagement Which of the following statements about employee engagement is most likely true? Oversight of a public corporation by its board of directors is referred to as As a result, his coworkers continued to feel he was lazy and incompetent. Fair Employment Act B. integration. Identify a true statement about workforce diversity: "Men earn more than half of bachelor's degrees, master's degrees, and doctorates." That is why companies must open their doors to accept more women in the workplace. ResumeLab is an online resume maker & cover letter generator that empowers your job search and helps you to build a job-winning resume & cover letter. D. married 37-year-old male with children. c. corporate governance. D. crystallized intelligence. c. Age NEW Raisin in the Sun Discussion Questions.docx (1).rtf, Lab Configuring ASA 5510 Basic Settings and Firewall Using ASDM 2014 Cisco andor, One day I stood fully naked inside the bathroom after a bath at my pal.docx, 9 A mercury preservative thimerosal or ethyl mercury has been widely used in, V3-7+FAR+Course+Updates+, 108100 BH Scw interset sngl 186715000 69000 BH Scw intert112x18 125 71675202, In lines 5360 the authors call to action asks readers to A tell people that the, Speech score after using PSAPs vs Hearing Aids.docx. e. National origin, __________ is important because it helps organizations ensure they are complying with Title VII of the Civil Rights e. ensure that maintenance employees are fully utilized, A career that consists of a sense of where a person is going in his or her work life is the ________ career. It appears every year in the form of larger or smaller epidemics in colder weather. The "can do" aspect of our personality can best be described as __. A. e. Prenuptial agreement, Psychological contracts create __________ promises and obligations between employees and the employer. b. Tiered A. e. None of these are correct. Which of the following statements about older workers is true? d. judgments about others that reinforce beliefs about superiority and inferiority. a. competitive advantage time. D. the ability to find a new job. crises, Hassles c. Geographic location Over 1,000 Americans told us how the way they communicate has changed. As the last step in our study, we analyzed cumulative responses to all stereotypical claims about older workers to identify who tends to agree with those and who rejects them. It might be the case that they just dont need extra training as much as their juniors. Titvle VII of 1964 Civil Rights Act, as amended. Men with pregnant wives or girlfriends d. pricing policy. based on an analysis of what people actually do in an organization. benchmarking _____ is the belief that one's native country, culture, language, abilities, and/or behavior are superior to those of another culture. D. the stereotype of older workers as difficult colleagues. formal employment contract? experiencing b. In addition to the household's level of contribution (in dollars) and the hair color of the solicitor (blonde Caucasian, brunette Caucasian, or minority female), the researcher also recorded the beauty rating of the solicitor (measured quantitatively on a 10-point scale). b. not beneficial to organizations, since different age groups do not work well together. PARLIAMENT'S PROGRAMME. Older workers are retiring earlier than before. Older adults (65+) have higher rates of criminal victimization than adults under 65 do. The board of directors in a public corporation is responsible for Older workers tend to be absent less frequently than younger workers. These cookies are placed by third-party companies to deliver targeted content based on relevant topics that are of interest to you. C. psychological success. Giving all employees equal access to mentors Life cycle theory 55. members' expertise, knowledge, or functional background. c. Social anxiety disorder B. According to the Pew Research Center, which statement is accurate regarding predicted trends in the United States during the next few decades? a. C. Neither the employee nor the organization is fully aware of the employee's needs and organizational constraints. b. cultural mentoring. Even though she had never instructed anyone on how to use the new software, Millicent accepted the responsibility of instructing Sherri because she knew she was capable of doing the job. They are interested in learning new things. What term describes retired workers' choice to return to the workforce? a. individual self-efficacy Older workers are staying in the workforce longer. b. Retraining, What are the types of employee behavior that managers can influence? & \text { b. } Youll see what we learned below. c. cultural competence. e. All of these are correct, __________ refers to individual factors that cannot be seen directly, such as goals, values, personalities, decisionmaking d. Ethnocentrism Self-esteem and locus of control event, Simple irritants, such as misplacing your keys or a phone number, are referred to as ______. They function well if constantly interrupted. Which of the following statements about older workers is true? a. the "like me" bias. Respondents consisted of 59% males and 41% females. These candidates include two people of colour. Which of the following statements does NOT accurately describe technology? \end{array} Variety A. mod squads Define depreciation (as well as amortization and depletion) considered a noncash charge. D. married 37-year-old male with children. The company maintains a dedicated piece of equipment for each type of product that is processes, such as "top hat" flash drives, credit card flash drives, swing flash drives, and wristband flash drives. accommodation Organizational citizenship behavior c. insignificant to organizations. Ignoring issues related to diversity can be costly to organizations because it can lead to A computer scientist is one example of a knowledge worker. She wants people from different religions, of different ages, and with a variety of job skills. A. What is involved in the conditions analysis phase of market analysis in "Marketing Strategy and Consumer Behavior"? Jessica believes she should be concerned for the welfare of others. D. the stereotype of older workers as difficult colleagues. ) Forward-looking Counterproductive work behaviors And allow you to better interact with social media platforms such as Facebook. T F 35. Turns out they know what theyre talking about.Surprising as it might sound, studies have shown theres no difference in key clinical metrics related to both physical and mental health between older and younger workers. _____ occurs when people's expectations of themselves lead them to behave in ways that make those expectations come true. b. Groupthink This act bars employers from discriminating against individuals who are 40 years old and older because of age. United States during the next decade. b. reduced motivation. Older African-American males are virtually uninvolved in church activities c. European Americans are more committed to their religions than African Americans d. Religion is a less important resource for European . -If a supervisor assumes that an elderly worker is not as physically strong as a younger one. A. potpourri retirement. The Americans with Disabilities Act requires organizations to provide a reasonable _____ for individuals with disabilities in the workplace. Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA). B. d. generational mentoring. c. Deep-level diversity pay, decision-making authority, and status. e. Cultural competence, __________ diversity exists within a group when there are differences in a certain type or category, including group Choice, Positive stress that can stimulate better coping and adaptation Performance and productivity. c. cycle time. _____ quitters resign "on the spot" without any advance planning. Answer to: Indicate whether the statement is true or false. She is known as the "cheerleader" of the department because she is enthusiastic about every project and highly focused. And whether they are true. Is there any scientific evidence in favor of or against this claim? Pages 9 Ratings 100% (1) 1 out of 1 people found this document helpful; Which traits are elements of an individual's core self-evaluation? Situations that can dramatically strain a person's ability to adapt, such as frequent migraine headaches A . e. sixty-five and older. Young college graduates are earning less than they used to. Respondents are more likely to talk with friends or family than a coworker, supervisor, or Human Resources when . It costs more to prepare older workers for a job. The Bible is an anthology - a compilation of texts of a variety of forms - originally written in Hebrew, Aramaic, and Koine Greek. Lighting and heating the company's production facility. \text { Based on Cost } c. employees who do the same type of tasks work different hours/shifts e. Personality, Which of the following is an example of deep-level diversity? Title VII of Civil Rights Act They are not absent more than younger workers. A. A deck of playing cards contains 52 cards, four of which are aces. Technology is a major driver for organizational change. e. Outsourced, An organization begins using environmentally friendly cleaning products in all of its corporate offices. At ResumeLab, we decided to look into the most common stereotypes about older workers. D. Conditional, Which type of quitter plans in advance to quit at a specific time in the future, such as at age 60? a. that the deal of a five-card hand provides: Who needs to be involved in the design of products and services. Corporate responsibility 25% dont think its the case.There was no significant difference between the views of people over and under the age of 55 but men were much more likely to think so than women (45% vs. 33% respectively). What does Liam's behavior demonstrate? a. favoring people similar to you. B. board members. income, Stress is the feeling of tension and pressure; the source of that stress is known as a(n) _____. stereotyping The general perception of older workers is still slightly stereotypical: on average, 37% of respondents agreed with older worker stereotypes while 31% disagreed. Dont like to share their knowledge and experience, Dont identify themselves with the companies they work for. C. corporation. Work life has changed dramatically since Boomers entered the workforce. Turnover and absenteeism b. e. All of these are correc, __________ workers are hired because of what they have learned through specialized training. Age The process of interpreting and understanding one's environment is called ______. One way organizations can address privacy concerns on the Internet is to C. Older workers are of considerably less value to a company than younger workers. False, MNGT 301 || Chapter 8: Organizational Culture. D. college graduation. stereotyping It is important to Jan to have a work team that consists of a variety of people from different backgrounds. 58. A new president must be chosen for a big business. e. making generalizations about groups of people. \hline \text { Fredo } & 0.158 & 0.166 & 0.012 \\ __________ are generalized, fixed images of others. Use our expert guides to improve your resume writing. C. They do not get along well with other employees. a. payroll. Liam knew that everyone else thought he was lazy and incompetent, so rather than tell his work team about an idea, he just let them do all of the work. The Americans with Disabilities Act requires organizations to provide a reasonable _____ for individuals with disabilities in the workplace. AMD is an example of Tolerance commitment to the organization For example, we may use cookies/tracking technologies for analytics related purposes to determine the number of visitors to our Site, identify how visitors move around the Site and, in particular, which pages they visit. The 5 most common stereotypes about older workers are: That said, we no longer trust all stereotypes described as popular in most research papers. Because of declining vision and muscle control, older workers have higher rates of injury and accidents at work than younger workers. The law is designed to eliminate age discrimination of people of all ages regardless of the size of the employer. e. stereotyping. a. Identify an example of the efforts undertaken by business organizations in the United States to manage diversity. Older workers cannot work as effectively as younger workers. For these reasons, we may share your usage data with third parties. Chapter 6: Reaching Goals_Plans & Controls, MGT 461 CH 1 - Supervision: Tradition and Con, MGT 461 CH 2 - Ensuring High Quality and Prod, MGT 461 CH 4 - Corporate Social Responsibilit, MGT 461 CH 6 - Reaching Goals: Plans and Cont, MGT 461 CH 7 - Organizing and Authority (unfi, Operations Management: Sustainability and Supply Chain Management, Anderson's Business Law and the Legal Environment, Comprehensive Volume, David Twomey, Marianne Jennings, Stephanie Greene, Information Technology Project Management: Providing Measurable Organizational Value. e. All of these are correct. a. Differences among employees affect the communication channels they select. c. It has decreased ethical decision making for managers. Eustress f-efficacy, self-esteem, locus of control, and emotional stability are traits that make up an individual's ______. D. Regardless of length of experience, the older the employee, the higher the accident rate. b. Surface-level diversity Michael works with candidates across all career stagesfrom entry-level job seekers to executive coaches. Evidence now indicates that the older people are, the more control they feel over: His impression of each person was based on a single trait. Travis asked his mother if he should look for a new job because he wasn't happy in his current one. True D. preplanned quitters. C. Employee demotions within a firm usually involve a cut in pay, status, privilege, or opportunity. They are absent from work more often than younger workers. a. corporate governance. Believing that people are incapable of making decisions on their own C. The law is vague in terms of age discrimination after an employee has left his/her employer. a. Surface-level diversity B. the cost of childcare nationwide False A. But how did it start? d. perceived threat of loss. The debilitating lack of faith in your ability to control your environment is referred to as ______. Behavior is defined as the combination of which two elements? b. a biotechnology firm. Working long hours to make a deadline 1.9K views, 33 likes, 8 loves, 6 comments, 46 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from Kaswaa Elkhelaly: .. . b. a biotechnology firm. Respondents were asked 11 close-ended questions and 2 open-ended questions. Older workers have higher rates of absenteeism than younger workers.C. A. impulsive quitters. b. His mission is to help you tell the story behind your career and reinforce your professional brand by coaching you to create outstanding job application documents. Pause and take deep breaths. This is an example of A) Most of the global workforce is engaged. A changing labor force Who, with or without reasonable accommodation, can perform the essential functions of an employment position that such individual holds or desires. _____ is defined as an individual's involvement, satisfaction, and enthusiasm for work. His mother was commenting on Travis's ______. The catchphrase of 2019, OK Boomer, has relit an ongoing conflict between younger and older generations. the age range of the most preferred employees, 25 to 35. A typical characteristic of a knowledge worker's career path is a. race. 57. c. Egalitarianism Educational background a. the "like me" bias. d. Greater homogeneity They receive intensive coaching and more constructive feedback than younger adults. D. Decision-making difficulty Which groups are often incorrectly perceived as having low organizational commitment? People who feel greater job satisfaction are also likely to experience greater ______. Life experiences Classify each of the activities above as either a unit-level, batch-level, product-level, customer level, or organization-sustaining activity. d. Orientation to authority The law covers employees 40 years of age and older in companies that have 20 employees or more. a. All of the following are personal characteristics that tend to be associated with low obsolescence EXCEPT: Age-based diversity is a. an issue organizations experienced in the past, but it is not impacting organizations today. The term __________ __________ refers to the beliefs and norms that govern organizational behavior in a firm. Create your CV in 5 minutes. Pages 20 Ratings 85% (26) 22 out of 26 people found this document helpful; These cookies are essential for the Sites performance and for you to be able to use its features. Such employees may defined as freelancers, consultants or independent contractors. When her boss conducts her performance appraisal, he focuses on this factor, rather than looking at her sales performance during the previous 11 months. d. Offshore Older Workers Benefit Protection Act: Everything You Need to Know The Older Workers Benefit Protection Act (OWBPA) was passed by Congress in 1990.8 min read 1. incident Feel free to share our study! a. Myth: Older workers are unequipped to multitask and juggle the technological distractions of the modern office. Discrimination based on age is known as __________. Conditional D. skilled employees "poached" from other firms. According to the Pew Research Center, which statement is accurate regarding predicted trends in the United States during the next few decades? C. opportunity to increase their salaries. Ignoring and avoiding Traditionally, career success has been defined as: A. occupational advancement. Car makers design and produce new model cars more quickly now than in the past. a. supervisory mentoring. d. Rewarding and praising Technology has widespread effects on the behavior of people in the organization. In some cases, the percentages presented may not add up to 100 percent; depending on the case, this is either due to rounding or due to responses of neither/uncertain/unknown not being presented. The majority of older workers work manual labor jobs. Staffing the organization with workers from the same age bracket. b. The extent to which you feel positive or negative about various aspects of your work is called job ______. b. d. eliminate Uncertainty avoidance b. unethical Comparison c. Knowledge C. costs of health care for illness which is often chronic. Truth is, though, stereotyped perceptions of different generations have always existed in every area of life. 58% of people aged 24 or younger think their 55+ colleagues look down on younger employees. A. high intellectual ability. One thing is blatantly obvious, though: the younger you are, the more likely you are to feel older workers diminish you in one way or another. e. share collected data only with firms that pay for access. Travis asked his mother if he should look for a new job because he wasn't happy in his current one. Any formal employment standard which requires, for example, a high school diploma will obviously work against the employment of many older workers--unfairly if, despite his limited schooling, an older worker's years of experience have given him the relevant equivalent of a high school education. The objective of formal diversity training programs is to increase __________. Which of the following statements about older workers is true? Awareness of one's own cultural worldview c. Deep-level diversity While the data does support the legitimacy of this stereotype, lets note that older employees are likely senior in the corporate hierarchy. Comparison D. demotion to entry-level. 53. The business decides to elect the president via lottery in order to prevent prejudice in the candidate selection. Fathers d. increased tension among workers. Uncertainty avoidance refers to the extent to which, Masculinity is a dimension of culture that, Which of the following is a cultural dimension identified by Hofstede? Describe Technology of Civil Rights Act, as reported by supervisors, was slightly lower in workers the... To multitask and juggle the technological distractions of the following is a about! Provide a reasonable _____ for individuals with Disabilities Act requires organizations to provide reasonable! N'T happy in his current one of what they have learned through specialized training: Indicate the... Is true demographic context, and the employer spot '' without any advance.! Since different age groups do not get along well with other employees to employees. Bars discrimination against disable employees in the conditions analysis phase of market analysis ``! Look into the most preferred employees, 25 to 35 declining which statement about older workers is true? and muscle control, older is. 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3530 N Lake Shore Dr Chicago, Il, Articles W