Is there more information on Pontius Pilate's wife? They write new content and verify and edit content received from contributors. But in the end, the fate of Pontius Pilate remains a mystery. [151] Two of these include purported reports made by Pilate to the emperor (the Anaphora Pilati to Emperor Tiberius and the Letter of Pilate to Claudius to Claudius) on the crucifixion, in which Pilate recounts Jesus' death and resurrection, blaming the Jews. As punishment he is sent to the island of Pontius, whose inhabitants he subjugates, thus acquiring the name Pontius Pilate. Csar, hearing that Pilate had arrived at Rome, was filled with exceeding fury against him, and caused him to be brought to him. That would be wonderful if true. [210] The actor who portrayed Pilate in the English plays would typically speak loudly and authoritatively, a fact which was parodied in Geoffrey Chaucer's Canterbury Tales. . [207], The fourteenth and fifteenth centuries see fewer depictions of Pilate, although he generally appears in cycles of artwork on the passion. Oh, come on, loosen up a little. A prefect is essentially a governor or government official overseeing an area. Ignatius of Antioch mentions him in his epistles to the Trallians, Magnesians, and Smyrnaeans[13] (composed between 105110 AD). All Rights Reserved. [20] His praenomen (first name) is unknown;[21] his cognomen Pilatus might mean "skilled with the javelin (pilum)," but it could also refer to the pileus or Phrygian cap, possibly indicating that one of Pilate's ancestors was a freedman. However, trouble followed as indicated in Josephus following statement, But when this tumult was appeased, the Samaritan senate sent an embassy to Vitellius, a man that had been consul, and who was now president of Syria, and accused Pilate of the murder of those that were killed . [257] Because he betrayed his desire to follow his morality and free Jesus, Pilate must suffer for eternity. By other accounts, Pontius Pilate was sent into exile and committed suicide of his own accord. [292], Beginning with E. Stauffer in 1948, some scholars have argued, on the basis of his possible appointment by Sejanus, that Pilate's offenses against the Jews were directed by Sejanus out of hatred of the Jews and a desire to destroy their nation, a theory supported by the pagan imagery on Pilate's coins. Overall he actually mostly unimportant. [264] During the Ecce homo scene, the eagle stands in the background between Jesus and Pilate, with a wing above each figure; after hesitantly condemning Jesus, Pilate passes back to the eagle, which is now framed beside him, showing his isolation in his decision and, McDonough suggests, causing the audience to question how well he has served the emperor. "[276], Pontius Pilate is mentioned as having been involved in the crucifixion in both the Nicene Creed and the Apostles Creed. So Pontius may have come from Pontus, an ancient land in Northeast Asia Minor (present-day Turkey). More than Caesar Augustus, or Tiberius, or Caligula, my bet is that the name Pilate registers with more people today than any other Roman of that time. [174] In the Golden Legend, Pilate is portrayed as closely associated with Judas, first coveting the fruit in the orchard of Judas's father Ruben, then granting Judas Ruben's property after Judas has killed his own father. 1887, p. 201. 11. Pilate owed his appointment to the influence of Sejanus. The Samaritans reported Pilate to Vitellius, legate of Syria, after he attacked them on Mount Gerizim (36 ce). Eusebius reported that Pontius Pilate committed suicide during the reign of Caius or Emperor Caligula. [68] Bond argues that the number of Galileans killed does not seem to have been particularly high. [169] The legend exists in many different versions and was extremely widespread in both Latin and the vernacular, and each version contains significant variation, often relating to local traditions.[170]. Pilate apparently found an way into such a high position through a referral from one of Emperor Tiberius' favorite administrators, a man named Sejanus, according to Encyclopedia Britannica. [63] It is unclear why the shields offended against Jewish law: it is likely that they contained an inscription referring to Tiberius as divi Augusti filius (son of divine Augustus). While every effort has been made to follow citation style rules, there may be some discrepancies. Many of these incidents involve Pilate acting in ways that offended the religious sensibilities of the Jews. Pontius Pilate is a mysterious and controversial figure . [224][225][226], Pilate plays a major role in the medieval passion play. Ignatius stresses all these events in his epistles as historical facts. [5], While he was sitting on the judgment seat, his wife sent him a message, saying, Have nothing to do with that righteous Man; for last night I suffered greatly in a dream because of Him. Matthew 27:19(NASB). (59) But they threw themselves upon the ground, and laid their necks bare, and said they would take their death very willingly, rather than the wisdom of their laws should be transgressed; upon which Pilate was deeply affected with their firm resolution to keep their laws inviolable, and presently commanded the images to be carried back from Jerusalem to Cesarea.[4]. According to some, Pilate killed himself while in exile to Gallia. Pilate's times were very different from our own. According to some traditions, the Roman emperor Caligula ordered Pontius Pilate to death by execution or suicide. [248] Another play focusing on Pilate's death is Cornish and based on the Mors Pilati. Why would he cave to demands to crucify a man he had proclaimed innocent? Pilate then summoned them to an arena, where the Roman soldiers drew their swords. He nonetheless washes his hands of guilt after the tortures have been administered. [176] Per a local legend,[180] the village of Fortingall in Scotland claims to be Pilate's birthplace, but this is almost certainly a 19th-century inventionparticularly as the Romans did not invade the British Isles until 43. Pilate made several bad decisions while in Judea and Sejanus had supported him and kept him our of trouble with Rome. He provoked both Jews and Samaritans to rioting during his tenure, and he later had to stand trial in Rome for cruelty and oppression. Gerizim. [24] The name Pontius suggests that an ancestor of his came from Samnium in central, southern Italy, and he may have belonged to the family of Gavius Pontius and Pontius Telesinus, two leaders of the Samnites in the third and first centuries respectively, before their full incorporation to the Roman Republic. He could also be a Samnite by origin, because the name Pontius could come from the Pontii family, belonging to the Italian people of the Samnites (central Italy). [102][103] Pilate's supposed suicide is also left unmentioned in Josephus, Philo, and Tacitus. [217], Following this longer period in which few depictions of Pilate were made, the increased religiosity of the mid-nineteenth century caused a slew of new depictions of Pontius Pilate to be created, now depicted as a Roman. [215], In the modern period, depictions of Pilate become less frequent, though occasional depictions are still made of his encounter with Jesus. [222] In 1893, Ge painted another painting, Golgotha, in which Pilate is represented only by his commanding hand, sentencing Jesus to death. He is famous for crucifying the Christ, and many dramatic interpretations have tried to discern what sort of a man he was. Had it not been for his encounter with Jesus, Pontius Pilate might be just another name in the history books . [296] Carter notes this theory arose in the context of the aftermath of the Holocaust, that the evidence that Sejanus was anti-Semitic depends entirely on Philo, and that "[m]ost scholars have not been convinced that it is an accurate or a fair picture of Pilate."[297]. Herod's sons then threatened to petition the emperor, an action which Pilate feared that would expose the crimes he had committed in office. . Among those are bronze coins that were minted in Judea between A.D. 29 and 32. Paperback. 1. But the Jews showed so little fear of death, that Pilate relented and removed the standards. [7], Although Pilate is the best-attested governor of Judaea, few sources regarding his rule have survived. What Happened to Pontius Pilate? [49] Similarly, Helen Bond argues that Pilate is depicted working closely with the Jewish authorities in the execution of Jesus. Medieval art frequently portrayed scenes of Pilate and Jesus, often in the scene where he washes his hands of guilt for Jesus's death. Pilate dies seven months later. [249] The Mystre de la Passion d'Angers by Jean Michel includes legendary scenes of Pilate's life before the passion. [33] Other scholars have cast doubt on any link between Pilate and Sejanus. [45], As governor, Pilate had the right to appoint the Jewish High Priest and also officially controlled the vestments of the High Priest in the Antonia Fortress. [61], According to Philo's Embassy to Gaius (Embassy to Gaius 38), Pilate offended against Jewish law by bringing golden shields into Jerusalem, and placing them on Herod's Palace. [173], One important version of the Pilate legend is found in the Golden Legend by Jacobus de Voragine (12631273 CE), one of the most popular books of the later Middle Ages. His wife sends him word of a revelatory dream she has had about Jesus and urges him to have nothing to do with that innocent man (Matthew 27:19), and Pilate abdicates his responsibility to the emperor. He is best known for being the official who presided over the trial of Jesus and ultimately ordered his crucifixion. Omissions? [126] Lnnqvist notes that the Talmud (Lamentations Rabbah 4.4) records the destruction of an aqueduct from Solomon's Pools by the Sicarii, a group of fanatical religious Zealots, during the First Jewish-Roman War (6673); he suggests that if the aqueduct had been funded by the temple treasury as recorded in Josephus, this might explain the Sicarii's targeting of this particular aqueduct. "[138] An earlier reference to Pilate's records of Jesus's trial is given by the Christian apologist Justin Martyr around 160. After questioning Jesus he knew that execution was not what he deserved. And behold, a severe earthquake had occurred, for an angel of the Lord descended from heaven and came and rolled away the stone and sat upon it. The cities of Lyon and Vienne in modern France claim to be Pilate's birthplace: Vienne has a Maison de Pilate, a Prtoire de Pilate and a Tour de Pilate. Pontius Pilate has been enshrined forever in the cowards' Hall of Shame. [269] Martin Winkler, however, argues that Ben-Hur provides a more nuanced and less condemnatory portrayal of Pilate and the Roman Empire than most American films of the period. Judging by this story, his wife seems to have travelled with him. [117][116] MacAdam argues that "[i]t is far easier to believe that this very fragmentary inscription prompted the legend of Pontius Pilate's association with the Italian village of Ameria [] than it is to posit someone forging the inscription two centuries agoquite creatively, it would seemto provide substance for the legend. [47] This indicates that Caiaphas and the priests of the Sadducee sect were reliable allies to Pilate. November 9 is the feast-day of Claudia Procula, Pontius Pilate's wife. [34] Daniel R. Schwartz and Kenneth Lnnqvist both argue that the traditional dating of the beginning of Pilate's governorship is based on an error in Josephus; Schwartz argues that he was appointed instead in 19, while Lnnqvist argues for 17/18. They wanted Jesus dead. He also finds historical the information that their relationship mended following the execution of Jesus. 23:13-25; Jn. "[114], As governor, Pilate was responsible for minting coins in the province: he appears to have struck them in 29/30, 30/31, and 31/32, thus the fourth, fifth, and sixth years of his governorship. Falvius Josephus. After Jesus died on the cross, the gospels record that Pilate allowed several members of the Sanhedrin, Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus, to bury Jesus (Mark 15:43; John 3:1; 19:38-40). She was recognized as a holy martyr by the Greek Orthodox, the Coptic and the Ethiopian Churches. We will start by discovering what history tells us about this leader. [2] The Christian Pilate literature surrounding the Gospel of Nicodemus includes at least fifteen late antique and early medieval texts, called the "Pilate cycle", written and preserved in various languages and versions and dealing largely with Pontius Pilate. See more. [168] The tradition may go back to a misread Latin inscription on the tower. First we meet Lamia ambling idly on the coast near Rome. The angel said to the women, Do not be afraid; for I know that you are looking for Jesus who has been crucified. Copyright Like The Master Ministries. He was the Prefect of the Roman province of Judaea from AD26 to AD36, and is best remembered as the judge at the trial of Jesus Christ in AD33, and the man who subsequently ordered his crucifixion. [163][164] In the Mors Pilati (perhaps originally 6th century, but recorded c.1300 CE),[165] Pilate was forced to commit suicide and his body thrown in the Tiber. "[288] This, combined with the general lack of information on Pilate's long time in office, has resulted in a wide range of assessments by modern scholars. However, his successor, Caligula, was not similarly swayed and ordered . His term of office was during the subsequent reign of Tiberius from 26-36 CE. Except for Pilate, who was a leader blackmailed by the Judaic structures that were against Christ. [3], But now Pilate, the procurator of Judea, removed the army from Cesarea to Jerusalem, to take their winter quarters there, in order to abolish the Jewish laws. [192] Depictions continue to be greatly influenced by the Acts of Pilate, and the number of situations in which Pilate is depicted also increases. Our editors will review what youve submitted and determine whether to revise the article. [265], The film The Last Days of Pompeii (1935) portrays Pilate as "a representative of the gross materialism of the Roman empire", with the actor Basil Rathbone giving him long fingers and a long nose. Thus says the LORD, Let not a wise man boast of his wisdom, and let not the mighty man boast of his might, let not a rich man boast of his riches; but let him who boasts boast of this, that he understands and knows Me . He and his wife are portrayed as Christian converts and sometimes martyrs. [183] In the medieval Slavonic Josephus, an Old Church Slavonic translation of Josephus, with legendary additions, Pilate kills many of Jesus's followers but finds Jesus innocent. Five chapters of the novel are featured as chapters of The Master and Margarita. "[256] Pilate becomes obsessed with his guilt for having killed Jesus. after Pilate's deposition, he himself became ruler of Judaea. [46] Unlike his predecessor, Valerius Gratus, Pilate retained the same high priest, Joseph ben Caiaphas, for his entire tenure. "[268] Bowie's Pilate speaks with a British accent, contrasting with the American accent of Jesus (Willem Dafoe). He had the power to inflict capital punishment, and was responsible for collecting tributes and taxes, and for disbursing funds, including the minting of coins. [128], In 2018, an inscription on a thin copper-alloy sealing ring that had been discovered at Herodium was uncovered using modern scanning techniques. At some point in 36 AD, a group of Samaritans from Samaria, who were followers of another messiah there, most likely called Dositheos, had begun excavating Mount Gerizim in the belief that they would find riches and artifacts there associated with the Hebrew prophet Moses. What happened to Pontius Pilate after the death of Christ? Another tradition states that Pontius Pilate was born in Germany and was a bastard son of Tyrus, king of Mayence. Hear their responses inspired by scripture and what the Bible says in regards to an. Pontius Pilate, Latin in full Marcus Pontius Pilatus, (died after 36 ce), Roman prefect (governor) of Judaea (2636 ce) under the emperor Tiberius who presided at the trial of Jesus and gave the order for his crucifixion. [52] Based on John 19:12, it is possible that Pilate held the title "friend of Caesar" (Latin: amicus Caesaris, Ancient Greek: K), a title also held by the Jewish kings Herod Agrippa I and Herod Agrippa II and by close advisors to the emperor. "[107] Originally, the inscription would have included an abbreviated letter for Pilate's praenomen (e.g., T. for Titus or M. for Marcus). The fact that some Christians believed it is interesting at best. Pilate has also frequently been portrayed in film. [242] It is he alone who wishes to kill Christ rather than the high priests, conspiring together with Judas. [22] If it means "skilled with the javelin," it is possible that Pilate won the cognomen for himself while serving in the Roman military;[20] it is also possible that his father acquired the cognomen through military skill. [150] Some Eastern versions of the Gospel of Nicodemus claim that Pilate was born in Egypt, which likely aided his popularity there. [203] Pilate now frequently appears in illuminations for books of hours,[204] as well as in the richly illuminated Bibles moralises, which include many biographical scenes adopted from the legendary material, although Pilate's washing of hands remains the most frequently depicted scene. [254], Pilate features prominently in Russian author Mikhail Bulgakov's novel The Master and Margarita, which was written in the 1930s but only published in 1966, twenty six years after the author's death. [142] Originally, these texts served both to unburden Pilate of guilt for the death of Jesus as well as to provide more complete records of Jesus's trial. Are you all stoics or something? [240] In the Wakefield plays, Pilate is portrayed as wickedly evil, describing himself as Satan's agent (mali actoris) while plotting Christ's torture so as to extract the most pain. He is sometimes replaced by Herod, Annas, and Caiaphas in the trial scene. Pilate's importance in modern Christianity is underscored by his prominent place in both the Apostles' and Nicene Creeds. [243] In the fifteenth-century English York passion play, Pilate judges Jesus together with Annas and Caiaphas, becoming a central character of the passion narrative who converses with and instructs other characters. He and his wife are venerated in the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church; their feast day is June 25. [286] These include John 18:35 (numquid ego Iudaeus sum? [44] He also would have toured around the province in order to hear cases and administer justice. [92], According to Josephus' Antiquities of the Jews (18.4.12), Pilate's removal as governor occurred after Pilate slaughtered a group of armed Samaritans at a village called Tirathana near Mount Gerizim, where they hoped to find artifacts that had been buried there by Moses. [179] The cities of Huesca and Seville are other cities in Spain associated with Pilate. 26-36? [146], The fragmentary third-century Manichaean Gospel of Mani has Pilate refer to Jesus as "the Son of God" and telling his centurions to "[k]eep this secret". What happened to him after his biblical appearance? Both Daniel Schwartz and Alexander Demandt do not think this especially likely. You see to it.". [1] The Samnites lived in the southern region of Italy. Pressure was also applied by his wife to have nothing to do with Jesus. Please select which sections you would like to print: Encyclopaedia Britannica's editors oversee subject areas in which they have extensive knowledge, whether from years of experience gained by working on that content or via study for an advanced degree. But here's the thing: Pontius Pilate was a light-weight. Herod the Great, founder of the dynasty, tried to kill the infant Jesus by the "slaughter of the innocents" at Bethlehem. When Jewish representatives demonstrated in Caesarea, Pilates city of residence, he threatened them with death unless they desisted, but, when they showed their readiness to die, he ordered the images removed. Reign of Tiberius from 26-36 ce who presided over the trial scene suicide is also left in... The reign of Tiberius from 26-36 ce and Seville are other cities in Spain associated with Pilate have! Being the official who presided over the trial of Jesus ( Willem Dafoe ) 's?... 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