Sued 2003. Named publicly as accused by the diocese on its list 6/21/19. Removed 2002. Larger previously pleaded guilty, in 2003, to soliciting sex from male undercover police officer. Died 11/07. Meiring asked to leave the priesthood in 1983 and worked as a licensed counselor and clinical supervisor with transgendered people and youths with gender-identity problems. The Diocese of Toledo Clergy Status Report is available Claudia Vercellotti, a local leader with the Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests, said the diocese should publicly announce what she calledthe most violating thing that you can do to a child, just as she said the diocese does for its fund-raisers. His accuser was interviewed in 2012, saying the incident happened just after he turned 18, and that Weaver had been grooming him for sex. Archdiocese has admitted it knew of his history back in 1950s. Name first appears on Archdiocese of St. Paul list of accused priests 5/22/14. Man complained in 1995 to Archdiocese that Paraniuk had abused him in 1983. Given house arrest and 3 yrs. Diocese sent himto treatment center in VA but he walked away from the Center. Served three years in prison. Removed from pastoral duties 4/02. Investigatied. Retired in 1997. Suit dismissed by Ohio Supreme Court on statute of limitations 6/06. Sentenced to 90 days jail 12/09. Marrer took a leave of absence in 1971 and died in 1996. Nadzam was assigned to several parishes over the years and taught at Catholic Central High School. On dioceses list 10/29/18. The following are clerics (deacons, priests, bishops) of the Diocese of Toledo against whom an allegation of sexual abuse of a minor was substantiated, or who have been convicted of a crime associated with child pornography, and have been permanently removed from public ministry by a canonical process. Diocese removed plaque and his name from church building 6/15/11. On the Cleveland dioceses list 6/21/19. Civil suit named Harsham and Cardinal Joseph Bernardin as abusers. Nealon denied the accusations at the time and also said that he had been exonerated after an investigation. Sent for treatment in 1985 then worked in MD. As of 4/12, SNAP reports he may be attempting to join Blessed John Catholic Church in Perrysburg,OH. On the dioceses list 10/31/18. Deceased, per dioceses list in 6/19. A list of their assignments can be found by clicking on their name below. WebThe following are deceased clerics (deacons, priests, bishops) of the Diocese of Toledo against whom an allegation of sexual abuse of a minor was substantiated. Permanently removed from ministry. Died (2009). Arrested, charged with 8 counts of sexual battery. Punnoor visiting his native India when report made 5/6/15; suspended upon return to Ohio. Kelley died 6/09. This was after a tribunal of three canonists determined the charges were not confirmed. Named publicly as accused by the diocese on its list 3/1/19. Named publicly as accused by the diocese on its list 6/21/19. details. Placed on administrative leave (2002). Convicted again 2005. ODonnell was diocesan secretary or chancellor at the time. The lawsuit was dismissed on SOL by the OH Supreme Court 1/08. Convicted 5/11/06 of 1980 ritual murder of nun at Mercy Hospital; sentenced to 15 years in prison. Named publicly as accused on the dioceses list 3/1/19. It notes McCarthy died in 1986, and allegation established in 2018. Laicization announced 9/24/2010. Requested and granted leave of absence (1987). Per 11/02 article, criminal charges were dropped in a plea deal that required Bals to forfeit his teaching credentials. One 1993 article says that Harsham reportedly had oral sex with two high school students in the 1970s. Pastor barred Kickel from hearing confessions and teaching religion classes, and told parents to keep quiet. In 3/86 Botty was sentenced to 7 1/2 years for molesting four teenage boys; 12 felony counts dismissed. Arrested in Naval, Biliran Province, Philippines in 12/10. Removed 2003 after accusation of abuse of youth in 1979. One man filed civil suit in Feb. 2006 alleging abuse by Meiring when he was a priest in Toledo Diocese between 1967-1969. Reportedly, during the 1980s several teenage boys accused him of sexually abusing them. Also took pictures of the girls. Laicization announced 5/11/07. Civil suit filed 2004. Also a teacher at Bishop Rosecrans HS during that time. Died (2022). When confronted, he admitted the allegations were true and diocese sent him to a treatment facility. In 2002 a man alleged that Schmelzer abused him 1983-1985, when he was a teenager. Continued to abuse. Weaver asked for a leave in 2002. First named publicly as accused on the dioceses list 10/29/18. Preliminary canonical investigation begun (2015). Victim was younger brother of a St. Francis de Sales High student. Three additional allegations received within one month. May the Blessed Mothers own pierced heart inspire them to embrace all who suffer at the foot of the cross. Two priests said in 2002 that they had reported him to the Cleveland diocese in 1975. Incardinated into Kalamazoo diocese 1990. Placed on leave in 7/02 due to allegations that he sexually abused a 16-year-old girl in 1962. Taught at Georgetown Universitys School of Nursing 1995-99, chaplain there at St. Marys Hall and Darnall Hall 1996-2002. Requested and granted leave of absence (1990). Father Miller was ordained in 1950 and served at nine diocesan No evidence of abuse in Tucson. A list of their In 7/04 Arko also lost his state license to perform massage therapy, based on the felony conviction for growing pot. Per 6/02 article, one man reported that Pucci molested him in 1980 at a rectory in Palm Beach, Fl. database, and a factual summary of the allegations is provided for each Rupp had received counseling for alcoholism. Assignments included St. Patricks in Hubbard, Ursuline High School, Cardinal Mooney High School, St. Josephs in Maximo, Regina Coeli in Alliance, and Immaculate Conception in Ravenna. Numerous male victims. Assignments included St. Aloysius in East Liverpool, St. Rose in Girard, the YU Newman Club, Newman Apostolate, and the Columbiana Deanery of Priests. Placed on administrative leave (2015). Died 2/05. Sent to Canada for treatment and later assigned there. Sued by accuser 7/11. He is barred from performing any function connected with Sacred Ordination or presenting himself as a cleric. In 1946-47 Plimmer was at St. Marys Seminary in Baltimore. In addition to many parish assignments, he was a teacher and official at Guernsey Catholic Central HS in Cambridge 1972-1977 and a chancery official, including a stint as dean and long tenure as a judge in the tribunal. WebCredibly Accused Priests Safe in our Diocese Credibly Accused Priests Report Abuse (858) 490-8353 In 2007, as part of its bankruptcy proceeding, the diocese published a list of priests who had been credibly accused of abusing minors. Clergy banner), Sylvia Demarest (in her private database), and Survivors The kissing was allegedly repeated by then-Msgr. Ordained a permanent deacon in 2008. Placed on leave 1/04 after a man came forward to allege that Cooper had touched him inappropriately several times in Bridgetown in 1983-1984 during Coopers first assignment after ordination. Sentenced in 1989 to 18 months in prison for sexually molesting a 12-year-old boy. Would target troubled adolescent males, then molest them. Vincent finally placed on leave in 3/05 after he was accused of abuse of one student at Elder High in 1970. A disciplinary panel was scheduled. Left priesthood in late1980s. Retired in 2001. The graph above indicates the year substantiated abuse occurred (blue line), and the year the substantiated allegation of abuse was reported to the Diocese of Toledo (dotted orange line). Member of the Dominican Sisters of Peace, first assigned in 1975. Accused of fondling girls in counseling sessions at Lake Catholic High School (he was guidance counselor/librarian) for 14 years. Evrit was Absent on Sick Leave 1985 until 1987, when he resurfaced in the Diocese of Charlotte, assigned to a Morgantown parish. County prosecutors said SOL had expired. On Columbus dioceses list 3/1/19. A 2004 suit alleging abuse from 1977-1981 dismissed after Ohio Supreme Court ruled victims must file before the age of 20. The eight women filed suit in 9/03, alleging abuse 1953-67. In 11/18 a man told news outlets that in 2005 he first reported to the diocese that when he was age 13, Schmelzer fondled, drugged and raped him in the St. Wendelin rectory. First allegation in 1975 involved soliciting an altar boy for oral sex. Suit dismissed 2/97 on statute of limitations. Placed on leave in 11/18 after a man reported to the diocese 9/26 that Bouchard sexually abused him as a boy, ages 9-11. Father Nieset was ordained in 1956 and served at 13 parishes, schools, and other institutions before retiring in 1995. These dioceses serve 9 million Catholics in Prior to ordination, Sprenger was a Marianist brother and taught at Chaminade High School in Dayton, OH and North Catholic High in Pittsburgh, PA. Diocesan review board found accusations to be credible and Feldman was placed on leave 1/03. Voluntarily dispensed from the clerical state (1997). Noted to have left ministry. Spencer Norris, Died (1978). Named Monsignor in 1992. Man told archdiocese late 2005 that Shelander sexually abused him late 1970s-early 1980s, when he was 14 to 18 years-old and Shelander was pastor of St. Marys in Urbana. Died 7/04. The man complained first in 1993; Schmelzer was counseled and moved. May also have admitted abuse of others. Permanently removed from church ministry by the Vatican 10/05 but not laicized. Teaching certificate revoked 11/06. Retired in 2000. Retired 5/09. Pled guitly 1991 to abuse of 4 boys; spent 3 months in jail. First named publicly on the Youngstown dioceses list updated 11/9/18. Permanently removed from public ministry (2009). Allegations against them range from credible to substantiated to admitted. 1977, Ordination year: Believed to be in Valdivia, Chile as of 11/10 (not as priest). He was assigned to Cardinal Mooney High School as well as to St. James in Warren and St. John the Baptist during the relevant time period. Retired 2005, still without privileges.On Leave of Absence until his death 7/18/18. Sentenced to 15 years probation and 1 yr. jail, with participation in sex offender program. On Administrative Leave until his death 1/12/15. Robert (or Paul) Hayden (also known as Brother Declan) sentenced to one year in prison in 1986 for sexually abusing mentally retarded men at a group home. He died a little over a month later, in 1/04, at age 89. Later married. The names in this list are only those that have been found to be credible, however it is likely that there are names missing, due to the sheer number of accounts and the historical aversion to transparency by the Catholic Church. Wernets personnel file was destroyed when he died in 1980. We invite you to contact us and welcome your calls, letters and electronic mail. In prison 11/11. One woman was denied counseling in 2000 because diocese said could not find facts to support her claim. No criminal charges filed due to SOL. Permanently removed from public ministry. They may not publicly perform any function connected to Sacred Ordination or present themselves publicly as clerics. Included on Attorney Garabedians list 3/28/16 of accused clerics named in civil claims resulting in settlements or arbitration awards re alleged abuse of a boy while assigned to Bishop Ready High School, Columbus OH, 1975-80. Took leave when suit filed. Civil suit filed by at least one man. Granted leave of absence by his religious order (1993). Had been an ordained Lutheran minister 1969-72 before converting to Catholicism. Nienstedt reportedly was told of the abuse, and did nothing. Placed on leave 7/02 for allegations of misconduct with minors. WebThere are 34 publicly accused child molesting clerics on BishopAccountability's list for the Toledo Diocese: Thomas J. Beauregard, Nelson Beaver, Michael Doyle, Philip S. Another man made similar allegations in 2003 or early 2004 re abuse when he was 15. Placed on leave in 2003 after allegations that he sexually abused several of the seven brothers in a family that had befriended him shortly after his ordination. Retired in 1998. In 1998 Symons resigned after admitting in 1998 that he abused a boy early in his priesthood; he later admitted to abusing four other boys. Placed on administrative leave (2002). Teaching certificate revoked by state 11/06. Director of academic enrichment and student life until 2003. Mueller also allegedly abused a woman in 1977. In 1981 Stephney was assigned to a Cincinnati parish and was chaplain at a Cincinnati jail. After two brothers came forward in 2002, Reidy admitted abusing them in 1960s when they were children. Archdiocese investigated and decided allegations were unsubstantiated. On the Saginaw diocese s list 4/25/18, On the Youngstown dioceses list 10/29/18. Died 4/17/11. Gray has finally surrendered his teaching certificate. Accused of abuse of two girls at Mount Notre Dame High School in 1980s. 1996, Ordination year: The form has been restored from your last edit. He denied allegations of abuse. Noted to be on administrative leave pending the Vaticans decision regarding laicization. Added to Baltimore archdioceses list 4/24/19. Named publicly as accused by the diocese on its list 3/1/19. First abuse occurred in Ohio and Michigan. On Stockton dioceses Necrology list on its website accessed 12/1/18. Substantiated by Review Board (2019). Died by suicide in 4/02 after being asked to come to diocesan offices to discuss an allegation that he had sexually molested a girl in 1980. Substantiated by Review Board (2023). He was reinstated in 10/05 after archdiocese investigated and again deemed allegation unsubstantiated. Monsignor. Died (2011). The Diocese of Toledo recently added three names to its list of diocesan clergy members who have been credibly accused of sexual abuse. On the dioceses list 3/1/19. Documenting the Catholic Sexual Abuse and Financial Crisis Data on bishops, priests, brothers, nuns, Pope Francis, Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Documenting the Abuse Crisis in the Roman Catholic Church Established June 2003, Died 1/3/74. In 2013, Diocese said he was living in another state under supervision. based on internal diocesan lists (see Included on the dioceses list 6/21/19. Noted to have been suspended from ministry in 1956. At least 38 men have filed suit alleging forced oral sex, rape, and other abuse by Kelley when they were minors. Diocesan review board found allegation credible. From diocese of Pathanamthitta, India. Placed on leave 12/02 after allegations he sexually abused more than one boy in mid-1970s. Diocese denied everything. Returned to ministry. First named publicly as accused on the dioceses list 10/29/18. On Sex Offender Register 1/21/12. Noted to be deceased. min-width: 240px; Expelled from order in 1993. Teaching license revoked by the state in 2013 after two people alleged abuse. Suit withdrawn after 5/31/06 ruling by Ohio Supreme Court. Barred from public ministry. Accused in 2003 of sexually abusing a 14-year-old girl in 1978 at Mercy Hospital; accuser claimed ritual abuse by several priests. Permanently removed from ministry by Vatican 10/05 but not laicized. Laicized, per the dioceses list in 6/19. Her father had confronted Wernet and he admitted abuse. Removed 2003. Teaching at Borromeo Seminary in 2003. Substantiated by Review Board (2019). Named in numerous 2003 civil suits, with at least 28 plaintiffs. In 12/02 Pucci was accused by two women of molesting them when they were young teenagers in the 1950s. Deceased. Placed on administrative leave in 1994, resigned from active ministry a few months later. Lawrence Charles Scharf. Noted to be on administrative leave pending further investigation of the allegation against him by the Review Board. Published list, Appeared under the heading: On dioceses list 10/29/18. Said to have abused boys at his cabin with a pond in Bono, OH. Dismissed from the clerical state (2007). Died in 2001. Per the 1943 Official Catholic Directory, Harris was a priest of the the Natchez MS diocese. Confidential settlements pre-1992. Named publicly as accused by the diocese on its list 3/1/19. Deceased. He denied the allegations. He took sick leave in 1982 and a leave of absence in 1994. As investigation progressed a man came forward to say that Garand had abused him between 1954 and 1958. Placed on administrative leave (2002). On the Oakland dioceses list in 2019. 2 men filed civil suit 10/03 claiming abuse by Shrimplin in 1970s. Died (2016). He told his family in 1993 and they reported it to Palm Beach Bishop Symons and to police. A Merson Law representative will contact you to discuss the next steps during the next available business day. Substantiated by Review Board (2019). Died 12/31/15. Placed on leave 3/05 and died in 9/05 before investigation complete. Noted to have been suspended from ministry in 1991. Parents first complained in 1968 or 69; diocese said he would receive treatment but instead he was transferred to a new high school. Nevertheless, the religious order priest is still under the authority of his religious superior. Ordained for the Diocese of Youngstown. Please note that contacting us does not create an attorney-client relationship. Per news in 4/02, Tomicky was not in active ministry because of allegations in the past of abuse of minors. Accused of abusing more than 10 girls, in what Bishop Blair in 2005 called grievously sinful and criminal acts. Ritual abuse alleged. At least 11 suits allege abuse of boys 1975-1987. Convicted in 2003 and sentenced to 21 months prison. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. Placed on leave in 2002. #ipt_fsqm_form_wrap_6 .ipt_fsqm_form_message_restore, Youngstown told Boston not to let him be around children. Removed by the Diocese in 6/09 after newly reported allegations of sexual misconduct with a teenage student more than 30 years before. Caught in 1985 and sent for counseling. Removed from active ministry in 1991. Per court documents, Wright tried to adopt a baby from Mexico in 2014. On dioceses list 10/31/18. Placed on leave 2002 after allegations he abused 2-3 youths in 1970s. Police were investigating. Ministry restricted due to an allegation which had not yet been substantiated. You cant fix a problem in secrecy; you cant protect kids in secrecy; you cant bring healing in secrecy.. Worked in the archdioces at Woodstock College 1968-75. John Gallen. Archdiocesan officials offered the man counseling, which he declined. He was director of admissions at Borromeo Seminary College in Wickliffe (1981-91). Woman complained in 2002 that Feltman had abused her when she was 9 in 1972 at St. Thomas Aquinas parish. Diocese settled with family for $45K, on condition that Mulica not be allowed to work near children. #ipt_fsqm_form_wrap_6 .ipt-eform-width-restrain, 3/04 report from Diocese says that Lucas was one of 10 priests permanently removed frompublic ministry because of credible or substantiated allegations. Weaver admitted to one regretful advance toward the youth. Served 18 months. Retired in 1980. Permanently removed from public ministry (2007). Place on administrative leave and faculties suspended (2003). Boston settled claims totaling more than $2.6M 1992-2002. Please enable it in order to use this form. Name appeared on a child-porn web site based in aforeign country and the US Customs had begun an investigation. court documents and mainstream media articles that are the sources for this Two other accusations but no criminal charges. He also was an assistant Air Force chaplain in FL. Laicization announce 3/19/15. Accused of abusing two brothers almost 20 years apart. ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ, Go to the fulllist of names in state order: Prayer and penance. Diocese had known of allegations for some time and Ellifritz had been under supervision for years. While a priest, Williams also served as chaplain at Lorain Catholic High School. Labbes name was included on a list of priests placed on leave in 4/2002 by the Cleveland diocese because of recent allegations of past abuse. Transferred to Boston. Howze sent him back to Cleveland after four years. Rothbauer died 2/17/11 at age 83. All three were deceased prior to the allegations. religious orders. A priest of the Diocese of Toledo has been accused sexually abusing a minor over 25 years ago. He said he asked Ritchey how many other kids he did that with, and Ritchey told him I have several special friends from my parish. The mans mother was a cousin of newly ordained and later Bishop Nienstedt, who introduced Ritchey to him. Died (2020). You should consult an attorney for advice regarding your individual situation. First named publicly as accused on the Youngstown dioceses list 10/29/18. Priest files from 1902 up until today have been reviewed. Believed to be terminally ill (debilitating heart attack) in prison as of 6/3/14. If the problem persists, then check your internet connectivity. Accused of abuse of 10 boys there, as young a age 7; may be at least 50. actions are presumed not to be liable for such claims unless a plaintiff Per 2002 articles, at least 10 women have accused him of abusing them when they were grade-school students at St. Vincent School in Akron and St. Marys School in Bedford. Suit filed in 1989 claiming Rothbauer sexually abused a girl starting when she was age 14, during counseling 1968-72. Worked at multiple parishes and schools during his career. Clergy who have been Placed on Administrative Leave, Ordination year: Diocese announced 4/09 that it had received a substantiated allegation that Nadzam abused a minor in the 1970s. Had people take off their clothes and look at their bodies in mirrors, to tell them how good their bodies were and that Jesus loved them and their bodies. This database was last updated in January 2020 and should only be used as a historical snapshot of the lists published by dioceses and religious orders. Privileges removed in 2003. Died (1979). One plaintiff had gone to the archdiocese in 1992 with his allegations. In 8/19 Binzer is a member of the USCCB committee on child protection. Please bookmark this page and check back regularly for more up-to-date information on this priest abuse list as it becomes available. Toledo police interviewed two youths at Child Study Institute who said they were abused by Garand and that there were other victims. Laicized. All three were deceased prior to the allegations. Laicization announced 7/20/15. Deceased, per dioceses list in 6/19. Allegations were made after Cunninghams death. , chaplain there at St. Marys Hall and Darnall Hall 1996-2002 on this priest abuse list it. By two women of molesting them when they were young teenagers in the diocese of Charlotte, assigned a. Accessed 12/1/18 Thomas Aquinas parish was Absent on Sick leave 1985 until,. Web site based in aforeign country and the us Customs had begun an.. One man filed civil suit 10/03 claiming abuse by Kelley when they were children its list 3/1/19 boy, 9-11. To Catholicism in 9/05 before investigation complete denied counseling in 2000 because diocese said could not find facts support. Diocesan No evidence of abuse of youth in 1979 him by the diocese in 1975 Ordination or himself! Before retiring in 1995 a 14-year-old girl in 1962 said could not find facts to support her claim apart. 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