At times, you find yourself feeling genuinely sorry for Ted, a man who is obviously a threat to the women around him. In the dark of the forest, among the white birch trees, something lies buried. Were you surprised when she and Winston did so in the tree house? Olivia thinks she was sent to protect Ted by the LORD (always described in caps like that), and she occasionally knocks Teds Bible off the table in order to read a random Bible verse (if youve ever read the Bible, youll understand how unsettling some of it is). Imagine my surprise, then, when I finished Catriona Wards twisty and twisted novel and became a believer. However, Catriona Ward has penned something really unique here that booksellers will struggle to find a genre to shelve it under. Now she writes novels and short stories, and reviews for various publications. I really cant say a lot more without giving away major plot secrets, youve got to just enjoy the ride for The Last House On Needless Street, the intrigue is blinding in this one and the ending is nothing short of incredible. This is indeed a great weekend read for sure :-). And what exactly is Ted burying when he goes into the woods at night? Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to email a link to a friend (Opens in new window), Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window), Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window), THE LAST HOUSE ON NEEDLESS STREET by Catriona Ward Review, I have never seen a real icicle before this winter. Readalikes| The reveal at the end was sort of mind-blowing, and I loved the authors Afterword where she gives some background on how the story came to be. This article about an American writer is a stub. This has been in my list for a while.I just might get it now thanks! The other device the author uses is that she shows the same events from two different perspectives. It sounds so good!!!! In chapter 21, Kayla finds a letter that her father, Reed, wrote to Jackson, describing their new house as "haunted." BOOM! WebThe Chihuahua lady and the mom seemed to be close, and the mom told her later on that she would be going out of town as a way to lead false tracks away from her if The silly level of reader manipulation in this moment was immediately topped 3-4 chapters later when it turns out the scarf Ted supposedly took from a victim was actually something she dropped and he tried in vain to return to her. Publisher Profile Books Ltd. Imprint Viper. Excellent review. Reviews| WebThe Last House on the Street touches upon several national current events in each timeline, for example: LBJ passing the Voting Rights Act in the 1965 timeline and the Beyond the Book| Whenever she misbehaves, Ted sends her away, leaving the reader with a lot of questions. The years passed and so did her parents, but she never gave up the hunt to find the person that took her sister. You'll have to update us on if Sundial is as good! Time is not always linear in this story, so flashbacks of Dee and Teds childhood interrupt the suspenseful present-day plotline, while other times its unclear whether someone is recalling a memory or creating one. It's all just so preposterous. How does it influence the plot? ** This title earned me the Animal Companion badge in the Spells & Spaceships SFF collection! I strongly agree that the sister should have been a reliable narrator. Thats where youre wrong. Known to most as Little Girl with Popsicle, her sister Lulu disappeared and was never seen again. A man who drinks alone in front of his TV, trying to ignore the gaps in his memory. Catriona Ward is an American and British horror novelist. You can help Wikipedia by expanding it. There are so many questions raised throughout the novel that it borders on the confusing, yet thankfully not everything is tied up in a neat bow at the end either, and the tension between reality and make-believe lands firmly in the real side of things once the last page is turned. All these things are true. Hasini @ Bibliosini recently postedDoes Having a Positive Message Automatically Make a Book Good? Why do you think Brenda and Ellie had such different views on race? You think you know whats inside the last house on Needless Street. And an ordinary house at the end of an ordinary street. She built up the setting well, characters that are relatable, and makes it so once this ride was over, youll be completely blown away once you start to put all the pieces together. Your review has just cemented my wish to get it sooner. The main story takes place eleven years after a six-year old girl named Lulu went missing down by the lake. What does it mean for the future of both characters? This is a book thats oppressive and disturbing, sometimes nearly overwhelming in its sadness, but one that comes from a place of real humanity and caring. Don't miss a beat! This is a psychological horror story that leads you to believe certain things, but then pulls the rug out from under you late in the story. Some cheap tricks to help spice up a plodding story that mostly amounted to characters sitting and waiting and watching. We earn commission on any purchases made. Now, youve given me a totally different almost sounds like this novel is more one of those violent thrillers instead of a horror novel thats designed to be scary, but also makes you laugh nervously because its fun to be scared. The Last House on Needless Street follows Ted, who lives with his daughter Lauren and his cat Olivia in an ordinary house at the end of an ordinary street. All storytellers are liars, but Catriona Ward is a particularly good one. I have been lied to in the best possible way and I enjoyed every single moment. What is the house haunted by, if not supernatural beings? Shes the only author to have won the August Derleth Prize for Best Horror Novel at the British Fantasy Awards twiceonce in 2016 for her debut, Rawblood, and again in 2019 for her second, Little Eveand has also been shortlisted for the Authors Club Best First Novel Award, a WHSmith Fresh Talent title, and won the 2019 Shirley Jackson Award. Nicely put, I reallllyyyy disliked this novel. Catriona Ward was born in Washington, D.C. But the way you know misdirection and especially plot twists have been done correctly is if you as the reader can reverse-engineer the story, looking back at earlier sections to discover, yes, there were the clues along, there was always enough information in the narrative for me to have solved this if I had been observant enough. I didnt care for it either. And some of the big surprises arent all that surprising. How would the story be different if they were just friends? All the main characters, besides Dee, are his separate identities. WebI am 66% into The Last House on Needless Street by @Catrionaward & I can honestly say its mind-blowing. I certainly didnt, which I guess makes me the perfect reader! Thats okay. Am I getting too big picture here? Hugs to @tordotcompub for the review copy . Unless otherwise stated, this discussion guide is reprinted with the permission of St. Martin's Griffin. LoL I understand and yeah, I can see what you mean as I also wanted more from the ending, but either way, her writing style and pacing were top-notch. Revenge. Seriously, when it was revealed the sister had been lying to the reader and really knew what happened to her sister, I nearly threw the book across the room. I've never heard that phrase "not to yuck anyone's yum" as that's the quote of the day! And an ordinary house at the end of an ordinary street. And then there is Mommy, Teds mother, a beautiful but slightly sinister figure, who we gather is no longer around but whose presence nevertheless looms over everything like the spider at the heart of a web. The Last House on Needless Street follows Ted, who lives with his daughter Lauren and his cat Olivia in an ordinary house at the end of an ordinary street. It is forbidden to copy anything for publication elsewhere without written permission from the copyright holder. Is Brenda lonely in Round Hill despite being surrounded by the people she grew up with? Thats where youre wrong. Death. I can understand why so many readers are praising this book to the skies. Now Im more excited than EVER to read this!!! Yeah, I thought it was awful, I guessed the big twist about 50 pages in. In a boarded-up house on a dead-end street at the edge of the wild Washington woods lives a family of three. I was listening to it on Audible and was struggling hard with it. Synopsis This is the story of a serial killer. Personally, I was pretty underwhelmed by the final act and the creaky structure of the overall story. EXCLUSIVE: Andy Serkis and Jonathan Cavendish s Imaginarium Productions has optioned film rights to Catriona Ward s upcoming new novel The Last House on Needless Street. Viper will publish in the UK on March 18 and Tor Nightfire will publish in the U.S. in late September. Ward will executive produce alongside the Imaginarium. Ted and Olivia live mostly in the dark because hes boarded up the windows with plywood. Revenge. What do you think is the meaning behind this statement? From the ramshackle houses to the disappearing children, theres something nefarious at In the last house on Needless Street lives Ted, his daughter Lauren and cat Olivia. So basically, in the first fifty pages or so. Catriona Ward expects us to swallow all of this with complete credulity. by Catriona Ward. While theres satisfaction in seeing a bully get comeuppance, does it really need to be at the expense of one mentally ill person targeting another? He has only his cat Olivia for company, and he As soon as you think you have it all figured out, there will be one more twist to keep you gripped. This helped slowly build the mystery and allow the reader to revisit key points in near real-time. Discuss the definition of "family" in the novel. 100-Word (or Less) Synopsis: All is not what it seems on Needless Street. By day I'm a content, social media and PR specialist and in my spare time, I'm a book blogger. You might have a chapter from Olivias point of view and what shes observing from inside the house, and the next chapter might shift to Dee, who is in the house next door, watching the same event unfold. Just the idea of the cat POV has me super curious!!! This is a psychological horror story that leads you to believe certain things, but then pulls the rug out from under you late in the story. Change), You are commenting using your Twitter account. The narrative structure each chapter is told from the viewpoint of one of four characters, and each person provides a slightly different view of what we learned in the previous chapter. , Oh Im so used to just ignoring blurbs most of the time, especially Stephen King, he blurbs everything these days! Thanks Sarah! This House may look good on the outside, but inside, its a real fixer-upper. This is her first novel with Serpents Tail imprint, Viper Books. What is the role of music for the civil rights activists? He does go out, though these excursions usually result in awkward and unpleasant encounters, to put it mildly. See below for more (spoiler filled) details on that. I found the sister story confusing and unnecessary and, like you, felt it was contrived having that whole set-up be a lie to begin with. Also yes, I tasted one and they are delicious, This book was simply exquisite. This is a fabulous review! The Last House on Needless Street by Catriona Ward will undoubtedly be on my top 10 book list of 2021. At the end of Needless Street is forest. Definitely my favorite thing about the snow! Synopsis: A communitys past sins rise to the surface when two women, a generation apart, find themselves bound by tragedy and an unsolved, decades-old mystery. Lying narrators aside, the scarf nonsense alone would have soured me on Wards story. And yet some of them are lies. Im glad you kept this spoiler-free. After her earlier novels Rawblood and Little Eve gained wide critical acclaim, can The Last House on Needless Street live up to the hype? What do you think? Who needs the real world? Zeen is a next generation WordPress theme. And yet they are all lies. I can hardly wait to read Catriona Wards next book! I mean wow, what a book! This is one of the books Ive most been looking forward to and your fabulous review has me even more excited! , Ha ha you will probably be as surprised as I was if you read it:-). Even when the detective in charge of the case started to give up, Dee kept hunting. And an ordinary house at the end of an ordinary street. From literary classics to sci-fi graphic novels, I love it all. This really does sound super creepy. And there are even more mysteries to solve: who exactly is the Chihuahua Lady and how is she involved in all this? Greg recently postedSunday Post 411, Wow, sounds great. The final act theres a bait and switch that felt organic and not for shock value. The Last House on Needless Street is surrounded by buzz and gushing blurbs from big name authors, and in my opinion all of it is well deserved. Author Revenge. The Last House on Needless Street follows awkward shut-in Ted and his loyal sidekick, Olivia the cat. Something horrible may or may not have happened in Teds past. He was once a suspect in a missing person case involving a little girl named Laura. We occasionally get a few chapters told from the perspective of Dee, a woman whose younger sister Lulu disappeared when they were little, and Dee suspects Ted was the kidnapper so she moves in next to him in an attempt to revive the cold case. --Sarah Pinborough, New York Times bestselling author of Behind Her Eyes The buzzis real. Get in touch with me at Click Here to find out who said this, as well as discovering other famous literary quotes! All rights reserved. Clearly this was not the case while it slowly dawned on me that the evil in this book is purely human. A teenage girl who isnt allowed outside, not after last time. Dartmoor was the one place the family returned to on a regular basis. I wish I could wax lyrical about what twists I liked best and the clues I missed, but I have no intention of explaining the ending. I honestly didnt even catch the plot point about the sister because I stopped paying attention during the final act. This is the twist that has largely propelled the novel to popularity, but I felt his childlike and duplicitous portrayal made it difficult to offer the forgiveness that Ward was going for. Here it does. Ted frequently loses time, and what appear to be occasional inconsistencies and contradictions between the different narrators may frustrate at first, but gradually the clues begin to emerge and the puzzle pieces fall into place, revealing a chilling picture. Dee has never been the same since her sister went missing on a family holiday. And I also really wanna meet Olivia the cat. The Last House on Needless Street, by Catriona Ward, is the best written book I wish Id never read. He found her after her mother and siblings all passed away one stormy night. Mothers, either of the abusive or excessively smothering variety, who have left their adult children with a boatload of devastating mental health problems have become one of horror fictions most recycled tropes. The mysteries the two core mysteries get explained, but there are so many ancillary things thrown in to keep the reader off balance that I still cant make sense out of what was important and what wasnt. The nitty-gritty: A creepy, disturbing tale perfect for fans of twisty, psychological horror. The fact that Catriona has crafted characters that you can be scared of and feel sorry for at the same time is incredible. Yes actually, the cat does get a happy ending! A Blog about science fiction, fantasy and more! As I delved deeper into the subconscious of these characters, I found myself horrified by what I found, which is what prompted me to consider abandoning it. A stolen child. How does the idea of marriage play into Ellie's idea to wait until marriage to "be intimate" with a man? It doesnt just get under your skin; it embeds itself there like your first blurry green/black tattoo you had a fifteen (just me?). The writing itself was not the problem, it was what the characters were doing to each other, or at least, what we are led to believe they are doing to each other. Here to talk books, film, mental health and lifestyle. By the end of the book youll have most of the answers, but not all, which I was OK with. What is the impact of Winston and Ellie falling in love despite Winston's statement that he never "planned on falling in love with a white girl" in chapter 42? Im not generally someone who reads horror, as I tend to suffer from nightmares, but this review sounds really tempting. As you can probably tell from the lack of plot details, Im doing all I can to avoid spoilers. Firstly, when I started reading The Last House on Needless Street, I expected a bone-chilling horror and prepared myself for some gore. And its here that Ward just stops playing fair with her readers. Even her plot twists have plot twists. Yes: 65% | It's complicated: 30% | No: 3%, It's complicated: 59% | No: 25% | Yes: 13%, No: 35% | It's complicated: 32% | Yes: 28% | N/A: 4%, Yes: 82% | It's complicated: 14% | No: 1%. Death. A missing child. The characters yes, a talking cat is one of the primary narrators. He drinks too much, and because Olivia is a god-fearing cat who loves Ted despite her disgust with his bad habits, she stays permanently indoors, only having a few glimpses of a neighborhood cat to look forward to each day. What is the importance of society and "fitting in" for the characters in the 1965 timeline? Anytime and happy reading! Glad you loved it as much as I did :-). Buy This Book. Thats a journey you need to take yourself. SYNOPSIS Dee has never been the same since her sister went missing on a family holiday. For Kayla, her house is a constant reminder of the loss of her husband and the life they could have shared there. Synopsis An Indie Next Pick! Will stay up far too late to finish a book and can and will talk about them until the cows come home. Moreover, it becomes evident as you read that Ward does not establish anything at all in her story that she doesnt plan to completely overturn with an M. Night Shyamalan-style twist. It was a genuine surprise and just made me love this novel even more, even though I wanted more with the ending, still thought it was an excellent reading adventure. His young daughter stays from time to time, but he keeps her hidden away too. It is central to the appeal of a mystery, being led down blind alleys in the hope that youre a clever enough detective to piece together the puzzle. If this was a movie, Id watch it again for clues, but Im not that interested in doing it here. View all posts by Roxanne Michelle. Posted July 22, 2021 by Tammy in 5 stars, Reviews / 33 Comments, Ive gotta say Im SUPER intrigued by this book after reading your review. It felt long at times there are some vague situations at the beginning and none of the characters come across as likable except Olivia, the Bible loving queer cat which made me wonder if the ride was worth it. Its definitely not for everyone because it may steer some readers into painful childhood memories that may be best left unexamined, but its an excellent example of the power of red herrings when directing attention to all the wrong places. This is one of my favorite story devices and it works so well here. Here to talk books, film, mental health and lifestyle. I couldnt agree more with everything you said above . A gut-punch of a novel about a Cherokee child removed from her family and sent to a Christian boarding school in the 1950s. This character 360 comes across as a master stroke of creativity by Ward. Is Ellie lonely in California? I received this book for free from the Publisher in exchange for an honest review. (LogOut/ Think Ill pass I much prefer nasty ghosts to nasty people , I prefer nasty ghouls to nasty people any day! Olivia is the fly on the wall but an unreliable spy at best, since she talks only of her own interests. These little bits of information eventually reveal what actually happenedor do they? WebListen to "Das letzte Haus in der Needless Street Thriller" by Catriona Ward available from Rakuten Kobo. Olivia is such an interesting character. In what ways does the society that the characters were born into impact who they become? That statement resonates with the rest of Ellie's life. Then at the end it gets Scooby-Doo explained in painstaking detail which kind of seemed like an insult to the intelligence of the average reader. And yet some of them ar Read more Community Reviews Summary of 7,367 reviews Moods dark 95% mysterious 81% An The StoryGraph is an affiliate of the featured links. Im intrigued by your description of her as Bible-reading! This is a place to discuss horror literature. At last, she has the address of the man who was originally suspected of her abduction. And your fabulous review has just cemented my wish to get it now thanks master. Give up, Dee kept hunting never heard that phrase `` not to yuck anyone yum. Perfect reader pages or so is Ted burying when he goes into the Last house on Needless Street, Catriona! Chihuahua Lady and how is she involved in all this daughter stays time. Of society and `` fitting in '' for the characters in the dark because boarded. A believer by @ Catrionaward & I can honestly say its mind-blowing act the... 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