According to scientific understanding, the genetic split between peccaries and pigs occurred some 30-million years ago. As they grow, their food options become wider and they have more time to spend between meals lounging around in the sun. Predators In terrain that affords you a vantage point with clear views, spot and stalk hunting will provide the most javelina hunting action. 0000217947 00000 n Rattlesnakes primarily eat small mammals. Who are the main predators of the Javelina? They can squirt a stream of liquid scent several inches. Unfortunately, there have been years that all of her hard work is destroyed in less than a night when a squadron of javelinas decide to help themselves to an all you can eat buffet. 0000011414 00000 n 0000027091 00000 n Any plants that bear fruit or nuts should be avoided. If you come across a rattlesnake, rattling or not, stay calm and move away at a casual, and calm pace. You can also sniff them out, as their powerful musk glands, located at both their hind ends and heads, exude a pungent, telltale olfactory clue. The tracks on the ground and in the cave tell the story--the Javelina were moving along a ridge mid-morning, when they stopped by a favorite resting place. One of the most common questions among turkey hunters and callers is the correct usage of a diaphragm call and if there truly is an advantage to using one. Javelina can be hunted in both the Spring and Fall seasons in Arizona. Stalking Tips While we now regard elk as a Western species found primarily in the Rocky Mountains, at the time of European contact they were found across virtually all of the lower-48, with particularly impressive herds on the Great Plains. Appropriate javelina calls mimic the sound of a distressed and frantically struggling javelina. If necessary, move closer to where you saw the javelina and concentrate your efforts on likely habitats within that zone. Jacob is only 4-feet tall and weighs about 75 or 85 pounds, but he loves to shoot his bow and really wanted to go deer hunting. They may have been educated by a previous hunter using a similar call. Some clues indicating the presence of prey while youre hunting javelinas are signs of feeding. Short repetitive sounds (sort of like a purr) are used between a mother and her young to keep them close together. Every time you head into the northern mountains for these white sheep, you are in for a grueling high-country adventure. Now, you may think that you are safe since you live in a nice air conditioned house that has no semblance to a cave of any kind. The plant names on this list represent plants . Newborn Javelina weigh about one pound and attain colorization at three months. 480 0 obj <>stream Now Javelina are not actually pigs, but are pig-like mammals that are native to the Southwestern region of the United States, ranging southwards into Central and South America. While they do occasionally eat bird eggs, grubs, insects, and reptiles, their primary foods sources are desert plants. A rattlesnakes pattern and color scheme of its scales blend in perfectly with its habitat making it hard to see and find. The females have significantly more gland activity. That is just another reason for the rattlesnake to keep away from open spaces and stay hidden. Bobcats do eat rattlesnakes, but they aren't immune to the venom if bitten. According to the Arizona Game & Fish Department, javelina favorites include cactus, succulents, bulbs and tubers, and any plants that drop fruit or nuts. Javelinashave a unique odor and you might just smell them before you see them. Hed already passed his hunters safety course. If a shape cant be ruled out as a potential javelina, watch the area around it for the movement of other animals. The upper tusks (1.5 inches long) are pointed down, instead of up like some other wild pigs. 0000216751 00000 n Many people have said they can smell a herd of javelina before they . However, they will eat other foods such as bird seed, pet food, and foods left in trash cans. Under the right circumstances, javelina will respond more dramatically to a game call than any other species of big game. Being social animals, they react with a speed and ferocity unmatched by other big game. 0000014841 00000 n Around four months of age, javelinas will have lost their red fur and fully acquired the dark brown and grey adult pelage. Do NOT kill a javelina unless you have the appropriate hunting license and tags. Experts estimate there are between 500 and 1,000 wild hogs in Arizona. They often nuzzle each other as if content in their companionship and spend time grooming each other. The sky was beginning to brighten as I was walking to my stand, parallel to a fence line about 25 yards to my left. If you are spotted, freeze for a few minutes. Dealing with Javelinas Javelinas are opportunistic when it comes to their food. As a species that experienced a sudden northward extension of its range during the last few hundred years, the javelina is not alone. These animals are not like Wilbur in. Javelinas live in the canyon area of the desert. Javelinas have 3 toes on each hind foot. Since I was a kid it has been my dream to have the funnest backyard around. Texas A&M-Kingsville is the only university in the United States with a javelina for its mascot. (Tayassu pecari) - Mexico In fact, several times I am awakened in the middle of the night by the sound of my dogs barking at a roaming squadron of javelina traveling near my house. These Collard Peccary have razor sharp tusks, which get sharpened every time they open and close their mouths. What do javelina pigs eat? 0000025040 00000 n By signing up, you'll get thousands of step-by-step solutions to your homework questions. 0 Living in a rural town in Arizona, we have had our issues with javelinas tearing up our yard and garden. The large snakes of the genus Drymarchoncolloquially called indigo snakes or cribosare capable predators of rattlesnakes. In fact, this behavior has been noted in the literature and anecdotally reported by observers of javelina behavior. Rapacious omnivores, javelinas will eat almost anything they come across. Javelinas are omnivores, meaning the mammal will eat both meat and plants. 0000070804 00000 n Warn others on the trail about where you saw the snake. While javelinas have lived to 24 years in captivity, the average life span is closer to seven or eight. Javelina will eat all kinds of foods that they can find in the wild. Because of this, javelinas often feed at dusk in the thick brush where they dont need good vision to find sustenance. Although they may seem cute and harmless, javelinas are a force to be reckoned with. Their diet changes with food availability in their environment. Peccaries are not members of the rodent family or the pig family. Due to rapid habitat destruction in the name of putting up more buildings, deliberate extermination campaigns, and mass killing events like rattlesnake round-ups are pushing certain species of rattlesnakes closer to extinction. link to Argentine Tegu Lifespan | How Long Do Argentine Tegus Live? Javelinas are dainty eaters. The key to a successful javelina hunt is knowing as much about your prey as possible. First, baby rattlesnakes can show up at any place, any time, without a reason. However, you can only take two animals a year. The biggest identifier of a rattlesnake is its rattle. The mother rattlesnakes keep the eggs inside of her for about 90 days before giving birth to baby rattlesnakes in a clear, thin membrane. Rattlesnakes primarily eat small mammals. The university's first students chose the javelina (in Spanish pronounced hah-vay-lee-nah and in South Texan pronounced hah-vuh-lee-nuh) as the mascot because of its fierce and tenacious behavior.Those first students were right that javelinas can do serious damage to men or hunting . In the world of prescribed burning, three types of fires are used; a "backfire," "head fire," and "flank fire," and each type provides differing intensities for varying results. About the only cactus eaten by some animals is the prickly pear. 0000214859 00000 n It's also common to find them feasting on agave, mesquite beans, and other greens they can find. When eating prickly pear, the peccaries skillfully peels the skin off of one side of the pad and then eats the soft juicy pulp in the center. These are guys who devote themselves entirely to the studying and hunting of a particular species, often to the exclusion of all other game animals. Everything You Need to Know About Hunting Javelina, Identifying and Catching the Bass Youve Found with Equipment, John ODell Hunts Deer and Javelinas with His Young Son at the King Ranch, Lining Up for a Mr. Fox Vest: The NWTF Experience, Best New Turkey Hunting Guns and Ammo 2023, Illumination in the Flatwoods: Bottomland Book Club, Getting The Most Out Of Your Diaphragm Call with 3 Champion Callers. Once you find a group of javelinas, your main tactic should be to play to the wind. Animals like antelope, horses, deer, and cows see rattlesnakes as a threat and will try and stomp or trample them in order to kill and get rid of them. If you can identify them before they identify you, you might be able to make a quick shot before they take off. 2 | Baby rattlesnakes are rattleless until they first shed their skins, so there will be no infamous "chica-chica" sound before they strike. The rattlesnakes forked tongue leaves its mouth to taste the air, collecting scent particles that will help the snake identify what it is smelling, before running its tongue along the roof of its mouth to give those collected particles to the vomeronasal organ, or Jacobsons organ. Nine times out of ten, youll spot a herd because you detected movement. The javelina resembles a wild pig and is one of three species of peccary, which is defined as a social, pig-like animal. As a general overview, snake venom can be categorized into two groups: high molecular mass (HMM) enzymes and low molecular mass (LMM) neurotoxins. If you want to eat your trophy, you will have to dress the animal in the field to get rid of those scent glands. Once this is accomplished, treat the javelina much like a boar in butchering and cooking techniques. Here are 15 animals who really, really love snacking on some watermelon. While West Texas has a great many javelina and readily available tags, it is short on public land. Rattlesnakes are pit vipers. Most likely, the mother was frightened away by your approach. It is the most comprehensive text available. The key to preventing javelina from destroying the yard is to take precautionary measures to ensure that they stay away out of your property. 0000039088 00000 n Javelina become sexually mature at about 10 months of age and are capable of breeding at anytime of the year and can have two litters with a year. The liquid is amber when it comes from the gland, but it immediately turns jet black. When you meet a javelina look for interesting behavior. One, stunning and taking down prey. 0000070777 00000 n Javelinas have very short attention spans. Musk from the gland can contaminate the taste and smell of the animals, so it should be removed before you begin the butchering process. However, rattlesnakes are very adaptable and can live pretty much anywhere from deserts to meadows to swamp lands. 0000071504 00000 n Also, javelina are usually smaller than full grown pigs, reaching weights of only 40-60 lbs., while pigs can grow to be 120-220 lbs. While one of the main benefits of eating small lizards and amphibians is that they fit inside the baby rattlesnakes mouth, these prey animals are also more susceptible to the rattlesnake venom and are therefore easier to kill and consume. The availability of food will often determine a herd's location. They are also quite vocal; on occasion, the location of a herd is betrayed by the sound of grunts and snorts coming up from the bottom of a canyon. Sheep hunting also tests your gear. 0000215337 00000 n For the maximum chance of getting a mature, large-bodied animal, try to compare the body sizes of the various herd members to get a relative idea about each animals body size. lol Yes you can eat a javelina and they are very good. One of their major foods is prickly pear, and the dense prickly pear thickets on Farm-to-Market Road 1788, 20 miles south of Midland International Airport, probably played a major role in their dispersal to Monahans Draw. At all times, pay attention to your nose and ears as much as your eyes. New Turkey Vests Nomad Bull Lounger Turkey Vest $250 This turkey vest is highly adjustable (14. The word javelina is a Spanish word meaning 'javelin' or 'spear' as they have razor sharp tusks. Mature javelinas weigh between 40 and 60 pounds, and they sport brownish-gray bristles with a highlighted, prominent collar between their shoulders. Dont give them a reason to come to your yard. 0000026813 00000 n Rattlesnake safety tips for hikers. Also, homeowners need to take away any allurements that entices the animal to enter the yard. Sometimes the babies bite the syringe, but most baby javelinas quickly learn to suck the milk. Its about as up close and personal as you can get as a hunter, and the intensity only grows when you pull out a javelina distress call and blow a few notes. The Chacoan peccary ranges only in the Gran Chaco region of Argentina, Bolivia, and Paraguay. When they do emerge, they will likely choose areas that receive direct sunlight. If you have been bit by a rattlesnake, call 911. 400 81 The online apartment guide reported in its National Rent Report that the Petroplex cities rank Local music, an outdoor workout class and the Cousins Maine Lobster traveling food truck: here's Blong: The Permian Basin should solve the issue of produced water and show the nation and the "Its not just a place to go hear music but an experience.. Telltale Sign If they are not rattling to warn us of potential threats, then humans could get bitten more often, which will cause more hospital visits and sadly, more rattlesnake-related deaths. Instead, youre looking for a critter that can be difficult to spot when its holding still. Javelina are most active at night, but they may be active during the day when it is cold. Unlike other, non-venomous snakes, a rattlesnakes head sticks out and is not the same width as its body. My mother-in-law likes to plant a huge garden every year full of tomato plants, squash, melons, corn, and other veggie goodness. Because of this, they are perfect ambush predators. Despite its weight, the mammal isn't as large as other animals we see in the wild. The only time they will actually attack someone is if they feel cornered or if their young seems to be threatened. After cutting a circle around the gland that goes all the way through the hide, you can simply skin the gland away and discard it. Rattlesnakes come in a vast area of colors including tones of yellow, light pink, rust, olive, and cream to shades of blacks and greys to shades of browns. 0000213718 00000 n According to Arizona Game and Fish, javelina's are omnivores, but their favorite foods include nuts, succulents, fruit, cacti, bulbs and other tubers. 0000102514 00000 n 0000213796 00000 n However, with 30 currently recognizable species living in a wide range of habitats, it is not uncommon for a rattlesnake to eat ground-dwelling birds, insects, and small reptiles. Whitetail hunting strategies for the next generation. There are only three species of peccaries in the world. Make sure you have shaded outdoor spots. Javelina calls can also be used to turn around a bad situation. As an avid turkey hunter, I knew that I wouldnt be the only person thinking about how special the release of this vest was. 0000218268 00000 n Yes, javelinas (also known as peccaries or Mexican wild hogs) are known to eat rattlesnakes. Edibility Bush-planes delayed for days on end by un-flyable weather, tents and gear soaked by horizontally driven rain, late summer blizzards, persistent fog, waist-deep rivers Sign in to access your profile, save content and more. Fortunately for the home gardener or anyone who wants a peccary-free yard, keeping javelinas out of your garden is as easy as putting up a fence. Typically Argentine tegus have longer lifespans than most other pet lizards. 0000015672 00000 n Javelina are considered a game animal in the states where they are found. Javelina are classed as omnivores, meaning they will eat both plant and animal matter. You can also find herds close to desert watering holes and other permanent water sources. Although, it is important to note that some species of rattlesnakes display no identifying scale patterns. 0000166439 00000 n These pits also allow the rattlesnake to see and hunt prey in complete darkness. A rattlesnake can move its rattle back and forth about sixty times a second. These arent huge animals, but they are some of the fiercest prey animals many hunters have come up against. 0000217202 00000 n Read Mossy Oak's wild turkey eyesight article and find out how gobblers can see three times sharper than a hunter! Another great way to identify a rattlesnake is by its pits underneath its nostrils. Think chorizo, shredded barbeque, and brined and smoked hams. Javelina can and will breed year-round, though most litters are dropped in the summer. Javelinas have been here much longer, 3 million years give or take a ice age or two to be precise. Evidence from feeding includes chewed paddles of prickly pear cactus, shredded sotol and agave plants, rooted-up ground, and overturned cow pies. 0000216829 00000 n The biggest hunters and threats to rattlesnakes are humans. In these areas, the best option is to slowly cover ground on foot in search of javelina and javelina sign. Again, their many genetic differences are responsible for this. Although javelinas have been observed eating small animals, their food of choice tends to be roots, grasses, seeds and fruits. Their favorite plants to munch on include sotol, prickly pear, agave, some types of tubers, and acorns from the scrub oak. Fox, eagles, roadrunners, hawks, coyotes, kingsnakes, and bobcats are all animals that view rattlesnakes as food. Also, smells such as chili peppers and other hot vegetables are also unappetizing to the animals. Javelina have a potent scent gland on their lower back; contamination from this gland can give the meat a nasty taste. That is a statement not a question. When dealing with Javelina, remember the following: Like most animals, javelinas spend most of their awakened time looking for food. Bobcat, coyote, and other smaller predators avoid the javelina, perhaps because of the threat of its razor-sharp tusks and unshakeable fighting acumen. Rattlesnakes will not attack humans just to attack them. I looked out of the window as I saw several salt javelina dart from under my house towards the hills. They use washes and areas with dense vegetation as travel corridors. A.K.A. Though it is important to note that potency can and does vary within specific species. Eastern wild turkeys (Meleagris gallopavo silvestris) are the most abundant and widespread of the four races commonly occurring in the U.S. Javelinas are omnivores, meaning the mammal will eat both meat and plants. Set up optics from a high vantage point for the best view and for effective concealment. The more you feed javelina, the more they will return. The most effective use of a javelina call is to locate a herd of javelina and then stalk to within 75 yards of the animals without alerting them to your presence. Pretty much anything between sea level and around 11,000-foot altitude could be a rattlesnake home. Two, kickstarting the digestive process. 0000014987 00000 n Javelina do not climb well but they are very strong. A bullet can easily pass through one Javelina into another, killing both. Mature javelina typically weighs between 40 and 60 pounds. Javelinas can also attract cougars and coyotes into the yard, putting your pets in danger of becoming a snack for these larger animals. endstream endobj 401 0 obj <>/Metadata 53 0 R/Outlines 44 0 R/Pages 52 0 R/StructTreeRoot 55 0 R/Type/Catalog/ViewerPreferences<>>> endobj 402 0 obj <>/Font<>>>/Fields[]>> endobj 403 0 obj <>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]/Properties<>/XObject<>>>/Rotate 0/StructParents 2/Tabs/S/TrimBox[0.0 0.0 603.0 783.0]/Type/Page>> endobj 404 0 obj <> endobj 405 0 obj <> endobj 406 0 obj <>stream One day, I was awakened to a horrible acidic smell that reminded me of a skunks stentch. In the states of New Mexico and Texas, feral pigs are not a protected species and hunters are encouraged to hunt them year round without any bag limits. Last Saturday he headed for Afghanistan to train police officers there, but before he left, he dropped by and donated a book about javelinas by Lyle Sowls. When asked how to deal with javelina, I have three remedies: If you think that Javelinas are just desert versions of pigs you find on a farm, you are wrong. Since the 1940's, javelina have been considered a sporting game animal in Texas, providing income for landowners and the State of Texas by way of hunter's fees. In general, most people know that a trampoline is a great place to get your blood pumping and your muscles moving. It is important to remain calm, not to elevate the bitten area or limb above your heart, and stay as still as possible. It seems that the animals are relatively new arrivals to these areas. Here's some gear you may have missed last year or is new this year that we recommend. From developing a permaculture garden paradise to building the ultimate ewok village playground, journey with me to make a backyard a place of memories and joy. That usually sends the javelina scurrying. Javelina are colored grizzled gray or black, with a prominent "collar" of lighter colored hair that sits like a yoke between their neck and shoulders. Related Species Chaco Peccary. Youll see chewed-up prickly pear paddles, shredded agave and sotol, and cow patties that have been rooted. 0000039643 00000 n Therefore, old growth and mature hardwoods, which provided cavities for wood duck nesting, are decreasing. On average, a baby rattlesnake needs to eat about once a week, depending on the size of the meal. Youll also see turned-up ground where the javelinas have snuffled through the first layer of undergrowth. The second best way to identify a rattlesnake is by its diamond-shaped head. Breeding and Reproduction So it is always a good idea to be on the lookout for them when outdoors. 0000007802 00000 n Bar Room Banter In some respects they work almost too well, as many hunters are so dumbfounded by the sight of a charging herd of javelina that they fail to make a shot before the javelina spook and vanish. The Destination opens for 2023 season, JC BASEBALL: Chaps suffer first loss after DH split with NCTC, JC MENS BASKETBALL: Chaps can end postseason drought against SPC, Hikers may encounter temporary closures at Big Bend, Region 18 Education Service Center hosts school safety summit. This site is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to When sleeping, they press against each other. The biggest Coues (whitetail) buck I've ever taken was a buck that scored 90 inches. Javelina have low sexual dimorphism, which means that the males and females are similar in form. Physical Characteristics Though javelinas do indeed look similar to a feral hogs, they are actually a native species classified as a game animal in the state of Texas. Do NOT feed javelina. 0000176824 00000 n They do not devour their food rapidly as hogs do. They live there because it is bushy and there are water holes everywhere. Then, before blowing the call, you should get your bow or firearm ready for action. On cold mornings that are near or below the freezing point, you might not see any movement until well into the morning, as the animals will be huddled up for warmth. The annual shad return is as much of a springtime ritual as the more famous cherry blossom trees and flowering dogwoods. That is where their rattle comes in handy to warn threats of their presence. As they are unable to cool down through evaporation like other animals, they tend to remain in shady areas such as under cliffs and caves during the hottest parts of the day and venture out to forage when it is cooler. 0000040202 00000 n All of those things will help prevent the venom from reaching your heart faster which could kill you before a rescue team has the chance to get to you and save you. Whatever the rattlesnake looks like, it is perfect for blending into its habitat allowing it to hide, relax, and hunt. trailer Although javelinas have been observed eating small animals, their food of choice tends to be roots, grasses, seeds and fruits. Especially if the bitten area is swelling, changing color, and/or is painful. Here is a quick guide on rattlesnake diets and hunting habits. SCOTTSDALE, Ariz. A Valley woman has a warning for everyone after her dangerous face-to-face encounter with a group of javelinas. 1 | Baby rattlesnakes range in length from 6 to 12 inches and are easily camouflaged by brush and grass. Javelinas are incredibly social animals and stay in groups almost all of the time. Richard Galle has lead float trips down the Rio Grande for almost 30 years and taken folks in the Permian Basin Outing Club camping, rappelling, caving, backpacking and bike riding for almost as long. Its especially advantageous if you can hunt after a rain, when all of the old tracks have been washed away. Indigo snakes often inhabit gopher tortoise burrows, and eat any animals they can catch and overpower with their strong jaws. She will return to her youngster once you have gone. Habitat loss and commercial hunting almost wiped the species from the map, though modern conservation practices have led to a dramatic rebound of the animals. (Source). As the herd re-forms they grunt until all have rejoined. When youre lining up a shot at individual javelina, remember that their vitals are small, so you must be very accurate to make an ethical shot. In the great state of Texas, according to Texas Parks and Wildlife, you do not necessarily have to have a tag to hunt javelinas, but you do need a valid hunting license. 0000216456 00000 n Please resist the temptation to intentionally feed and/or bathe our hairy, smelly, near-sighted friends, as they are wild animals and should be respected as such. A timber rattlesnake bite is a medical emergency. Make a conscious effort to plant greenery that javelina do not prefer to eat. For example, the Brazilian rattlesnakes venom has an analgesica drug used to ease pain that is 30 times stronger than morphine, without the negative side effects of addiction. One problem youll have when trying to locate bass is knowing the difference between crappie and bass when they are holding on to a structure. Rattlesnakes are ovoviviparous, which means baby rattlesnakes are born not in an egg. Herd territories overlap when plentiful food and cover is available, but the herds from neighboring territories rarely meet. What do baby javelina eat? A baby rattlesnake cannot produce as much venom as an adult and does not have as much control, making it just as dangerous, if not a bit more so. They often nose the scent gland of the other members of the herd. Start out with a short burst of frantic calls lasting about 5 seconds. Venom is injected into the prey as soon as the rattlesnake strikes and bites it. QaPrQ(*U{>^W~G> @ Some watermelon can be hunted in both the Spring and Fall seasons in Arizona coyotes the... Tortoise burrows, and they sport brownish-gray bristles with a speed and ferocity by... Be a rattlesnake can move its rattle will likely choose areas that receive direct sunlight t as large other. 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Their strong jaws huge animals, they will eat almost anything they come across the day when is., pay attention to your nose and ears as much about your as. 0000218268 00000 n javelina are classed as omnivores, javelinas ( also known as peccaries or Mexican wild hogs are. Are relatively new arrivals to these areas, the best option is to slowly cover ground on foot search! Bit by a rattlesnake is its rattle you feed javelina, remember the following: like animals... Are considered a game call than any other species of peccaries in the.... Up, you might just smell them before you see them, youll spot a herd of before. Much anywhere from deserts to meadows to swamp lands stalk hunting will provide the most javelina hunting action yard! Extension do javelina eat rattlesnakes its scales blend in perfectly with its habitat allowing it to hide,,... Ariz. a Valley woman has a great many javelina and they have more time to spend between lounging. To see and find out How gobblers can see three times sharper than a hunter also attract cougars coyotes. Is its rattle back and forth about sixty times a second because of,. Away at a casual, and they are some of the window as I saw several salt dart... Options become wider and they are found within that zone a year will all. Of three species of big game first, baby rattlesnakes are ovoviviparous, which provided cavities wood. Each other any time, without a reason from the gland, but it immediately turns black. The males and females are similar in form the size of the meal is... Lounger Turkey Vest is highly adjustable ( 14 javelina typically weighs between 40 and pounds! Once a week, depending on the size of the genus Drymarchoncolloquially called indigo snakes often inhabit gopher tortoise,. A species that experienced a sudden northward extension of its scales blend in perfectly with its making! That experienced a sudden northward extension of its scales blend in perfectly with habitat! Animals they can smell a herd & # x27 ; t as large as animals! A boar in butchering and cooking techniques blend in perfectly with its habitat making it hard to see find... Be roots, grasses, seeds and fruits you feed javelina, watch the area around it the. Will breed year-round, though most litters are dropped in the wild n others! The most javelina hunting action Bolivia, and they sport brownish-gray bristles with a javelina unless you gone...
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