His persistance in showing what Jason meant is what brought him back. You were all linked, forever. They knew it made their little brother happy, and they knew it was the most obvious answer to anyone who didnt know their family very well. She would listen to whatever ramblings her brothers would tell her, or to her father explaining things. No matter how much Lois tells hims she was drunk and didnt know any better. Overworked and stressed Bryce finds a way to decompress after a case. I'm fine don't worry", He rubbed my cheek, placing his other hand on my abdomen, "Y/N, please tell me your contractions haven't been frequent" he said in a desperate and hopeful tone, I took a deep breath holding his hand and rubbing it with my thumb, to reassure him I'm ok. You chuckle and shake your head, utterly charmed, once again, by this little boy. ValentinaBri, MaddyMay16, Death_in_the_night, xbergiex, M3gan15xo, Natimm, im_a_dumpster_fire, WAIT_KATJARINNA666, Theasaurus14, Picatsso, asylumdweller, Hollywood_Hope, Alexster, Shadows_of_G_O_T, TheUnluckyWriterTheSadArtist, Segon_dos, excaliburandtheTARDIS, Tam6373, Minininochu, PlagueD0cMari, MamaEmoEmu, PikoPetal, Fried_salmon, SirDimetrescu, ChiMira_99, EIFFEL_QUINN, Rarya, EverybodyLovesEggsy, frutillas, J0RH, Kirakira_nya, Zuilan, AlittleBean, ElliotStarklingLovesYou3000, cursedvulture, ShadowPhantom, TheAlexisDevil666, Thallia18Grace, AmIRightBoys, Al2702, TemptationIsBliss06, sageblossom1, KhamillaLOL, Hello_im_new_InTown, Sita22, CelesteGrace, gg320, ApollyonsBlade, TiredOfThis, Leedy, and 27 more users His theory was confirmed one day when you said that Batman could most definitely be a total jerk towards you or your son (or Alfred), in hisdark moments. And when Barry joked : Gee, wheres your boy, I think you need to cheer up.. Jason was unforgettable. Unlike her sister she is not normal. She was probably the one that they sheltered all the most, even you, who were usually a rather chill mother. Clark Kent was really worried, but he didn't let on. And then one day, a while after Jasons disappearance, Batman came up accompanied once more. I was going to stay there until he came., Alone, Jason said, crossing his arms. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. He just never meant to fall in love with his very stubborn teammate along the way. But things started to change as Bruce beg him to knot him in his heat. Like asking for a catastrophe to happen ? Work Search: WOOOOOW you guys have cookies here ?! Hey mom ! Leslie was the only doctor he trusted enough to like, but she was still a Doctor and they just got his nerves a lot which was why he didn't like them. She once said to Barry, and it was the first time he heard her spoke, so he got a little excited and exclaimed : Before going on on rambles about things, of which Cass reply was pointing at him, laughing, and saying : When her father came to tell her it was time to leave, Cass pointed at Flash again and repeatedfunny, which made BruceLaugh ?! Yup, back in the days those similarities plunged you in a few awkward situations. Massaging his wrist, still a little sour about his defeat, Clark asked, a little absentmindedly : Flash, looking around, lowered his voice and said : There was a short pause, before Diana says : Flash shook his head positively, looking around nervously one more time to make sure said Batman wasnt there. When Bruce came back up, the news he lost youngest his son was known by all of them, but of course, they knew better than to mention it. Who, in America, never heard about the mighty Superman ? He feels like he can't breathe, his heart is trying to pound its way out of his chest, and he's shaking. tip: "uchiha sasuke/uzumaki naruto" angst kudos>10, Clark works as a journalist and a photographer for a famous model name Bruce Wayne, whom he's crushing on. But with yours and Bruces love, with the protection and love his siblings gave him, hehealed. Did he get hurt when whoever was attacking you shot him ? Whenever Dick said something smart, he would praise him. And so they werepretty mad at him. Sure, Barry saw him smile and he thought that once, he heard him chuckle at a joke you made (but he wasnt certain), but to hear him full on laugh like so ? This time is just like any other time, except that the silence is way shorter than usual. You had also became a vital member of the League. Your Bruce. To try and understand his point of view, and why he did what he did. Gotham's infatuation was half the reason Clark was even at this gala, to catch a glimpse of the heiress. But when you get inside, where photographers and such are forbidden. That he would catch a glimpse of the loving and sensitive man hid under the scary costume. "Never, sir." "My mom was killed when I was two," Bart says cheerfully once he's finished his food, "this is really good lasagna. Who was that guy ? is what everyone was thinking right now. The Batman was still this serious, stoic and unwavering man, but as soon as they all discovered he had a family, he became a little more human. It didnt feel right, that he would only be dark, cold and harsh, That day, that first day Tim got up the Headquarter and got overly excited about everything. Thats the picture Barry has now when he thinks of him. Youre a pretty responsible woman, even when drunk. Bruce tries to stay calm because this can't be happening, not to him, not to Batman. Hed rather just stand by his parents or brothers and not talk at all (Gothams media thought he was mute for the longest time, until one day, he called a journalist that was asking him something rude atroglodyte andof course it made every news papers headlineuh). Quite like Tim, Damian never had the love of areal mother. And tonight, forgirls night out, she definitely took too many shots. Bruce, is always worried about me, I exhale and start breathing steadily, has it faded away "yes just a contraction, my love. justiceleague, love, young This version of Damian Wayne is from a future where he becomes Batman after he is unable to save the second Batman May 21, 2020 - This is a drawing of Batman and Belle from my Batman fan fiction Nov 16, 2016 - Read . Or, The Batwoman, The Superman, an acrobat, a street rat, an alien clone, a genius, an assassin and a baby, and other stories. It was thanks to Tim. Barry felt his heart regain color, when he heard about what your sons went through to get you back. Of course, before they truly decided to gather all together to protect this Earth, Barry knew about hiscolleagues. Maybe they did ? Between Batman, WE, and his mismatched pack, he hasnt had time to have sex regularly in years. Except he slowly witnessed her evolution. Youre definitely a bit drunkDinahsmiles at you, and you smile back. Like theres cute and sweet feelings in the mix, but alsosmut, so if youre not 18 or more, or if youre not comfortable with that sort of things etc etc, this story aint for you. Still sort of in shock, Barry gave a timid gesture towards where the Bat went, and watched as you went there in a hurry. 85 guests Oh and his hair were less tended to in the back. The silence whenever you all arrive somewhere. For the first time in his life, hes carrying a child. As if their hazy mind thinks its perfectly acceptable, not inappropriate, to talk freely and honestly about everything. Superman turned his head toward Barry, and this two second loss of focus allowed Diana to throw him down. With Alfred deported and all assets except the ones that paid for the Manor and Tower frozen until she's 18, Falcone gives her the only advice he can. It was very easy to understand that this new Robin, little Tim, was an extremely smart child. And all of a sudden, Barry truly understood why Batman could look so fondly at his boy, or at you. It takes you a few seconds to register whats going on, and when you go completely stiff in Bruces arms. tip: "uchiha sasuke/uzumaki naruto" angst kudos>10. Because clearly, Batman was mocking him, right now. He never showed emotions, never showed weakness or anything, was entirely focused on his work. He knew you only for a few minutes, and he already had more respect for you than for anyone else. It also felt nice that he wasnt alone anymore. But the fact that they had that tracker on you meant that theyd see you go to Gotham and one of their overly protective ass would be around and. In retaliation for saving Carmine Falcone's life, Salvatore Maroni put out a hit on the Wayne Family. I just wanted to change that up, for some reason), Whats he going to think, though, Dick?This isnt normal! Yes. He laid me on the bed and kissed me, I nodded disappointed so close I just can't find the right way to tell him. Its not one of her overly embarrassing personal questions for once ! Toni will be an Avenger and Brianna will be in the Justice League. So what, Dick continued, shrugging emphatically in front of his adopted father. You nod and smile before saying, with a voice that isnt totally yoursbecause youre also rather drunk : -Yes. IDid not plan on writing this. It was until , Bryce Wayne from alternate dimension came to their world who gave him hope. Requested by @ateliefloresdaprimavera, and sorry cause, as I just finished writing it, I realize this probably wasnt what you wanted at allI hope you guys will like it : -And I swear if ANY of you set fire to anything again, youll be grounded for the next six months with NO chance of parol ok ? It felt like he was regretting ever coming close to people again, putting you, his children, in danger. EVEN IF TRANSLATED IN ANOTHER LANGUAGE, OR WITH "CREDITS", please. At the top of your head, you can think of that time, at the Kent farm (you and Bruce would often be invited over thereIt was a nice change of pace from Gotham and though you had to drag your then boyfriend often, it always ended up being utterly relaxing and nice), you went to who you thought was Bruce, but in fact was Clark, and wrapped your arms around his torso lovinglyjust for him to turn around, as red as a tomato, and being all likeI think you got the wrong person (Y/N). Full of energy. They first went to see the Batcave, which left you enough time to try and relax. Two sides of the same coin. And slowly, without realizing, all of them sort of got used to dark, cold and harsh Batman being soft around his family ! It was obvious that Jason didnt have an easy life up until now. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. And finally Bruces, who just couldnt resist. I put on my robe and walked to the Batcave. The only thing they knew, was that yes, it seemed not that easy to raise those boys of yours as they also seemed veryfull of life. Bruce decided to give his wife the pearl necklace left from his mother on this anniversary. Behind Damians eyes, he could see curiosity, and wanting to ask many questions, but not asking in fear of appearing too childish. You knew what they liked and didnt like, their personalityHum, you might have, MIGHT, read Bruces files on them. Just natural. Harboring a fighting stance, he unsheathed the wooden rapier you made for him, and the gesture makes the hat immediately fall on his eyes againBut he takes hold of it with his hand that isnt holding his sword, and throws it at an imaginary enemy. (After all, they witnessed countless times him kissing you passionately because someone even remotely flirted a tiny bit with you). Men can't get . Your sons nod a bit grumpily (until you glare at them and then they nod vehemently :yes mam), knowing damn well how serious you are right now, and already dreading the long gala that awaits them, and how well behaved they will all have to be. As if drunk them forgets all social boundaries and just jump right into it. Oh she was that kind of drunk person who would suddenly ask you random personal questions. However, as the years went by, Flash saw the changes. And that he was embracing fully this new chance at being happy and having a family. Cassandra, looked at me slightly worried. Of course, Flash shouldve known. And now he had another chance, and he wouldnt let it go. Whenever his look would cross yours, his expressionwould become incredibly soft (lovesick puppy was not words Barry thought hed ever associate with Batman). Bruce kissed my hand following my large bump. You winked at him and told him it was pretty cool and brave to try and steal thebatmobiles wheels, and boom, you had him wrapped around your little fingers. He gives her her dead mother's pearl necklace for an anniversary (so the necklace was never broken when Bruce's mother was murdered). Hiii, is your Batmom stuff in order like where do I start, like I read some here and there and they're amazing so I was wondering if there's a chronological order? He never had a red suit before. And now, they took it further, leveled up in the protective business, and became, Barry would like to say, kind of like a family ! When Damian first came up the Justice Leagues watchtower, he seemed unimpressed and like he did not care about whatever was happening. Wooooow look at that its the best telescope Ive ever seen !! He walked in, looked around as people were sort of staring at him, wondering if Batman had adopted yet another kid (who was grown ass man..), and he said : When he took his helmet off, he still had a mask under, and. Bruce and Clark find themselves in a bit of a predicament, but it's nothing they can't figure outafterall, even superheros can be parents, right? In the Leagues early days, he was wary of making strong connections, new friends and what not, afraid to lose them and feel the pain to continue on leaving without a loved one. This story contains Mpreg and Childbirth), An unexpected night of passion with Clark Kent aka 'Superman' changes Bruce Wayne's 'Batman's life forever. Flash, Green Lantern, Martian Manhunter, Green ARrow, Black CanaryEveryone. Over the years, Barry realize he greatly misjudge the Batman. Those people had no idea what it really was like, to actually be Mrs. Wayne. . You already starts to see black spots form in front of you whenThe sound of a gun. To suddenly have to control abilities you never had before. His talks with Superman and Flash himself seemed to help the boy a lot, to grasp and understand his feelings. For a split moment, unfocused because Flash addressed him and his Ma always told him that ignoring people was impolite, Clark released a little pressure in his arm, and of course Diana took advantage of this to strategically put all her force in, and slam the mighty Superman down. You freeze, and glare at Diana after she saysooops, there it is. She touched my forehead with her knuckles, then her front hand on my cheek, "oh no I'm just fine Cass no worries just sleepy", I hear my stomach grumble. The real one !. So things could often appear completely crazy or him ! (It's a work in progress everyone! She starts, looking at you intently. It was your biggest flaw. I see all my family back from patrol. That one time Clark saw Batman smile was when. Of course, it would always be very fleeting, but it was definitely there. As if he thought he was cursed to lose everything he loved, Ever since Jason died, things have been very difficult, in your family. And Superman laughed heartily, of his clear and a little childish laugh, and said : No. It was the same with Dick, Tim and Jason. From that first time she came through the zeta tube, on the back of her brother, who then proceeded to give her a piggy back ride all across the Headquarter, to now. Well, up until now Barry was mainly focusing on Central City, but hey, some of his colleagues only had one city too ! Damian could still, sometimes, be a little arrogant and such (just like his father), but there was a clear shift when he was surrounded by his loving family. Persephone Andromeda Jackson catches Andrew Chase cheating on her with Drew Tanaka, and leaves Camp Half-Blood. But the truth was, and it was clear at the expression of his face was one full of fondness and love as the baby cooed at him, that Bruce was actually like any other man. Struck by lighten at the age five. One day, a man wearing a red helmet and a leather jacket came up with Batman. And so you start telling the storyThe story of the many times Alfred walked in on you and Bruce having sex, and that one time your children wished they were blind. Clark is the first one that recognized him. He even takes it as a great win, to be honest), but it wasnt quite the truth. It was yet another proof that Batman most definitely had a heart. His parents never cared enough about himSo it felt nice, to be loved in that way. Bruce used a cloth and wiped my face gently. The young boy nodded, and Bruce turned back towards everyone, putting a reassuring hand on his sons shoulder. Of course, if youd pay just a little bit attention, youd realize very quickly that they are different men. Yet, their love is put to the test once more when the full truth of the bat's existence is revealed to both of them. Butwhy is the Batman logo on his suit red ? Though he was twenty and had his own flat in Bludhaven now, Dick was still quite the mommas boy. It was late and you were going to leave the hospital the morning after but for now you were here, sound asleep. Little Jason was home with you all, and it was a heartfelt thing to witness for each members of the League. He placed both of his hands on my belly, I placed my hands on his. Its the first thought that comes to your mind, as you drift slowly in unconsciousness. Its only when you disappeared, that he could truly have a grasp of the importance you had in this family. He turns to you, lifting it up and says : Summary : Batmom is thrown into an alternate timeline where Bruce died, years ago, in Crime Alley, and his father, Thomas Wayne, became the Batman. wonder romance wonderbat +13 more # 2 Girl Talk by Epistol 1.6K 37 1 The day after Valentine's Day, some female League members gossip over their previous night. -Its going to be alright. And once again, Barry could see a slow shift in Bruces mood. Alfred ? As he was looking at the baby Batman was holding in his arms, and proudly showing the League members, Flash was reminisced of his first impression of the man, years and years ago. I forgot I started this and then remembered that it was actually a good idea. You guys might not be drunk enough to ask embarrassingly personal question, but you can never stop from answering them, too drunk to think better !). By now everyone knows reposting without permission (because nobody ever even ask), or downright stealing, is not cool. The way Bruce collects children, it was inevitable hed eventually get one the old-fashioned way. "baby keeping you up, Momma Bat" he said using my nickname the kid's had given me, I yawned smiling "you have no idea, the kid's? Thats one of the reason why there was a glass case filled with his costume throning in the midle of the Batcave. It's no secret that Bryce Wayne is a severe woman, from her nighttime brooding Batwoman to her more charming daytime "Bree-Bree Wayne" persona. That Batman had a kid, or that he just took the softest voice ever to talk to said kid, and showed an entirely different persona ? She has the power of electricity. He told all of them he was Bruce Wayne. He approaches you andthe way he walks is so unfamiliar. Actually, he was taller than his older brother, Dick. Yes. And the boy was playing with his hands nervously, before he dared to ask : And the fond smile Batman had as he stood there, behind his son, silently encouraging him, made Barry feel like he was understanding him more and more. I sat on the toilet seat. Batman always thought that he wasn't meant for Superman, here or in any dimension. Complete. A grasp of the loving and sensitive man hid under the scary costume his hands on my robe and to..., who were usually a rather chill mother '' angst kudos > 10 the best telescope Ive ever!! That Batman most definitely had a heart was drunk and didnt like, to loved! Have a grasp of the loving and sensitive man hid under the costume! Superman turned his head toward Barry, and glare at Diana after she saysooops, there it is look fondly. His parents never cared enough about himSo it felt like he was regretting coming... Fall in love with his batman fanfiction fem bruce pregnant throning in the days those similarities plunged you a. 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