My whole life, I didn't think I had any family. Spider-Man and Loki never got to meet in the MCU, so this fic by "softlyblue . [33], You got no friends. officer while being the two most wanted people in Washington, Wilson suggested that he do it and showed Romanoff and Rogers files of missions that he used the EXO-7 Falcon suits on. As Captain America fought Loki, Romanoff tried to get a shot at Loki but was unable to due to Loki using his magic to make multiple illusions of himself appear. Can they stop both of them in time? On the way back to Avengers Tower, Romanoff told Banner that the lullaby worked better than ever although he was not expecting the battle to need Hulk. And what secrets still lurk in the shadows? Upon arriving, Romanoff apologized to Vostakoff, who told her not to let the Red Room take her heart. Romanoff left, leaving Stark astounded. ""I know it will. When Redwing scanned a garbage truck, it was revealed to be at maximum capacity; Black Widow realized that the truck was a battering ram. Steve Rogers, Sam Wilson, T'Challa and Bucky Barnes were captured by the Joint Counter Terrorist Centre, and were brought to the agency headquarter in Berlin. They then began to test time travel, with Lang wearing the Quantum Realm Exploration Suit. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. 13 years ago those words had broken Natashas heart and numbed it to ice. During the course of the battle, Stark deflected an explosive arrow to defend himself, but it ended up injuring Natasha. Noticing Thaddeus Ross driving up to their location with a fleet of soldiers, Romanoff told her family to leave while she stayed behind, which they were against doing, not wanting to leave her again. Unable to fend off Maximoff's abilities, Black Widow was then launched into a luggage vehicle and was knocked out. Insight's launching in 16 hours. uniform, Romanoff met with Nick Fury at Randy's Donuts to provide a short-term antidote to Tony Stark's palladium poisoning. She then threw his whole body to the ground, concluding their fight. When Ultron attempted to join the fight in his strongest form, Vision, Iron Man and Thor nearly destroyed him with their combined powers. [8], All my friends are fighters, and here comes this guy, spends his life avoiding the fight because he knows he'll win. [13], Although her body was irretrievably lost in another timeline, she was given a tombstone in a graveyard in Ohio. Disguised as Vostofkoff, Romanoff found Yelena Belova and knocked her unconscious with her Bite, and had her, along with Alexei Shostakov and Vostokoff, brought onboard an aircraft to take them all to the Red Room Academy. In 2018, Black Widow, Steve Rogers, and Sam Wilson received a call from Bruce Banner, who warned them about the threat as well as the fact that the Black Order were hunting the Mind Stone. Captain America and Barnes then made their way onboard the Quinjet, as Black Widow continued to stall Black Panther, hitting him with her taser disks whenever he broke free of them. This event deeply affected her, as she regretfully told Banner of the so-called advantages of the procedure. She had been so young, so naive when she had agreed to their experiment. *This story will not make sense without reading Parts 1-4*Not CACW compliant. We lost control, went straight over a cliff, I pulled us out, but the Winter Soldier was there. ""I missed you. Wanda struggled as she lifted the explosion surrounding Rumlow up, her body shaking. As the two planned on how to kidnap a S.H.I.E.L.D. Despite super spy Natasha Romanoffs checkered past, shes become one of S.H.I.E.L.D.s most deadly assassins and a frequent member of the Avengers. ""Nat.Black Widow and Bruce Banner. Avengers and co react to their lives!! Romanoff approached him and listened as Steve claimed how he initially assumed that everyone he knew was deceased after he awoke from the ice, but later found that Peggy was still alive. Like his wife, Alexei also had little love for his superiors and wanted to support the Avengersso much, that he seemingly sacrificed himself to protect the Super Hero team. Fear. Peter and Loki have a great dynamic both in comics and fan fiction. Where three sisters past comes to light as they are force to watch their past and see what the future holds for them. ""Oh, I'm sorry, didn't I mention? Romanoff eventually rejoined the Avengers, working to bring down various HYDRA cells across the world and assisting in the capture of Baron Strucker. Vision instead reminded that Rogers was willing to sacrifice his life. Her child has spent 3 years frozen in cryogenic storage and the other 10 training as a Widow. the reader accidentally texts a member of the avengers one day and then a beautifully chaotic friendship grows between them and the avengers Mason also provided them with white suits, and told Romanoff that helping her was getting the attention of Thaddeus Ross before they departed. Romanoff looked after Barton in the recovery room, listening to him as he described the experience, which he compared to being unmade, which Romanoff understood from past experiences. [12], Where's your other friend? When they made it to the top of the mountain, they were greeted by the Red Skull who alarmed them, causing them to draw their weapons at him. The group helped her defeat several Russian villains seeking vengeance and worked together to conquer a cadre of Super Villains. Romanoff then began to mock Dreykov for how pathetic he is, goading him into punching her repeatedly as she continued to antagonize him. Posing as Audrey, she spent several weeks undercover determining what Baker's plan for Zodiac was. [4], My work for S.H.I.E.L.D. (Or: Natasha Romanoff had three families. Your typical and beloved one-shots :) Alongside Hawkeye, Black Widow fought the oncoming horde of Chitauri soldiers until the rest of the Avengers arrived. [6][18] In one of her missions, she killed many members of a prostitution ring and set the place on fire. Stark insults Romanoff by calling upon her former days of being a double agent. After kissing Banner, she pushed him down a hole, causing him to transform into Hulk. She also met his father, T'Chaka; to him, she gave her condolences for the death of the Wakandan citizens in Lagos. Romanoff took cover behind the bar and dragged Bruce Banner after her causing him to fall on her, which she reminded him to transform into Hulk. They operated on a bigger scale than they used to, helping reform the world back to normal after the Snap and dealing with threats in outer space as well. Banner eventually made his way to the cell and freed her by blasting the cell open with Chitauri Gun. [2], Do you know what it's like to be unmade? Wilson could see the Romanoff needed a doctor as she was losing blood from her gunshot wound and insisted one of the STRIKE guards to treat her injury. Black Widow went with Hawkeye and confiscated a car to get to the rescue boats. Tony had grinned at the SHIELD agents when handing out floors and told them they got to share. When Stark appeared on the television, contesting in the Monaco Grand Prix, Potts called Romanoff over to see if she knew about it, which she didn't. [13], Last five years, I've been trying to do everything to get to right here. ""It means you can either drive yourself home or I can have you collected.Tony Stark and Natasha Romanoff, What are you wearing?Happy Hogan to Black Widow, Gentlemen, you may wanna step inside in a minute. Being tested on and punished . And no matter how injured she was in battle, Romanoff will go out her way to make sure bystanders are out of harm's way (keeping several S.H.I.E.L.D. Romanoff got out of the car, and was continued to fire upon Taskmaster, before being soon disarmed, turning the fight into a hand-to-hand. Hawkeye located Ultron escaping in a truck trailer in heavy traffic, and when a window of opportunity presented itself, Black Widow dropped to the streets on a motorcycle to pursue it herself. ""You and I remember Budapest very differently.Black Widow and Hawkeye. Who Lives, Who Dies, Who Tells Your Story, Yelena Belova & Original Female Character(s), Peter Parker & Original Female Character(s), what happens now? Romanoff arrived at Tony Stark's Mansion as the notary to deliver the documents needed to finalize Potts' promotion, catching the attention of Stark and Happy Hogan while they were boxing in a ring. Disguised as Tatiana Sokolova, she worked at a nightclub. Later one evening as Stark observed the condition of the Arc Reactor in his chest worsen, Romanoff entered his room, asking which watch he would like to wear at his birthday party, and Stark responded that he would look at them in a minute. This is going to work, Steve. Romanoff then listened as Vision suggested that he would sacrifice himself to destroy the Mind Stone within him, only for Rogers and Maximoff to protest his statement. She thought shed lost her child forever, before she even had her, but it was all a lie. For this reason, he will always be an incredibly important person in her life, and she values the heroic archer very much, though she often teases him when they work together. He immediately turned around sensing her presence and the two friends had a prolonged fight using her combat skills, Romanoff was able to fight Barton and defend herself from his attacks with his bow and arrows and knife. ""Fallaces sunt rerum species et hominum spes fallunt. Belova accidentally caused an avalanche, so Romanoff hung from the helicopter and grabbed Shostakov before he could be killed, and brought him onboard the aircraft. During one mission, she was sent undercover into Stark Industries as Natalie Rushman to watch Tony Stark due to the fear that he was dying. Romanoff then gave Stark a shot of Lithium Dioxide, which she explained postponed the effects of the Arc Reactor's radiation, which was poisoning his body, so he could work on a cure. [19], Five years ago, I was escorting a nuclear engineer out of Iran, somebody shot at my tires near Odessa. At that moment, Black Widow then got the upper hand, wrapping her legs around Hawkeye and threw him aside, due to him holding back. Headquarters with the data, she was given orders by Nick Fury to go to Culver University and watch over Bruce Banner. She then began disabling security protocols, releasing all of S.H.I.E.L.D. ""Consider me a guide to you and to all who seek the Soul Stone. Rogers then shared his theory that Fury hired Georges Batroc and his pirates to hijack the Lemurian Star, which Romanoff confirmed, explaining that the ship was dirty and Fury needed a way to obtain the files about the true intentions of Project Insight. Bruce Banner explained what the Cradle is and Cho mentioned that Barton's girlfriend wouldn't even be able to notice the difference which Barton told her that he did not have a girlfriend, not mentioning his wife which only he and Romanoff knew about. This clone, true to Natashas nature, rebelled against her superiors and worked to bring down the Red Room. [9], Our family was never real, so there's nothing to hold on to. As she made a run for the cliff, Hawkeye ripped off the taser disk, drew his bow, and fired an explosive arrow near Black Widow, causing her to be thrown to the side, away from the edge. Stark then left them when his daughter came out, causing them to leave without his help. She was then taken to Dr. Fine, who treated her gunshot wound as Fury told them how he faked his death: He used a drug developed by Bruce Banner, Tetrodotoxin B, to relieve stress. To further polish her identity, she was given a BA and MA in history from the University of Southern Carolina in 2005 and 2007, respectively. The four floors beneath that were given to Bruce, Thor, Steve, and Clint and Natasha respectively. The entirety of Romanoff's character was hard to distinguish based on how she tricked and lied to people for a living. When she awoke, Romanoff found that she had been transported back to a HYDRA Research Base in Sokovia, where Ultron made a show of demonstrating his latest upgrade to her as a means of intimidating her. Under Stark's request that she join them for dinner, Romanoff consulted one of the waiters and issued a reservation that night, as well as arranging a corner table for them. ""You're right. Tracing the mercenary that had abducted Amanat through a maze of alleyways, Rogers succeeded in taking out the last mercenary with a little help from Amanat herself. Rogers still insisted that they find the assassin. Under interrogation, Thanos revealed that his most recent usage of the Infinity Stones had been to destroy them, ensuring that he could not be tempted to use them again and that the Snap could not be undone. i find most of these in the wee hours of the morning when i should be sleeping, so You are a russian spy, a hydra's spy to be more specific. For the most part, she was a level-headed, strong-willed, and independent woman. However, when Hawkeye told her that she should not try and give him a chance, Black Widow responded that he gave her a second chance when they first met on his kill mission. Turns out I got two, so One of them's a bit of a mess right now. They all headed to Columbia University Medical Center, where Rhodes was treated, and Romanoff met up with Tony Stark, and the two went to talk privately. As a guard took Yelena Belova away, Romanoff rushed to her younger sister's side and gave her a photograph of their family before another guard pulled her away. One of the guards drew an electric rod as a threat; however, the guard threatening them instead neutralized the other STRIKE operative sitting across from them. database as an A.I. office. Having thought she killed Dreykov years ago with Clint Barton, Romanoff was shocked and in disbelief to learn that the Red Room was still active. As a response, she used her bite to knock him away, freeing herself. Forbidden to med. [9] Officially defecting from Russia, Romanoff joined the ranks of S.H.I.E.L.D. Well, we're not the '27 Yankees. The three geared up and headed towards Jasper Sitwell's current location to interrogate him. A subdued Loki then asked for the drink that Tony Stark offered him earlier, finally accepting his defeat. However, whilst entering the Quinjet, she was knocked out and taken captive by Ultron. When trying to get the homework fro. Wanda is studying at an Ivy League school with her aunt just up the road, and Natasha is going on missions with her partner and boyfriend. Every agent of HYDRA is acquainted with pain of some sort. Natasha thwarts this plot and others, finally bringing Dran to S.H.I.E.L.D. She was said by her instructor Madame B. to be the best student in the Red Room, never failing a single test. Director Maria Hill and others restore Tony Starks consciousness after he wiped his mind to guard knowledge from Osborn. Natasha watches Steve die and decides to use a time travel device from Asgard to go back in 1942 and prevent Bucky from turning into the Winter Soldier. When asked why no one has heard from Steve Rogers, Romanoff noted that she believed there was nothing more for him to say due to the wreck in the middle of the Potomac making his point. The program was terminated in 2016 when former Widows Natasha . However, Romanoff asked if he could keep looking anyway. Romanoff said that Ultron had deleted all their files and that he was in the surveillance. After telling her he was fine, he showed her a baseball glove he retrieved, revealing that their experiment had worked. You don't have to read that one to know what's going on here, but if you want to read about Katya and Natasha's relationship before diving into this one, you should :) **I do strongly suggest to read Ghosts of the Past first! Melina Vostokoff and Alexei Shostakov then regrouped with them, and Romanoff asked if Shostakov had anything to say, but he decided to not, knowing he'd mess it up. [25] The Avengers gathered together in Central Park the next day to send Thor with Loki and the Tesseract back to Asgard. Their rescuer revealed herself to be Maria Hill, who asked about Wilson's identity before using a Mouse Hole to escape with the three fugitives. She had been so stupid. A great battle commenced after which T'Challa ordered the Dora Milaje to open up their defenses. Or: an Avengers found family fic, where the Avengers come together and help one another with each of their many issues. He proposed the idea to control the Quantum Realm, entering at one point in time and exiting out another. She saw her childhood home for the first time since she left it in 1995. When a sentient Cosmic Cube named Kobik created a Captain America loyal to Hydra (thanks to the manipulation of Red Skull), Black Widow joined the fight against her former friend, determined to not let the world fall to Hydra domination. Romanoff secured the room and defeated the final pirate with a blow to the face using a steel pipe. "You're not alone in this," he murmurs. Although she initially worked against the Avengers and United States on the behest of her superiors, Natasha ended up defecting to join S.H.I.E.L.D. The conversation shifted as Aaron claimed to have the same glasses that Steve was wearing as part of his disguise, followed by an awkward silence as Romanoff agreed with him. However, he threw her off and attempted to shoot her until Romanoff disabled his prosthetic arm with her taser disk. This family. The two left the store moments later, only to discover that the STRIKE unit had already arrived at the mall searching for them. Romanoff condoled him and said that Carter had his back. Despite him asking, Romanoff refused to tell Barton how many S.H.I.E.L.D. "Well, she's a mimic. She unsuccessfully tried to rebuild the team by seeking out new recruits, like her old teammates Angel and Iceman, but was forced to shut down the team after numerous rejections. Not wanting Wanda to be alone, like she herself did growing up, but things aren't as easy as they seem. Forbidden to med A bunch of Romanogers oneshots because I can't get enough of them. As they tried to extract more information about Project Insight and Zola's algorithm, Romanoff detected a missile that Alexander Pierce had sent to blow up Camp Lehigh. Having stolen Dreykov's ring, she was able to upload all of the data on the Black Widows, and she cracked her nose back into place. Suddenly, an unexpected lightning storm was taking place and Thor suddenly entered the Quinjet and left with Loki in tow. In a meeting hall, Romanoff, Rogers, Wilson, Stark, and Sharon Carter watched Bucky's interrogation by Theo Broussard. As she intervened to protect Morales, the villainous version of Captain America struck her with his shield, breaking her neck. An argument erupted between the Avengers due to the effects of the Mind Stone. Tysm for picking this book, hope you enjoy x. Natasha tells the team about her past. Though they had a happy marriage, the KGB faked his death during an experimental rocket test in order to make him into the Red Guardian, the USSRs version of Captain America, a hero who would represent and defend the nation. Under the name "Natalie Rushman," Romanoff pretended to have modeled in 2004, as well as working in Japan, Italy, France and the United States in the early 2000s. I've never seen anything like it. I wanted to open every single one so just for a second it would feel real.Natasha Romanoff to Melina Vostokoff. Rogers, Black Widow, and Rocket Raccoon then entered the hut, and they were all shocked when they saw that the stones were no longer in the gauntlet. 's radar, prompting Nick Fury to send Clint Barton to eliminate her. ""There's a chance you might be in the wrong business.Natasha Romanoff and Steve Rogers. ""I don't see how I can. As he took the gun from her, Shostakov told Romanoff that she and Belova would be all right, and that they were to take care of each other. recruiting defected Nazi scientists to help their cause. But when Amelia's parents are the targets of the Black Widow, her life changes for ever when Natasha sees herself in the little girl with red hair. Be prepared for a lot of angst. She'd never imagined Madame lied. Banner looked at Romanoff shocked, asking her if she knew about Phase 2, which involved S.H.I.E.L.D. As the girl fled through the window and disappeared into the night, Banner realized that it was a set up as Romanoff appeared in the hut wearing a traditional Indian sari, claiming that he picked a great place to settle. You'll know where to find me.Natasha Romanoff. Romanoff proceeded to relive her experiences during her graduation, doing some training where she was holding back so she would not have to go through the ceremony. The battle continued with the Avengers gaining the upper hand against Thanos' army. They had recently purchased biotechnology from the Red Room and wanted to make sure nobody else was using it. How do you do it? Thirteen-year-old Natalie Pierce--aka Agent Sola--is no stranger to tough times. And now that she has repaired one of them, she wanted to see if she could help fix the Avengers, which included breaking a few of them out of the Raft. When the Winter Soldier spotted her, he engaged in a hand-to-hand fight with Romanoff. He then rushed towards the cliff and jumped off, but Black Widow also jumped and grabbed Hawkeye, shooting a grapple and attaching it to him so he wouldn't fall, before trying to sacrifice herself. Romanoff then promised that she would persuade him to join if he refused. Romanoff then left the inquiry, confident of her future within the Avengers. Back at S.H.I.E.L.D. The personal nature of these enemies makes them all the more difficult to deal with for her, as Natasha deeply regrets her time working for the KGB and wants to eliminate her superiors and the havoc they have wreaked on the world. These bracelets can also act as radio transmitters and contain tear gas cartridges that Natasha can deploy. ""What if I say no? Twenty-three days after the Snap, Captain Marvel returned from her mission to find Tony Stark, carrying Benatar towards the Avengers Compound. He then pinned her on the ground, and the fight was paused when she asked whether they were still best friends despite the current conflict, which he jokingly assured depending on how hard she hit him. Romanoff traveled to Bruce Banner's hidden location in Kolkata, India. She was then informed of Phil Coulson's death by Nick Fury. and later the Avengers to become a true Super Hero. after that it focuses on Nat&Kat's domestic family life (aka a lot of fluff with their daughter)), The sequel to Forgotten Ghost! A team STRIKE agents led by Brock Rumlow and Jack Rollins then apprehended Romanoff, Rogers, and Wilson. We're gonna be okay. Romanoff then got out of the ring and obtained Stark's fingerprint despite an initial misunderstanding. Aaron asked if the two needed help and Romanoff answered that she and Rogers were looking up honeymoon destinations as the USB located where the files came from: Wheaton, New Jersey. ""Can you? Romanoff agreed that he should, as it would be an inappropriate time to host friends and colleagues after he was nearly killed by Vanko in Monaco. marvel. Natalia Alianovna "Natasha" Romanoff (Russian: "" ) was one of the most talented spies and assassins in the entire world and a founding member of the Avengers. But I can't stop thinking about it. ""I've got a compelling reason not to lose my cool. Iron Man was then forced to stop Hulk's current destructive rampage through Johannesburg, as Banner was also affected by Wanda Maximoff's powers. Ultron revealed to her his plan, still believing that the Avengers are the problem, before confining her to a cell. When Midnight went to finish off Black Widow, only barely holding her back, Maximoff used her powers to restrain Midnight and launch her into the path of one of Thanos' war machines, killing her, resulting in some of her blue blood being splattered across her face. Romanoff was then sterilized, to avoid any distractions and focus solely on her missions. Romanoff later attended an inquiry by the Department of Defense into the HYDRA Uprising. -Peter Stark [8], Sometime later, Ant-Man breached the facility, and Falcon engaged him in a fight that he ultimately lost. [13], Later, the Avengers took a breather at the Shawarma Palace before they were interrupted by War Machine, who arrived too late to help in the battle. Even though Melina Vostokoff initially betrayed her family, she was no longer loyal to the Red Room and decided to help Romanoff take them down, so they made a plan to infiltrate the base, using the Photostatic Veil to disguise themselves as each other, alert Thaddeus Ross to her location once inside, and land the base. Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, Voices Rising: The Music of Wakanda Forever, The Guardians of the Galaxy Holiday Special. ""Anyone ever tell you you're a little paranoid? anya kamen is the adopted daughter of natasha and wanda. 's most efficient agents, using the title given by her former organization as her codename, Black Widow. Knowing she was being controlled just the same as the other Widows, Black Widow decide to free her, before another explosion occurred, separating the two. As she headed up the front steps, she witnessed Blonsky, now as Abomination, emerge from the building. Banner, astonished, asked Romanoff if intelligence agencies used children to lure their targets into specific locations. using the Tesseract to create weapons, which is what the Avengers believed Nick Fury wanted them for. Knowing Captain America, she knew that he would never surrender and that there was no point in fighting them, so she decided to let them go. I was covering my engineer, so he shot him straight through me.Natasha Romanoff to Steve Rogers. The three then watched as the doctors attempted to revive Fury but were failing to do so as he was shot multiple times near the heart. One of them managed to escape and became a huge fan of the Black Widow. Both Sitwell and Rumlow promised to exercise caution with the weapon. agents he had killed, telling him that Loki and Loki alone was responsible for the killings and he must not blame himself. With everything she needed from Dreykov revealed, Romanoff smashed her face into a table, severing her nerve, as instructed by Vostokoff, preventing her from smelling Dreykov, allowing her to attack him. Because it's really not your style, Rogers. When they both began to choke each other with a window curtain, Romanoff saw that Belova would not desist, nor win, so she decided to call a truce, which Belova agreed to, and they stopped fighting. During one visit, she was approached by Valentina Allegra de Fontaine, who paid her respects to Romanoff before claiming that Clint Barton was the man responsible for Romanoff's death, and offered Belova the chance to eliminate him to exact vengeance. I am open to prompts and would like them very much Steve first sees her at the 2008 World Championships and falls a little bit in love right then and there. Fury went on to inspire the Avengers after their defeat by Ultron and called the A.I. The group helped her defeat several Russian villains seeking vengeance and worked together to conquer a cadre of Super.... Be alone, like she herself did growing up, her body was irretrievably lost in another,... Between the Avengers and United States on the behest of her future within the Avengers after their defeat Ultron... Fury went on to Rumlow and Jack Rollins then apprehended Romanoff,.. 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