Compost Assembly Bill 89 would require all community colleges in California to create a universal policing curriculum, and it would raise the minimum age for new officers from 18 to 21. AB 825 expands the definition of personal information as it relates to health care data. There is a problem with each of these four, as follows: Next I turn to the books Section 4 discussing Gun Trusts as another exception to the requirement of going through a gun dealer. Hanisee said that the committee is attempting to solve complex social and socioeconomic issues through changes to the criminal justice system. Professor Diane Lourdes Dick, who teaches tax, business and commercial law courses, joined the faculty as a professor. Obviously, NFA trusts are an important example of a statutory trust that is defined as an entity under federal law. 1305 Corporate Center Drive Assembly Bill 701 regulates productivity quotas for warehouse distribution centers with more than 100 employees at a single site. This new law defines a sideshow in California and outlines penalties for a related offense. Middle schools and high schools will soon be required to start class no earlier than 8 a.m. and 8:30 a.m., respectively. Some Bay Area localities have already increased their minimum wage above these levels. SB 389 allows customers to order alcoholic drinks to go with their takeout food through 2026. Senate Bill 389 extends pandemic-era rules allowing the sale of takeout alcoholic drinks through 2026. Under SB 241 (Umberg) courts may require a party or witness to appear in person if certain conditions are present and cannot require a party or witness to appear remotely. Even in the rare case you have a trust that is an entity, you still comply federally with Title I (as well as II), and also with California transfer laws. California Vehicle Code will define sideshow as an event in which two or more persons block or impede traffic on a highway for the purpose of performing motor vehicle stunts, motor vehicle speed contests, motor vehicle exhibitions of speed, or reckless driving for spectators. Please look at the time stamp on the story to see when it was last updated. RELATED: 2022 New Laws | Here's what's new in California for menstrual products in schools, WATCH: A look at new California laws for 2022. In what would be the state's first new law school in more than 20 years, the Jacksonville University College of Law will begin classes this fall with an expected inaugural class of 20 to 30 students. The signing of the bill followed a nationwide push for affordable access to pads, tampons and other items. General. Leg. Its so thick and so dense and complicated. Gavin Newsom signed770 new bills last legislative session, some of which go into effect starting Saturday. In all, Gov. The changes, according to a committee overview, will significantly reduce unnecessary incarceration for thousands of Californians, reduce racial disparities in criminal sentencing, and save taxpayer dollars better spent on programs proven to improve public safety.. Election after election, there have been reforms to reduce punishment and provide more opportunities for people to get out of jail and prison. The law paves the way for the expansion of Dolly Parton's Imagination Library. California was one of the few remaining states to still make a distinction between rape and spousal rape, which carried with it the possibility of only probation if the individual convicted of rape was married to their victim. Romano said ending life sentences without parole and completely eliminating the three-strikes law are changes that would likely need to be approved by voters. The new laws address such Local jurisdictions are responsible for outreach and educating residents. We also try to do a couple of demonstrations each year to help raise awareness, interest, and participation in the activity we all enjoy. I use the book often, personally and professionally, and have for a long time. Proposition 12 the Farm Animal Confinement Proposition was passed by Californians with overwhelming support in 2018. The total arrest rate also plunged by 17.5%, while the violent crime rate increased by less than 1%. Last year I wrote this scathing review of Michel & Cubeiros 2022 edition of their popular book California Gun Laws. Three strikes, life without parole, those would both need to be reformed by votes of the people through ballot measure, he said. AB 654 requires employers to provide notice to the local public health agency of COVID-19 positive tests within 48 hours or one business day, whichever is later. The law is due to take effect Jan. 1, though last week a coalition of California restaurants and grocery stores filed a lawsuit to block the implementation of the new rules. The program will take effect in phases depending on where you live. WebSB 483 is a newly enacted law that will help resentence those sentenced of prison prior enhancements. WebNew criminal laws in 2022 continued the liberalization of sentencing laws, restrictions on police conduct, and the recognition of the effects of youth and prior victimization as a All we need are these anecdotal stories to scuttle really thoughtful approaches to reforms because we just err on the side of really wanting to be punitive to make a point, said state Sen. Sydney Kamlager (D-Los Angeles), who served on the committee as an Assembly member before being elected to the Senate in March. The vote by mail ballots bill - AB-37 - requires mail ballots to also apply toward local elections. Businesses are also to start donating edible food that was intended to be trashed. Andrew was formerly a Creative Executive at Westbrook Studios. Cities can start working toward lowering speed limits in 2022, but cant enforce them until June 30, 2024, or whenever the state creates an online portal to adjudicate the new infractions whichever comes sooner. All rights reserved, Nine Amazing Southern California Animal Encounters in 2021, Fist Bumps, Stolen Fire Truck, and the LAX Runway: 9 Unusual Pursuits in Southern California in 2021, Fire Engulfs Newly Opened Restaurant in Westchester, 5 Freeway Closed North of LA Due to Snow and Poor Visibility, Pepper Spray Used on High Schoolers as Anti-Racism Protest Grows Unruly', Beckham High School Teacher in Irvine Accused of Recording Students in Bathroom. General-population inmates walk in a line at San Quentin State Prison in 2016. A new California wage theft law would make intentional wage theft punishable as grand theft. Businesses with 26 or more employees will be required to pay a $15 minimum wage starting in 2022. Gavin Newsom recently signed into law some significant labor and 2022. When compared to states, D.C. topped the list in 2022 for number of law school applications per 100,000 people, according to research conducted by law firm Oberheiden And this is a valid concern. Employers can be found in violation for: Meanwhile, Virginia also passed new wage theft laws in 2020. Previously, problematic officers could sometimes find employment in other areas without repercussions. Now, all convicted rapists must serve jail or prison time, and they must also be added to the sex offender registry. Our Club Caller is Ron Gardner, our President is Andre Blais and the Past President is Bill Shields. On Jan. 1, things will be a little different with the California crime laws when it pertains to certain drug offenses. RELATED: 2022 New Laws | Here's what's new in California for prescribed burns. The COVID-19 pandemic continued to slow the pace of governing California in 2021 as it did the year before, with the second fewest number of bills approved by the Legislature of any year since 1967, trailing only the record low number ratified in 2020. Cities and counties will start enforcing this new law on June 1, 2022. Please let us know if you have concerns, suggestions or questions. And California generally bans entities from owning guns. If a mail ballot is received no later than 7 days after an election, with the sent date of the ballot taken into consideration, the vote is still valid. As far as I knew, the rest of the book was great, and my recommendation was to BUY IT (but rip out the pages on estate planning). Previously, rapists who assaulted their partners could avoid having to register in many circumstances. This Walking Pad treadmill made getting 10,000 steps a HOKA dropped a brand new version of their most popular shoe, You can still overpack the smaller Monos check-in suitcase, Your Privacy Choices (Opt Out of Sale/Targeted Ads). (AB 583). The new AB-453 bill adds nonconsensual condom removal (NCCR) to the existing civil sexual battery statute. If required in local jurisdictions, a certified burn boss must review and approve plans for prescribed fires. The law prevents employers at companies such as Amazon from requiring quotas that would prohibit an employee from taking rest or meal breaks. GovDocs, Inc. Virginias wage theft laws made updates that include: Most employers dont set out to commit wage theft. The motion for a new trial shall be heard and determined by the judge who presided at the trial; provided, however, that in case of the inability of such judge or if at the time noticed for hearing thereon he is absent from the county where the trial was had, the same shall be heard and determined by any other judge of the same court. And SB-3 increases the minimum wage in California. In employment law, SB 657 (Ochoa Bogh) allows employers to email required notices to employees in addition to physically posting the information in the workplace. Second Circuit Affirms Constitutionality of NYs Rent Stabilization Law and Housing Stability and Tenant Protection Act: This Week in Scott Mollens Realty Law Digest. Thanksgiving and Christmas, Duringer Calls for Repeal of Morro Bay Ordinance # 644, Radio Ad 7 Sudden Adult Death Syndrome (SADS), Radio Ad 5 Duty to Bear Arms & Train Family. SACRAMENTO Governor Gavin Newsom just wrapped up the 2022 legislative session, signing 997 bills into law. The Vice President is Jeannie Mastine and the Treasurer/Secretary is Wendy Shields; the Social Convener is Mary Dament. When it comes to domestic violence and gun violence restraining orders, SB 538 (Rubio) requires courts to enable electronic filing and remote appearances. Under AB 286, food delivery apps, such as Grubhub or Postmates, are not allowed to retain tips. Before AB 1292, I designed elaborate plans to get guns into a trust via the will and/or a memo used in conjunction with a will, but this often required probate, avoidance of which is a major objective of estate planning. CALIFORNIA, USA As we head into a new year with high hopes for the economy to continue to recover and grow, 2022 has brought something that everyone can count on: new California state laws. (Chapter 409, Statutes of 2021) Public safety has to be paramount, but responding just to sensational crimes does not necessarily reduce crime, said state Sen. Nancy Skinner (D-Berkeley), a member of the penal code revision committee. The main sea change with AB 1292 was the change in PC 16990 that allowed revocable trusts to conquer death; in other words, allow a transfer to a successor trustee. In a first iteration, the bill was criticized for being too politically correct. Supporters say preteens and teenagers need the extra sleep for their health and development. email us atinfo@getupanddance.caor give us a call with questions about modern square dancing, our Club and joining our group, Facebook: Police officers must be educated on hate crimes (including religion-bias hate crimes) by subject matter experts. The new SB-73 bill allows a court to grant probation for specified drug offenses that are currently either ineligible or presumptively ineligible for probation. Susan Burton, the founder of A New Way of Life Reentry Project in Los Angeles County, sees it differently. California public schools, including colleges, must provide free menstrual products to students. Copyright 2023 GovDocs, Inc. GovDocs is a registered trademark of GovDocs, Inc. Officers can also have their license pulled if they fail to intervene when they see another officer using excessive force. The reference to delivery by law enforcement to finder of a firearm appears to be erroneous as it appears in both PC 16960 and PC 16990 and therefore is not an additional exemption. The word will be replaced with words like noncitizen or immigrant. Gov. Robberies fell 13.8% in 2020, according to the California Department of Justice, as did the rape rate, by 8.2%. AB 1113 allows the children or spouse of a nurse or physician who died of COVID-19 during Californias state of emergency to receive free tuition from any public postsecondary school in California (the UC system, Cal State schools, or community colleges). Judge Couzens has written a new article, posted here with his permission, discussing these changes: Selected Changes to California Sentencing Laws Effective 2022. The full provisions of the law for consumers dont go into effect until 2023, but businesses are expected to comply on January 1, 2022. Even before last month, California already had strong wage theft laws on the books. A law passed in 2018 required corporations to add more women to their boards of executives. The bill aims to reduce unjustified differences in similar products and stereotyping by gender; the law does not include clothing. A firearm passing to a surviving spouse would be clearer if it referred to it passing by spousal property petition under Prob C 13500 et seq, so as to distinguish it from the transmutation exemption contained in both sections PC 16960 and PC 16990. In addition, peace officers can no longer use tear gas or rubber bullets on protesters unless all other crowd control methods have been exhausted and it is objectively reasonable to defend against a threat to life or serious bodily injury., Californias penal code is now altered to make rape within marriage the same in every legal way to any instance of rape, except in cases where a person is incapable of giving consent "because of a mental disorder or developmental or physical disability," which would only be legally considered rape if the two people are unmarried. Second Circuit Affirms Constitutionality of NYs Rent Stabilization Law and Housing Stability and Tenant Protection Act: This Week in Scott Mollens Realty Law The law also requires that California community colleges develop a modern policing degree program for prospective officers in the state, to be implemented in 2025. It will go into effect on January 1, 2026, for civil trials. Copyright 2023 NBCUniversal Media, LLC. 2017 Swinging Swallows Modern Square Dance Club. (I am guessing this error probably persisted for several years since enactment of AB 1292 in 2019, but I had not bought the book for several years so I did not learn of the error until last year.) But the current political climate could make such ambitious changes challenging. The discussion on p.193 regarding assault weapons (and .50 BMG) appears unchanged from last year, to which I responded that estate planning is not simply about giving stuff away, but also training, potentially for generations, and it is commonplace for active shooters to seek high-end gun training outside of California. Advocates say it will encourage kids to freely express themselves, and with toys separated by gender, it makes it more difficult for consumers to compare products. Anyway, aside from the production problems, the substantive error (trustee of a trust) is serious and should be fixed for next year. It is best here to describe PC 16990(q) accurately instead of trying to simplify it too much. Its ideas for 2022 are ambitious, including an eventual end to the states controversial three strikes law and changes to lifetime prison sentences without the possibility of parole. RELATED: Bringing home the bacon tops new California laws in 2022. New laws will expand worker protections, voting rights, tackle the states housing crisis and more. with GovDocs Employment Law News. The objective of estate planning is to protect family in various ways, including avoiding conservatorship and probate, and planning for asset protection and family protection, possibly including incentives for training through multiple generations. One of the most significant for the legal community was legislation allowing parties and witnesses in civil cases to appear remotely through July 1, 2023. Mmmmmm. Such egregious crimes should be met with real consequences. It created harsh penalties for violations and increased employee protections. But it still happens. The ballot initiative which was approved by voters in 2018 makes metal enclosures that restrict pigs from turning around and battery cages that prevent hens from opening their wings illegal. A lot of the confusion regarding gun trusts is because estate planning attorneys often speak and write about trusts as if they are entities, when the vast majority of them are clearly not. Advocates say it could help with the states housing crisis by making it easier to add more units of housing. SB 10 streamlines the rezoning process for those who wish to do so. The law allows for humans to collect and eat deer, elk, pronghorn antelope, or wild pig that have been hit and killed by a vehicle. Skinner wrote a law from the committees 2020 recommendation report to restrict sentence enhancements that she said overwhelmingly affect people of color. California prisons now hold more than 33,000 people serving three-strikes sentences, according to the committees report, and 80% are people of color. In an effort to support delivery workers and increase billing transparency, AB 286 makes it illegal for food delivery apps to retain any portion of a tip or gratuity. 770 new laws coming to California by Emily Hoeven October 11, 2021 Speaker Anthony Rendon waves to the assembly after the close of the legislative session for the year on Sept. 10, 2021. of Deputy District Attorneys for Los Angeles County. The contentious law over farm animals -- specifically bringing bacon and pork products into the conversation -- was passed in 2018. Passed in late September 2021, the new law would allow prosecutors to determine whether an employer could be charged with a misdemeanor or felony for intentionally committing theft of wages, benefits, tips or other compensation: Because intentional wage theft would be considered a new type of grand theft, employers found in violation could also face jail time or even be sent to prison in certain circumstances. Warehouse distribution centers with more than 100 employees at a single site enacted law that help... Than 100 employees at a single site the contentious law over Farm animals specifically! Laws on the story to see when it pertains to certain drug offenses that are currently either ineligible or ineligible... Access to pads, tampons and other items by voters sex offender registry businesses with 26 or employees! Trust that is defined as an entity under federal law ballots to also apply toward local elections ;... 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