There were a total of 89 total stories. We can deliver personalized media in a way we never could before, YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki said at NewFronts. 7. Weve done it in pockets, she said of the limited commercial interruption strategy. The results: Some nets don't even fill 40 minutes of programming time per hour. The answer was always because its commercial free. !, she panted while seemingly achieving an on-air orgasm. Late night comics and cartoonists are already using them as a gag line. Joe suggests using H2O and is met with incredulity by cabinet members reciting Brawndos advertising mantra of Its got electrolytes. After causing massive social unrest and unemployment after replacing Brawndo which just happens to be the nations biggest employer. ! report also shows communication logs, and cargo manifest. The scene that takes place at St. Gods Memorial Hospital with the health care system being reduced to a combination fast food joint/casino is down and out classic for those for those who think that Obamacare is as bad as it gets just wait. YouTube Is the Second-Most Popular Search Engine After Google 4 4. Erin does her best job to put on a sad and concerned face as she somberly asks, Did anyone really have to die?. To be blunt, she told me nobody at NBC had any illusions that what they did was news-it was entertainment through-and-through. Since the legislation came into effect in 2012, commercials still seem to be louder than the accompanying program. seconds), Find your information in our database containing over 20,000 reports. Relationships get the job done. Public debt and creating money from thin air keep TBTF monsters alive. Instead, CNN whores regaled us with stories about a rich old fool and his skank ho mistress, a six week old story (with zero new relevant info) about a missing plane, the demonizing of Russia, and fantasies about a recovered economy. And, oh, on the other side of the world? Camera pans to the homeowners garage, and it shows tools hanging from the walls, and they are dry. Third, its funny to hear how they approach politics. So a 2.5 hour show should have 172.5 = 42.5 minutes of commercials. maybe its just me but, the anchors thanking their reporters each and every time is really, really pissing me off. According to USA Today, the common cruising altitude for most commercial airplanes is between 33,000 and 42,000 feet, or between about six and nearly eight miles above sea level. The amount of commercial time on cable TV keeps increasing as networks try to make up for shrinking audiences by stuffing more ads into every hour of television. The Courts are no longer willing to uphold the Constitutions provisions, preferring instead to make laws, rather than interpret them. A 30-second commercial run during an off-peak, local time slot on a local station could cost less than $100 for a viewership of several thousand. Burning Platform LLC - And American citizen-jackasses partake in the Courts fucking us over . Watching CNN and logging in all their content (so to speak) was a major undertaking. Not to forget the folks who TiVo and just skip to the next segment. 25. Get a beer. Go bid on a two dollar liposuction, you fat slob. Community radio stations: no limits. I know you can get the commercial free version of basic Hulu but the content just isn't there anymore. Tornado / Ukraine Sanctions / Malaysian Airplane, Tornado / Korean Ferry / LA Clippers / Congressman (Donald Grimm arrested by FBI), Congressman / Malaysian Airplane / Ukraine Sanctions / Korean Ferry, NOON LEGAL VIEW WITH ASHLEIGH BANFIELD, Ukraine (Obama not willing to use force) / Kerry, 6:30PM CROSSFIRE [yes, please shoot me!! Orwell feared those who would deprive us of information. There was a 24-hours news channel called SNN (Satellite Network News). about a man who acts as a human bench for an 80 year old lady on an elevator. Meanwhile, Banker thieves continue to walk free and prosper. Facebook: quarterly number of MAU (monthly active users) worldwide 2008-2022, Quarterly smartphone market share worldwide by vendor 2009-2022, Number of apps available in leading app stores Q3 2022, Profit from additional features with an Employee Account. Is there a TV that controls volume of commercials? How much is . Erin pipes in and say NBA sales dont happen very often. a top notch commentary proving she is worth millions of dollahs per year. !, Donald Sterlings many other women. Ive never seen a full show, ever, but everyone with half a brain knows that MS-NBC and Obamas Anus are fused together. They switch channels. CNN stands for Certainly Not News. NONE of these events, or any other major events, were news worthy on April 28, 2014 (or pretty much any other time). Euphemisms are preferred. NBC and Fox have seen better ratings and may be starting to realize the expression less is more may actually apply here given supply and demand trends in TV advertising, he says. . a tremendous benefit for those of us who have never had the experience of waiting in a line. 7:58 Video that has gone viral on youtube . Nothing better illustrates that CNN is basically an Opinion Station and a one-sided one at that. You want more info? 6. Some 1-hour shows averaged over 50 minutes w/o commercials. Here is the real Ukraine story on this day; Nothing President Oreo is doing seems to be having any effect, so Oreo is going to increase sanctions. A free and honest press is our last line of defense against complete tyranny. The crops are dying because instead of using water (that stuff in the toilet) they are irrigated by mega selling sports drink Brawndo: The Thirst Mutilator. All of these perks come at a high price: $15 a month -- more than competitors like Netflix, Hulu and Disney Plus. Google and Facebook hold the largest share of total US digital ad revenue, with 28.6% and 23.8% respectively. Wow! 7:45 Coming up. Some put bombs in their shoes. Shortly after in 1979 Nightline started as a special broadcast on the status of the Iran hostage crisis that was supposed to be temporaryha, ha, that temporary broadcast lasted the 444 days that the embassy hostages were held, then became by then a permanent newscast. Cute stories, dumb stories but, never really news . Even then, almost ALL the news was Old News crap theyve been spewing for the previous several weeks. Our contacts database includes full names, email addresses, specialties, agency relationships and phone numbers, and we verify each contact every 90 days to ensure you have the most current information. its really not controversial or anything we all here already believe CNN sucks donkey dick. Thats it, 10 times. Fascinating. Get full access to all features within our Business Solutions. Weve become a nation of ignoramuses where more than half the population still believes Iraq had nuclear weapons while more than half of Americans cant even find Iraq on a map. I cant be the only guy who tunes out commercials, hits the mute button, takes a leak, gets a beer, etc or fast hops to another channel and returns for the show. Then you can access your favorite statistics via the star in the header. Community-based, low power TV and digital services: a maximum of 12 minutes of local advertising per clock hour. Democracy is dying in Amerika now often referred to as the Nazi sounding The Homeland being slowly strangled by the three branches of government. Why do all channels go to commercial at the same time? seconds) Statista, (last visited March 02, 2023), Average ad time per hour of primetime national TV on cable network groups in the United States in 1st quarter 2019 (in minutes. Wow, Im sorry you had to undergo that awful experience. 20% of all families do not have a single member that is employed. A man started standing on a street corner, He spoke of injustice and servitude and mixed in a message of hope, Hope where freedom to be, remained at first no-one listened, and all passed by, then one day a young one stopped, then two, then three and asked the man of what he spoke. A. Overall, however, its a waste of time, as Stucky has provenand those commercial breaks get longer every year. Experts say adults should limit screen time outside of work to less than two hours per day. Seconds). A comment SIX MONTHS later!! Knowledge is a narrow and hard road, ignorance is a wide and easy one, and thats why so many Americans opt for the latter, much to our demise. I Googled, Why are there six minutes of commercials for every four minutes of content? and found your lovely, well-prepared and VERY well-written rant.. Most sadly, the masses enjoy it. No number means it aired just once. 40% of Americans at this moment could not come up with $2,000 for emergency needs. Corporations like Starbucks now offer handjobs as an enticement to buy a latte and Fuddruckers has become Buttfuckers the corporate satire is hilarious as it is absent from the media and society today because the joke is on us all. CNN is part of Time Warners Turner unit, which also operates cable networks like TBS, TNT and Cartoon Network. Ukraine Sanctions (9 times); Nothing better illustrates that CNN is truly nothing more than a mouthpiece for the government. There are 1.5 million fewer jobs today than 7 years ago. Any time beyond that which you would typically spend on screens should instead be spent participating in physical activity. One twit turns on Good Morning, America, or something like it, and keeps it on in the office all morning until the soaps start. Traditional TV networks show an average of 11 minutes of commercials per hour, according to a December 2018 report by . Perhaps like a fanatical evangelist, the Lexus driver wanted to set Gilberts free with the new truth, bombarding Gs mind with as many samples of the new paradigm as possible in a short trip, ultimately releasing the new convert free to go forth and spread the news; go forth little one and multiply. (And yes, I remember Ted Turner; Im just kinda hoping no one else does ) I wish ISIS would do to CuNNt what they did . Traditionally, these acts allow for commercial breaks on network (and some cable) TV channels. The least-laden shows air about 11 minutes hourly. 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"We believe that more choice, especially for more price conscious consumers,. These were mainstream black stations, like Magic99 FM, not some tiny little AM religious station where the hosts are ministers who just scream and play gospel. $349 - $449 - $649 - $949 + S&H And driving through Pennsylvania? Note: quotes are not verbatim, but accurate in their representation. Speaking of that half-black piece of garbage, regarding the 200+ folks that were murdered in the Odessa government building burning, Obama said, paraphrasing, the Ukrainian government has a right to do whatever necessary to restore order. Its 11:16AM .. turned off the TV. China Just Launched this Attack on the USD, Alan Greenspan Warns of this U.S. Scheme to Confiscate Your Savings, The Little-Known (But Legal) IRS Tax Law to Move Your IRA or 401(k) to Gold, Wall Art to Perfectly Compliment Your What is a 7 foot medium-heavy fast action rod good for? [Side Bar: On Fux Newz, Mike Fuckabee is positively enthralled with junta interim President Olegsandr Turchynov, an actual Fascist, because Olegsandr is a Baptist Minister. How many advertisements is a person exposed to in a day in 2022? A 45-minute episode of "Iron Chef" started with a 30-second commercial break, and included two commercial breaks thereafter totaling just under 5 minutes. (But, dont cry. MediaRadar helps advertising sales teams reach the key decision makers at brands. Coming up, Sterlings other mistresses, flooding in Florida, 7:23 COMMERCIALS. I dont listen to pop music much, anyway, so its not like Im claiming any other mainstream station is smarter, but WOWSERS! My hub gets all his news from MSM, but no worries he reads Business Week, as well as balancing the info by watching BOTH Msnbc and Faux and CNN. On cable, commercials are even more frequent, totalling 15 minutes and 38 seconds of each hour. In their heydays, both KHJ (930 AM) and KIIS-FM (102.7 FM) set revenue records while limiting ads run per hour. 7:02: No one noticed the jet was off radar for 17 minutes Erin waving around a report at the camera a report that shows all the names of the passengers thats why weve been reporting on this the past six weeks .. these are human beings! It is possible to run a 5 second ad but you would need to have two in each break. As Huxley remarked in Brave New World Revisited, the civil libertarians and rationalists who are ever on the alert to oppose tyranny failed to take into account mans almost infinite appetite for distractions. In 1984, Postman added, people are controlled by inflicting pain. Jim, thanks for crediting the Scheisse account. This is an actual news story. Huxley feared those who would give us so much that we would be reduced to passivity and egotism. Year to date, they are up 3 percent from the same time in 2017. The really sad part is listening to the radio. Sorry to hear about your bellyache. In an hour of scripted television shows such as dramas and sitcoms, commercials take up 6 minutes, according MarketingCharts. There is a hard part to democracy (lets not muddy the waters by comparing democracy to a republic); reading the Constitution, understanding it, living it, defending it, willing to die for it, understanding that our loyalty is never to the government, per se, but to the Constitutions principles, and when those who govern violate those principles, well, they gotta go, one way or another, to realize that silence in the face of evil may be worse than the evil itself, that Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit Of Happiness does not mean sitting on your fucking ass watching Honey Boo-Boo or the other 300+ inane bullshit programs on teevee. with their hearing aid off. Does filing a complaint with the FCC do anything? The Constitution today is being figuratively shredded, and literally ignored. lol. Two women compare the mistresses . A monstrous amount of critical information is constantly hidden from the majority of American people whose perception of reality and formation of values is controlled by the likes of CNN. I was ready to accept whatever my ride provider was going to play, had he stuck with it, but the constant changing for a few moments on one station before hopping to the next was maddening. Everyone with half a brain knows Fux News have their tongues far up Republican anuses. 36. We have somehow managed to clutter space, air, land and sea with our detritus. It occurs on holidays such as Easter and Christmas which often feature entire segments on new-shit-you-gotta-buy. Considering the first commercial did not come on until about 17 and a half minutes into the 29 minute show, that meant that 72% of the last 11 and a half minutes of the news were commercials. NBCU sits at the bottom, with 11.1. Experts who study such stuff have long ago discovered that a certain statistically significant segment of the population will actually not turn the channel when commanded not to do so. Nonstop pabulum for the masses to keep them distracted from What Really Matters. Plan for around 20 minutes of commercials during films. Second, its funny to see the advertisers who are on the white, or other English-speaking stations, advertising on black stations and how some of them try to make their stuff somehow fit in with a culture that just doesnt seem to follow the mainstream commercials. Seriously heres the link to Amazon (A must read). Theres really not much one can say about the topic . particularly to watch hour-long . Keep this fuckin post alive, baby!! Wow! I guess this shows their humanity. What is the most inappropriate commercial? I have to diagree with Mr. Thompson, the English historian you quoted (damage comes not for hiding truth, but from letting out distorted bits of it). 4) Product Placement. Review updated: Feb 20, 2023. I doubt it was food that turned your stomach Stuck. Those three examples are the descendants of todays moronic programming like American Idol, Dancing With the Stars, Duck Dynasty and the explosion of potty humor as entertainment that have made the society dumb and dumber. One nice thing happened. . And God forbid we have another airliner go down because Martin Savage will be on for a couple of weeks in a mock-up airline cockpit with an instructor pilot asking him, OK, what if I pushed that button, would it make us crash like the ordeal we witnessed with Malaysian flight 370. 20+ hours to watch, analyze, and write this article, and after one day its almost off the page. Anyway, this morning I thumbed a ride to the office with a stranger. Obama wipes his ass with it. But the other networks are up year to date, though Hodulik says it could change. 14. A couple days ago I mentioned to Ms Freud that I MIGHT want to do the same thing for Fux Newz. Takes 5 minutes to read about on the website. to which I wonder, How In The Fuck Is That Even Possible? On average 43 minutes is spent watching advertising on TV a day. Peacock will stream no more than five minutes of ads per hour, Yaccarino said, and keep guard over how often a single commercial appears to a specific subscriber (others have promised this as well . The man spoke and there was a multitude surrounding him. Most TV shows run anywhere between 10100 minutes. What's a healthy amount of screen time for adults? I have this theory. The CNN Formula; - blatant partisanship + shrill ideologically governed anchors + misleading and inaccurate reporting + avoiding real stories + uninformed speculation + fantastical ruminations + endless mind-numbing commercials + a pinch of real news = DISMAL ratings. The story on this particular day focused on the Bluefin (what it does, how it does it, why it does it, what it eats for diner, how many times it takes a shit, etc. If the strategy proves attractive, she said, CNN might consider using it in other programs. Data from the media research firm MoffettNathanson shows that ad times for major cable networks had actually been rising through much of 2018 and 2019, but recently started to fall. Best thing since rear-view mirrors. For more information, consult the Policy framework for local and community television (Broadcasting Regulatory Policy CRTC 2016-224) and the Campus and . Huxley feared we would become a trivial culture, preoccupied with some equivalent of the feelies, the orgy porgy, and the centrifugal bumblepuppy. They make a sandwich. - Number of unique stories: Basically, 5. Sanctioning murder. Im struck by the image of a train running down the tracks with some of the cars uncoupled and rolling at speed, but starting to fall farther and farther back from the train as they decelerate. The populace speaks in crude tongues, hurl insults and pejoratives at everything and berate Joe for talking like a fag because in the 26th Century even a nitwit speaking in 20th Century dumbed-down lingo sounds like an egghead it is the ultimate triumph of Sarah Palin style anti-intellectualism. 7:33 Breaking News (No, not really you lying sacks o shit.) 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed They are Speculation Newz, nonstop. Was in Orlando earlier today and was thinking Floridas air was relatively pure (and it is) but today the trail activity started big time and before I took off from Orlando it was thick and heavy. because she can be funny and seems to be a genuine person. Its full name is a parody of This Hour Has Seven Days, a CBC news magazine from the 1960s; the "22 Minutes" refers to the fact that a half-hour television program in Canada and the U.S. is typically 22 minutes long with eight minutes of commercials. I think this is why old people watch t.v. The rule for KHJ in the 1960s was eight minutes maximum per hour and no more than . One bite at a time. Model walks for designer Heliot Emil in a BURNING outfit at Paris Fashion Week, Kievs troops have big Nazi problem ex-US soldier who escaped Ukraine, LIFE INSURANCE CLAIMS CAN NOT BE FUDGED OR SPUN, Remorseful China Tries Sending Over Another Were Sorry For Creating COVID Balloon, We Are on the WRONG Side of History With Ukraine, Cattes Corner: lab leaks & brick walls, THIS DAY IN HISTORY The Siege of Boston 1776, Bill Gates -philanthrocapitalism; the illusion destroying ecosystems, Ready for War: CCPs Army to Override Law, National Defense Mobilization Offices Open Across China, Ohio Train Derailment Chemical Spill/Burn Data and info on Dioxin Detox and bioremediation, Most Ukrainian Soldiers On Bakhmut Front-Line Killed Within 4 Hours, URGENT: mRNAs jabs may have caused tens of millions of serious new health problems worldwide, a huge peer-reviewed study shows. More than 50% of television ads are 30 seconds long, while 44% clock in at just 15 seconds. 65% of all Americans make less than $20 / hr. In Brave New World, they are controlled by inflicting pleasure. and the next shot heard around the world could ignite World War III as the USA plays Poke-The-Bear with Russia. and portrayed these people in a very bad light. I became so fucking fed up with CNN that I no longer even have it on in the background. So many cool and interesting choices Ive really grown to like French Canadian Country Music channel 166, I believe. The announcement of a break is often followed by the command Stay right there. Make no mistake about it, it IS a command. Sigh. ", Kantar, Average ad time per hour of primetime national TV on cable network groups in the United States in 1st quarter 2019 (in minutes. and instead of watching what is going on in the world, he is watching (and chasing) the almighty dollar and as a result, we might have 3 minutes of news on CNN followed by nearly 6 minutes of commercials. What if I take a few million dollars I have lying around the house and start a 24-hour, commercial free cable news station that does nothing but report news stories from all over the world? That's despite years of. Huxley feared the truth would be drowned in a sea of irrelevance. I learned a few things. 60 Second Spot 120 to 150 words. With the. Great job and confirming all my worst instincts about MSM news. ), Oh and I know you probably know this already, but I thought this was relevant to CNN-,, Stuck, outstanding work pointing out out the blase that passes for network news.How your brain didnt turn to mush via viewing CNN that long reamins a mystery to me?.and BTW, thanks for reminding me why I no longer subcribe to any have TVs service. According to marketing experts, the average person sees between 4,000 and 10,000 ads in a single day. What is it called when you break your skateboard in half? It is just unbearable three minutes of news and five minutes of commercials ever few minutes. I know people who have that shit on all day. for what other explanation is there where Federal Prosecutors win 95% of cases they prosecute? Thank you very much, Herr Stuck, for your efforts. They listened until it was clear, the status as they knew it, was tipped against them. by more than 60 million. ((15 x 60 . Meanwhile . In another office I work in, another meathead walks in and promptly turns on CNN and leaves it on all day, while ignoring it much of the time and occasionally talking to himself (hes kind of lonely, so he talks to himself, hoping someone happening by will return the comment, not realizing they werent part of the original conversation. I realize Im 4 1/2 years late to this party but, seriously, NOTHING HAS CHANGED! 35. Yeah, it was a lot of work. and probably charging double or triple their normal rates. A good starting point is to look at cable TV, which has 12 minutes of ads per hour, on average. How many words is a 30 second TV commercial? Monica Lewinski was big news on the black stations this morning. They have just as many commercials, loathsome announcers, and axes to grind while providing about 8 minutes of actual (but mostly recycled) news per hour. Deal with it. The teleprompter reader errr, reporter will read something and then bring in their panel of so-called experts. We need a TBP broadcast network! . The report finds that overall ad loads have increased on cable networks since fourth quarter of last year. Well of course things go awry and the officer in charge, is ensnared by a sex scandal bringing shame and a base closure and a much longer nap for Joe and Rita who sleep until they are freed from their test chambers during the great garbage avalanche of 2505. Is there some guy in Kentucky in the market for, you know, an F-16? Amazing Stuck. How much money do you think they have to invest in advertising per customer just to sell 1 tube of broke dick cream or baldness cure or mesothelioma lawsuits, or whatever? The set limit for TV commercials on non-public-service channels is 12 minutes per hour, excluding trailers for other programmes. Judge Judy had an impact on courtroom programming, reviving the genre as a whole. [WHAT THE FUCK NOTE!!! Episodes of shows that air under the new model could have run as long as 25 minutes. Once that threat is eliminated, its truly game over. then she became obsessed with the whole 24 hour coverage when CNN began to divulge every tiniest detail. They gave coming up teasers at the beginning of the show and various points throughout. . Number One!!). How many commercials are in a Super Bowl? I have something similar at work. However, ads can also be 10, 20, 40, 50, 60 seconds or longer. Directly accessible data for 170 industries from 50 countries and over 1 million facts: Get quick analyses with our professional research service. Syndicated reruns usually have parts of the show edited out to allow for more commercials. Reviews: 81% of readers found this page helpful, Address: Suite 592 642 Pfannerstill Island, South Keila, LA 74970-3076, Hobby: Skydiving, Flag Football, Knitting, Running, Lego building, Hunting, Juggling. 19. they discuss what Sterling meant by saying skank ho gave the best sex then they compare mistresses to Sterlings wife . Is joined by three other experts (cable news experts = guys who cant get jobs anywhere else.) Some of the speakers were absolutely incomprehensible. (Video) COMMERCIALS vs REAL LIFE! MS-NBC has never seen a Free Shit Government Program they dont love. So, the question is, how can CNN meet its expenses? The latest Arizona headlines, breaking news, in-depth investigations, politics, and local community stories that matter to you. Last Sunday 80,000 people from 32 states marched against policies being carried out by North Carolina. It is a Commercial Station whereby the sponsors occasionally allows news. How much time do we spend watching commercials? You can also call 888-225-5322 toll-free. Right? Pure and unadulterated tabloid bullshit journalism. Thank you!! How many commercials does the average person watch in a year? Adjust your settings Many televisions and home theater systems have features to control loudness, such as automatic gain control, audio compression, or audio limiters, that can be turned on to provide a more consistent volume level across programs and commercials. Those. I think trends going forward will be a mixed bag, he says. What do I care what a channel runs seeing as I do not watch it? And now I have proof. The US economy, a fantasy shakier than a house of cards is based on market rigging, price manipulation, speculative control of commodities, manipulated official statistics, endless propaganda, and a currency wholly supported by puppet-states and petrodollars protected by humanitys largest ever military machine. Commercials cause sitcom half hour shows to come in at 22 minutes and what you call Full Hour programs are now at 42 minutes allowing 18 minutes of commercials and station promos Etc. You can file a complaint with the FTC online or call toll-free 1-877-FTC-HELP (1-877-382-4357). NBCUniversal has indicated it wants to cut ad time in original primetime broadcasts by 10% in the fall across its broadcast and cable networks. Youd have thought nothing else in the world was going on other than the search for the Malaysian plane. Where does CNN fit into this scenario? The really sad part is listening to the radio. Wow! TV commercials are typically 30 seconds long. No other aspect of government is that efficient. You can find this option on most modern TVs and streaming devices It's called Auto Volume. Depending on the length of commercial spots and how many in-house commercials the station is airing, availability for advertising during certain programs may be limited. Our professional research service $ 2,000 for emergency needs said of the limited commercial strategy... Has never seen a full show, ever, but here I go holidays! 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