for the, Placing the fences is not a fencing action, and does not activate the. This activates the. Place 3 usage counters on this card. If another tile is underneath the moor tile, it must also be returned to the supply. If another player plays the Chief card, you can play this card immediately at no cost. For upgrading the Village Church to the Church, you receive 2 food. Once you no longer live in a Wooden Hut, one of your rooms can hold an additional Family member. It still counts as a played occupation, e.g. Immediately place 1 moor tile on an empty space in your farmyard. In Agricola, players are farmers who sow, plow the fields, collect wood, build stables, buy animals, expand their farms and feed their families. Add 5 and 9 to the number of the current round. Each of the new spaces must border an existing farmyard space. At the start of these rounds, you can buy the animal for 1 food. Whenever you bake 1 or more grain into bread, you may pay 1 additional grain and 1 vegetable for 3 bonus points. Includes 60 Minors and 60 Occupations. You receive 2 food before you pay the costs of playing this occupation. The farmers are represented by farmer meeples instead of large discs. At the start of each round, you receive the food. If another player does that, you receive 2 food. You perform a sowing action, which you can only use for this vegetable. If you plow more than 1 field at the same time (e.g. The bits are nicer and more player-friendly; the rulebook and almanac are clear and easy to read; the setup is simpler with the puzzle piece board; and overall it just looks and feels more player-friendly and accessible. All of the player boards are the same now. Theyve already announced that a 5- to 6-player extension, expansions, and a lower price point Family Edition withoutcards,will be released later this year. You can exchange goods for food at any time, as follows: vegetables 3 food; sheep 2 food; wild boar 3 food; cattle 4 food; horses 2 food. However, you may not use the Hedge Keeper for the first fence you build in a turn. Is activated when you use an action space on which wood is placed each round. In each harvest, you can use the Village Church by paying 1 fuel to earn 1 bonus point. You can use the Clay Firer at any time to convert 2 clay to 1 stone or 3 clay to 2 stone. At the end of the game, you receive 1 bonus point for each room in your stone house. The grain that is to be converted into 3 food may not be on fields; it must be taken from the player's personal supply. The vegetables are not part of your personal supply until you buy them. Immediately acquire the Joinery, Pottery, or Basketmaker's Workshop, without placing a person. Place 1 food on each remaining major improvement on the major improvements board. The new family members are placed on top of the person that was placed on the building action space. Reviews. Until the end of the next harvest, you may convert animals, vegetables, grain, and building resources to food as if you owned the chosen player's improvements in addition to yours. You can immediately pay 1 to 4 wood to place that many fences on one of your empty fields. At the start of each round, you can mark one action space of your choice with an arrow (claim) marker. The card set was designed and tested by users of. for the. If you don't buy the animal, it is returned to the supply. You cannot use the heating stove together with other improvements that reduce your fuel needs, or with the discount for renovation to clay or stone, to reduce your fuel consumption to 0. If the other player has only one occupation, he can play it as usual, even if you pay him 1 food. You may use other cards that change the costs of a room or a renovation together with the Wood Carver for the same action. It is irrelevant how many pastures there are. You can renovate your wooden hut to a stone house without first needing to renovate it to a clay hut. for prerequisites of minor improvements. If you already live in a clay hut or a stone house when you play this card, place the clay on the round spaces immediately. A sheep costs 2 food, a wild boar 3 food, a cattle 4 food. Whenever you use a bread baking action, you may convert: grain 3 food. Includes 12 Minors and 12 Occupations. Box Insert: Agricola. At any time, you may convert goods to food as follows: vegetable 2 food; sheep 2 food; wild boar 2 food; cattle 3 food. You can only get food or fuel for buildings that you own. (Note to self: words = Occupation, no words = Improvement.). The base game of the Revised Edition included completely new decks of Minors and Occupations. and the action space "Take 1 Building Resource" in 3-player games if you take wood. The revised edition is supposed to have much better balanced cards; partly why there's less. At the start of these rounds, you receive the food, as long as you have at least 2 horses. When building a room, you may choose to use 1 reeds and 1 wood instead of the 2 reeds required. Agricola (Revised Edition) is designed by Uwe Rosenberg, and published by Lookout Games. Personally, I included the (E) deck in almost every game because it contained may of the basic, building-block cards needed for more powerful combos. Whenever you use the "Take 1 Grain" action space, you also receive 1 vegetable. Whenever you convert vegetables to food using a Fireplace, Cooking Hearth or Cooking Corner, you receive 1 additional food. The total number of sheep and cattle is counted. In each round where you finish the work phase without a special action card in front of you, you receive 1 food during the returning home phase. The WizKids expansions each include a few Minors and Occupations from the (C) and (D) decks but are mainly meeple upgrade kits (there's one for each player color in the game). At the start of these rounds, you receive the food. You receive the food when the space is no longer empty. For example, if you also have the. because of the. You may keep up to 2 animals of the same type on each unsowed field orthogonally adjacent to your home. It is generally referred to as "Mayfair Agricola" or simply as "Revised Edition". Building resources received from other cards are not. Agricola: Revised Edition will allow for play of up to 4 players either locally or online. When you play more than one occupation in one action, you can bake bread more than once too. Food is still represented by cardboard tokens. If you have an oven, you can convert your animals into food at any time. (Of course, it still counts as a single improvement.). This card serves as a room for one of your people. Only building resources that are taken directly from an action space are counted. If the action space provides a choice of actions, you may choose either. The Unofficial Agricola Compendium. This does not activate the. using the, You cannot renovate in the middle of an action, e.g. When you take this card, you can bake bread immediately. You can convert clay into food at any time. cards, 2007--2009 Lookout Games and Melissa Rogerson, used with kind permission. All extra goods must be payed at the same time. Whenever you use the "Day Labourer" action space, you may immediately afterward take a sowing action. See store ratings and reviews and find the best prices on Ravensburger labyrinth family board game, Walmart, Advanced Games & Puzzles with Shopzilla's shopping search engine. for. Whenever you use the "Hiring Fair" special action, you also receive 1 stone from this card. Agricola Revised Edition Board Game Be the first to write a review. Sheep that are on the board because of the. At the end of the game, you only lose points for unused farmyard spaces and begging cards. Once this card has been passed, the player who has it at the end of the game receives -1 point. You immediately receive 1 fuel. Of course, while youre planning and taking your actions to improve your farm, so are your opponents. After you've used the Clay Plasterer, you may then also use any card that changes the cost of a room (e.g. Discover the best deals, community, and shopping experience for board gamers. Use the returned family member again as soon as it's your turn again. You receive this food before you use the Puppeteer. Bonus points from other cards, such as the. All the animals on this card count as yours when animals breed. Areas of one or more unused farmyard spaces that are completely surrounded by fences or rooms are now automatically pastures. You receive all benefits, except for those for playing the card and those at the end of the game. Is also activated by the action space "Take 1 Building Resource" in 3-player games if you take clay. You receive 2 food immediately. Wood does not count as fuel and grain does not count as food. However, a major difference between the two are the Minor Improvement and Occupation cards and how their decks are organized. Any other player that uses the "Take 1 Grain" action space must first pay you 1 food. Whenever you use the "Day Labourer" action, you also receive 1 stone. Whenever you use the Plough Field action or the "Slash and Burn" special action, you can immediately place 1 additional field tile on an empty farmyard space. Later, there were expansions that grouped some of the existing decks together. Whenever stone is taken for the first time in a round, you may give the player who takes it 1 food in exchange for 1 of the stone. You may not remove fences from your farm. You can no longer keep animals in it. Uwe Rosenberg is known for many other popular modern board. If you also have the. If the Well has not yet been built, you can immediately place it under the Village Church. Guide your family to wealth, health and prosperity and you will win the game. It is not allowed to use an empty accumulating action space such as "3 Wood", not even if it activates other improvements or occupations. For each wild boar that you convert into food, you can place up to 2 wood from your personal supply on this card. When you play this card, you receive 1 vegetable. You may not exchange 1 wood or 1 clay for only 1 stone, or exchange 1 wood and 1 clay for 2 stone. After you play this card, pass it to the player on your left, who adds it to their hand. In addition, you receive 1 food from the general supply. Agricola has been one of my top-3 games ever since I first played it in 2008 and I have played it hundreds of times. GET RESOURCES, EXPAND YOUR FARM, GROW AND FEED YOUR FAMILY TO GET THROUGH THE COLD WINTER! for requirements, only the top tile on a space is counted. not even when you took the first reeds yourself. Is also activated when you receive grain from occupations and improvements, e.g. Agricola (board game) Agricola is a Euro-style board game created by Uwe Rosenberg. You may use this card only once per action. Immediately look at the top 3 cards of the round card deck, and return them face down to the top of the deck, in any order you choose. At the start of each harvest, shuffle all the start cards and draw 1. [, The Horse does not count as an animal for prerequisites of minor improvements. Once in play, this card does not count as an occupation for any purpose. and by the "Sheep, Wild Boar, or Cattle" action space in the 5-player game. Until you do, it is not part of your personal supply, and does not count for e.g. with a plough), you may only take grain from previously existing fields that contained grain before you started ploughing. Whenever you use a bread baking action, you can use the Beehive Oven to convert up to 1 grain into 4 food. If a farmyard space contains 2 tiles, only the topmost tile counts for this card. You can use the animal action space with your first or second family member. That space cannot be used to hold anything now, but is counted as used, and is worth 1 additional bonus point at the end of the game. At any time, you can exchange reed for other building resources. Whenever you sow 2 fields, place 1 extra good on each. If you pay 1 fuel, you receive 1 more additional wood. Place, alternately, 1 fuel or 1 horse on each of the next 7 remaining round spaces, beginning with 1 fuel. The animals that the Animal Tamer allows you to keep in the house replace the usually allowed 1 pet (so if you have 3 rooms, you can keep 3 animals in your home, not 4). When a room is built next to a field that has already been sown, you do not get additional goods until the next time you sow the field. When you rebuild the fences, you must use the same number of fences. This document is based on the German second edition of the game. You place up to 3 food from your personal supply next to each other on this card, and pile additional food from the general supply on your own 1--3 food markers. Place 1 wood on each corresponding round space. Whenever you take the special action card with "Slash and Burn" and "Cut Peat", and take one of these special actions, you can take both of these special actions (in whichever order you choose). You must follow the rules for fence building. Updated and streamlined for a new generation of players, Agricola, the award-winning and highly acclaimed game by Uwe Rosenberg, features a revised rulebook and gameplay, along with wood pieces and components for up to four players. At the start of each round, you may place 1 wood on this card if you have zero wood in your supply. When you take this card, you can also bake bread immediately. You can keep up to 2 horses in an unused farmyard space adjacent to your home. Pay 1 reed less to build each room, for each renovation, and for each of the Water Mill, Half-timbered House, Chicken Coop, Holiday House, Mansion and Corn Storehouse. Help the community understand how complex this game is. Required fields are marked *. Because each action on the board can only be taken once each round by just one player, you constantly have to adjust your priorities and tactics accordingly. After you play this card, pass it to the player on your left, who adds it to their hand. Whenever you use an action of a person to take wood or clay, you also receive 1 additional clay. Is used during the harvest at the same time as the. If you already have 5 family members, you can use the guest to play a round with 6 actions. [, If you build free fences in another way (e.g. Download Free PDF View PDF. After you play this card, pass it to the player on your left, who adds it to their hand. You place your people after all guests of other players, including the one from the, The most recent round card is always the one corresponding to the current round, even if the. builds a stable as well as a room, or plays an improvement as well as renovates, you cannot do that action as well. You'll get a notification when this game's price falls below the amount you set. Whenever you use the "Cut Peat" special action, you can place 1 fence from your supply on the emptied farmyard space. At the start of a round, if you have no building resources, you may take 1 building resource from the general supply; if you have no food, you may take 1 food from the general supply. Whenever you take any family growth action, you receive 1 food for each of your farmyard spaces that contains a forest tile. Choose up to 2 forest tiles, and place 1 additional forest tile on top of each of them. Each entry in this list contains the card text, the clarications given in the appendix of the rulebook (where available), and a number of additional rulings. with the. The appendix includes a list of variants, with credits to the people who came up with them, that you can try for more variety. I love that you can see games being played on the tables in some of the room tiles, namelyAgricola and Patchwork. Return the 1 or 2 animals to the container. If you havent, the generic bits probably werent a problem for you. You determine the 2 farmyard spaces immediately when you play this card (and cannot change this choice later), but you have to take a sowing action to actually plant the grain or vegetables. Speaking of variants, thats another nice addition to AgricolaRevised Edition. You may use other cards that change the costs of an improvement, room or renovation together with the Bricklayer for the same action. You can only use the covered moor tiles once you have removed the forest tiles with the "Fell Trees" special action. You have to perform a regular action on the action space; fence building is optional. The markers on this card are not part of your personal supply. If you receive 2 new family members at once with. At any time, you can convert goods to food as follows: vegetables 3 food; sheep 2 food; wild boar 3 food; cattle 4 food. The Stone Oven and the Heating Stove swap places. For every 2 sheep that you have in the field phase of each harvest, you pay 1 fuel less to heat your home in the feeding phase of that round. Unlike the original (EIK) decks, however, they are not scaled by complexity. Food that you receive at the start of a round can be used to pay for the fences immediately. At the start of these rounds, you receive the stone. Further, some decks couldn't even be played alone, such as the (Z) Deck that only contained 12 Minors and 12 Occupations so it had to be mixed with other decks to have sufficient number of cards for each player. Is activated by any fence building action, including e.g. You have a field phase (harvest phase 1) after each round, except that outside a regular harvest the. You are allowed to pay stone for any other building resource. because of the. [, Cards that change the costs of minor improvements, such as, Playing the Stone House Extension counts as building a room, and activates e.g. Food that you receive at the start of a round (e.g. After you play this card, pass it to the player on your left, who adds it to their hand. At the end of the game, it is worth only half a point, but it can (like other horses) be converted into food with an appropriate improvement. All future family growth is carried out as normal. At the start of these rounds, you receive the food. This activates e.g. The space does not count as a pasture while there is still a tile in it. Playing the Academic counts as 1 occupation for the. But aside from that, some decks simply didn't play well with others. However, Agricola also uses the term "deck" as a way of grouping the Minor Improvement and Occupation cards into expansions and themed sets. with. For the cattle on this card, you receive: 4 or more cattle, 3 points; 3 cattle, 2 points; 2 cattle, 1 point. Farmyard spaces with fences also count as used during the game, e.g. Place 1 wood on each remaining even-numbered round space. Cookie Notice Is optional, but if you choose to add grain, you have to add them to all your grain fields, and if you choose to add vegetables, you have to add them to all your vegetable fields. When you acquire the Basketmaker's Workshop or play the Basketmaker, you receive 3 reed. Is activated by the action space "Take 1 Building Resource" in 3-player games if you take stone. Tried using harpooner on fishing did not trigger for me to pay the wood for food. You can exchange an animal that comes directly from an action space or from an improvement or occupation, without having to make room for it in your farmyard. When these improvements are acquired, you receive the food. 9.0 (2010-12-17) This is a complete list of minor improvements and occupations in the game Agricola. Pay the food before receiving the grain or vegetable. If you build a room after the Lover has had offspring, the offspring occupies the new room. You receive the bonus points immediately when you play this card; write them done on the scoring pad. In each harvest, the Potter can convert up to 1 clay to 2 food. The food for the dog must be paid during the feeding phase of the harvest. Is not activated when someone uses the "4 Wood" action space in the 5-player game. You may not create an unconnected pasture in any other way with this card. The grain that you pay to play this card may not come from a field. You may use other cards that change the costs of a room or a renovation together with the Brushwood Collector for the same action. The Animal Dealer is not activated by using this space. Each pasture (with or without a stable) can hold up to 2 more animals. When you play this card, you can convert as many animals to food as you have family members. In addition, as each deck's main expansion was released, it became the sanctioned tournament deck for that year: (A) was tournament-legal in 2018, (B) was in 2019, (C) was in 2020 and (D) was in 2021. The second marker of the same type has no effect. In general, new decks were given their own names and letters. You must pay the costs of the new improvement and, where appropriate, meet the conditions for playing it. You may not use the Paddocks to fence unfenced farmyard spaces. You may play major improvements with the Scholar. This card does not count as a field when scoring. Whenever another player bakes bread using this space, you receive 1 food from the general supply. We look into some of the best solo war board games. Agricola 15th Anniversary Edition Board Game | Limited Edition | Farming Game for Adults and Teens | Advanced Strategy Game | Ages 12+ | 1-4 Players | Avg. The Clay Oven, Stone Oven and Wood-fired Oven cost you 1 building resource (of your choice) less. Whenever you use the "Cut Peat" special action, place 1 fuel and 1 food from the general supply on the emptied farmyard space. In the feeding phase of each harvest, only 2 of your people eat 2 food each; all others are satisfied with only 1 food each. If you don't place the tile in your farmyard, it is returned to the general supply. Baking improvements are improvements with a baking symbol. In a 1-player game, you can only build the Outhouse if you have fewer than 2 occupations yourself. Add 1, 5, and 9 to the current round. If you use the Jack-of-all-trades during the harvest, the effect of the occupation you choose lasts until the end of the current harvest phase. After you play this card, pass it to the player on your left, who adds it to their hand. That player receives 2 food from the general supply. Whenever you use the "Take 1 Grain" action space, you can take an additional 1 grain and 1 vegetable. Whenever you use the "Fishing" action space, you receive 1 additional food. Whenever you convert wild boar to food, you place the boar on this card. Place 1 stone on each of the spaces for rounds 8, 10, 12, and 14. For example, you may use the "Build Rooms and Stables" action space to build both a room and a stable. But, of course, it's not that simple. You must pay 2 food for an adoptive child at harvest time, even if it was adopted just before the harvest. The Stone Buyer cannot interfere when stone is taken for the second or third time in a round. This costs 1 food per person. Many of these rulings are based on . Agricola (Revised Edition): Farmers of the Moor (Expansion) 1-4 players (4.0) 3 . At any time, you can convert grain to 2 food (without having to bake bread). Well, I eventually did and now have two sets of nearly identical games. Positive (bonus) points on some cards do not compensate for negative (bonus) points on other cards. Help create a better connected game database and link to an expansion to this game. While all of the decks were technically compatible with each other, no one in their right mind played them together at once. You may use this food at any time. Grain fields are fields on which there is at least 1 grain marker. Players may not convert more than 1 animal and do not need to have a cooking improvement. I missed the reference cards provided in the original game until I noticed the scoring chart detailed on the puzzle extensions. Actions to improve your farm, so are your opponents help create a better connected game database and link an... Trigger for me to pay the costs of a room ( e.g can exchange for... The vegetables are not scaled by complexity guest to play this card ; write them done on the space! Receive grain from occupations and improvements, e.g food before you started ploughing I eventually did and now have sets. Again as soon as it 's your turn again of large discs that grouped of! Space to build both a room ( e.g space in the middle of an action space `` 1... 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